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Posts posted by tgokovenant

  1. I dont think upgrading your laptop's ram would be sufficient. sadly laptops allow for very little wiggle room when upgrading and I think it might be more gpu/cpu related instead of memory. Honestly though, if you see yourself playing PC games for awhile, I suggest investing in a desktop. If you build it yourself (building a computer is no where near as hard as it sounds), you can make one pretty cheap that will run most games on high/ultra.



    There ya go man. And I would suggest, if you're short on cash, go with an amd processor. They cost way less, but I have had both amd and Intel systems and never encountered a problem. If you've got cash to burn, however, then go with an Intel core i7. Intel CPUs generally perform better on benchmarks than amd. Watch the tutorial videos at the link above and you'll see that building a PC is really quite simple. And will run you about 500 bucks, as compared to an equivalent, prebuilt system that will run you about double.

  2. For healer, definitely try the sith sorcerer or Jedi sage. I have a sage healer, and it's a great class. The sage or sorc have attacks that do damage at 30 meters, and they can also be specced for DPS. As far as cartel coins go. I'm a big fan of the anytime respec that you can unlock from your legacy menu. I use it on my assassin as i DPS for levelling and tank instances. The same thing goes with my sage. DPS for levelling and heal for instances. Also makes finding groups take 10 seconds instead of hours.
  3. I have to say that since I switched from shadowlands to the ebon hawk, I've noticed that rp players are more patient because they are in fact in it for the story. I've still encountered a couple groups where 1 guy is pressuring everybody to spacebar through. I generally just ask people at the beginning which pace they want to play. I generally do each flashpoint 2 or 3 times while levelling for the xp and gear, and I just make sure I set enough time aside for myself to do that with story. I also take the time to explain combat roles to brand new players. It's just more enjoyable for me that way, and I've found a lot of like minded people on the ebon hawk, and my guildies are great too. Take your time and search for a guild. That's the best advice I can give, and it makes the game way more enjoyable. Never have to deal with randoms ever again. Not to mention the obvious perks of a guild bank, and guildies crafting armor for you.
  4. I spend quite a bit on gaming in general. I have a new PC in progress and swtor has seen a lot of my cash over the past few months

    Subscription and cartel coins together, I've spent over 100€. That's a lot for me, since this is my first game subscription, although I also had a subscription to DC universe for a month but decided I didn't care for it. Considering giving wow a shot. The battle chest is 10€ on amazon and comes with 1 month free sub. As soon as I'm done building my new PC, I'llbe spending a lot though. Thankfully, steam always has sales :D

  5. I'm waiting for 2.2 to make any definite decisions. I'm not interested in either changing my looks, or rolling a Cathar, so not much to say on that. I'm quite disappointed with the color pack system, but that's also a bit "meh". I'm more interested in game functionality. There are a lot of issues that need fixed. Basically I'm hoping for a lot of these fixes in 2.2. BW said that 2.2 would be all game, and nothing to do with the CM. We'll see I suppose. But I gotta say, if they keep putting the CM ahead of game functions, then THAT is a deal breaker. With my 15$ a month, and the >7k CC I've bought in the past few months, I want to know that my money is going towards something. Even with a new rig, that runs tomb raider on ultra, with tress fx, at a constant 60fps, swtor has gfx lag. They need to fix that. Seriously. THAT is what's important to me. I support this game because I love it. What they do with the CM doesn't interest me, as long as they fix bugs.
  6. Hood toggles

    Chapter 4

    New side missions

    Bonus string on all levelling planets

    Group finder for heroics


    New planet

    Open world space exploration

    Different engine. idtech 5 would be perfect, something that is made for open world games

    New classes and abilities

    New ops and flashpoints

    Higher level cap to accommodate chapter 4 (70?)


    Will have to put more thought into this. But this stuff is off the top of my head. I would pay a full expansion price for these things.

  7. Well you won't be able to play the new content until after lvl 50, but it does unlock other things that you can use right now. It gives you a new title "Scourge of the Hutts", a pet that follows you around, and the best thing ever, a pocket holo hutt that acts as a trainer. So when you level up, you don't need to travel to a trainer anymore, just pop out Dr. Oggurob or whatever his name is. I don't think I'll ever be able to live without that feature again. And everything you unlock is account wide. So all your characters, on all servers, present and future, will receive this stuff in the mail. :)
  8. Honestly though, the easiest way to make credits is gathering and selling on the gtn. And the easiest way to get really nice, orange armor, is to do flashpoints. I've got my assassin in full orange gear after doing black talon and hammer station a few times each. And the planetary comm limit is 100, which is plenty to upgrade all mods and armorments. You generally have enough commendations every 3 or 4 levels. Mobs have been dropping them left and right. Even trash mobs. I always choose commendations for mission rewards, unless they're also offering good armor for my companion. My companion is in fairly up to date greens, which is perfectly fine. I got lucky when I started playing, my best friend had been playing since beta and was able to explain everything there is to know. If you join a nice guild, then you'll always have support from your guildies, as well as access to the guild bank where you can possibly withdraw credits, armor, mods, depending on how your guild manages that. Some guilds only allow lieutenants to withdraw, for obvious reasons.
  9. It's also not too late to get your crew skills levelled up. Once you start gathering grade 2 crafting materials, you can start making some good money on the gtn. In the last 2 days, being lvl 21, I've made over 300k credits on the gtn. I do archaeology, investigation and treasure hunting. Making good money on power crystals, color crystals, and from treasure hunting, gems sell pretty well. I've also heard that materials found using bio analysis sell well. Just make sure that you check the gtn before selling something to find out how much they're selling for. Set all your sales to 2 days, and good to go. A lot of crafting mats have become kinda rare with the 2.0 update, so they're selling like hot cakes on the gtn. It's a beautiful thing. Also what server are you on? If you're on the ebon hawk, I can give you a hand. I help people quite often, especially new players, with hand me downs and stuff.
  10. I really think that they should add in full same sex story lines, and also at the beginning, when you're creating your character, have you select sexual orientation. Homosexual, hetero, or bi. That way if you play a male toon and don't want the option of hitting on male NPCs or romancing a male comp, you can just set your toon to straight. Or if you roll a female toon and want to flirt with everybody, roll bi. Or vice versa, or however you want. Hell maybe as a sith warrior, you could have a love triangle going on between vette and Quinn. Now that would be funny, especially if vette and Quinn argue at some point.
  11. You are slightly mistaken here. Cather, Appearance Kiosk, etc, are NOT content, they are fluff. Playing Cathar or changing your face does not affect your gameplay in any meaningful way. Patch 2.1 is going to be a "Cartel Patch", but in a month after it, you will get Patch 2.2, which is supposed to be not focused on Cartel items.

    Oh, and BTW, Cathar are basically free for Subscriber with Security Key (they cost 600CC, which is exactly what one moth+key gets you). If you do not want to play Cather, do not buy them.



    And also, you don't even have to buy the physical key to get it. Just download the free app and sync it to your account, wham bam 100 extra cc a month for 2 minutes of your time.


    Me personally, I am perfectly happy with what I get as a subscriber. I started playing this game as F2P and I gotta tell ya, I felt so gimped, especially without the sprint ability on a new toon. Trust me. Let your subscription run out and start a new alt as F2P, by level 10 you'll be itching to hand over that 15 bucks. I understand the op's stance though, since he's coming from a full sub model game, but this is not wow, bioware/ea are not activi$ion/blizzard. And for the most part, they have been pretty open about the cartel market, and how it affects us subs. In the end, nobody is forcing you to play.

  12. My first tank was my juggernaut and I think it's an easy one to start out with. And by reading a few guides on tanking and playing lots of flashpoints, you get really good at it fairly quickly. Once you're good on tank mechanics, you can pretty much be effective with any tank class, although it took me a little while to figure things out with my assassin. My personal recommendation is juggernaut or guardian with full left tree spec (immortal tree for jugg) and somewhat up to date guardian mods in your armor as you progress. Tanking is a lot of fun once you get the hang of it and with the soldier class tanks, you have no light saber. Ya gotta have a light saber! :D
  13. For my sith juggernaut I just got ahold of a custom shield generator and all custom armor full of the highest guardian mods that my level is allowed. Then I'm placing all my skill points in the immortal tree (not sure what it's called for the Jedi). Anyways, whenever I max out my planetary comms, I go upgrade the mods in all my armor, shield generator and saber. Playing flashpoints, I find that I'm quite indestructible, even with a bad healer. I think you don't really need to worry about the exact stats til endgame. For all the lower level stuff, just having fully up to date gear is more than enough. Gotta make sure to have a good DPS companion and keep their gear up to date too, otherwise it takes too long to kill things. With a full tank spec, you don't do a whole lot of damage compared to a DPS class.
  14. I was asking him to explain further because some artifact weapons could have an augment slot, but no slots for hilt, mod, etc. There's no need to be rude because he's asking a question. This is the newbie forum, not the "you should know what you're doing" forum.


    RbMo: if you can't add hilt, mod, or enhancement, then I'm guessing it doesn't have the slots for it, or the mods you're trying to install are too high level for you. Does the saber have an orange outline around it in your inventory? And when you hover your mouse over the mods, what does it say in the tool tip?

  15. Red Eclipse Republic side, I think we have like 5 huge russian guilds... I dont have anything against russians, but them thinking they have the right to take over the server and exclude all other people with talking in russian all the time is just annoying as hell. I thought of switching server because of that so often now...


    Come over to the ebon hawk man. The connection isn't as bad as you might think, with all that distance. I'm located in Germany and average 90-100ms ping. But the ebon hawk is a friendly server and everyone speaks English ;)

  16. I would personally love to see ewoks as a dwarf class, and the first companion unlocked could be a wookie. It would have to include the home planet and everything of course. Would make a great expansion. Jawas would be great to see as a playable dwarf race as well. But I think before any of that, we would definitely need a few hundred yodas running around :D
  17. Does anyone really wonder why the question wasn't: When taking out the Imperial scum, what Republic class do you play?


    This just shows me once again that all at BW are favoring the Imp side. :rolleyes:


    And rightly so! :D


    My assassin is my pack mule at the moment. I made her to look almost exactly like my wife (without ds corruption shown ofc), and they have similar attitudes Haha! And my assassin owns.

  18. Yeah I was actually very disappointed with the romance in this game. The voice acting is so funny and well done everywhere else in the game, but when it comes to romance, it really seems like they phoned it in. And I understand not showing nudity. That makes perfect sense to me, as this game is not rated M. It just seems they could have made it way better. Also as a female toon, not being able to romance vette? Unfair I tell you lol.
  19. I totally agree with the Topic Starter. Just an example from 2 hours ago: I joined a random 55 fp and got told to leave because I was wearing Basic gear, which wasn't pretty enough for me fellow groupmembers. My server is full of snobs, and people don't even care to speak in english. Chat is mostly just russian... totally retarded.


    What server are you on? That sounds incredibly annoying.

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