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Everything posted by Azarai

  1. Thousands? I thought when this game launched there was 2 million players, now it can barely float 500k.
  2. Yea Ilum was redesigned as a desolate wasteland, they took the PVP weekly out of it and now we travel there to gank carebears who sit in lines during the Gree event to turn in their orbs when they have it open. Awesome job. And TWO new maps? We've had 2... COUNT THEM 2 maps added to PvP since the game launched.... And that's okay with you? If there were only TWO operations/HM's added since the launch of the game, you think people who do progression raiding wouldn't be on these forums absolutely losing their minds? Give me a break... You know what I want? I want a ranking system for Ranked WZ's, not just sit by idly and let it die like they did with Ilum and all of OWPvP, seeing as people have paid a helluva lot of money to transfer from PvE servers and such to Po5/Bastion for an actual ranked scene. The start of an actual season, seeing as 1.3 we started Pre-Season and we are STILL in it. Class balancing that comes along more times than Haley's comet goes passing by. This 'give them a bone once a year' **** is getting old and Arenas isn't gonna cover up the crap job they've done so far.
  3. 2.0 = a new planet/level cap/new HM's for 55's/new operation ALL centered around PvE except the level cap because you could do wz's non-stop and take you a helluva long time to reach 55 PvP = we got rid of bubble stun finally and some tweaks to class balances/a new move... yippee 2.1 = customization, a wash for both 2.2 = NMM for operations and PvE gear 2.3 = MORE 55 HM's and a companion, big whoop for pvp 2.4 = oh yea, another operation and pvp FINALLY gets something... Arenas So let's take a look at the timetable: Since December when we got the new craptastic AH map, up until October-ish which is when you all plan on releasing this oh-so big PvP patch, we've gotten 1 map, a new skill, some re-balancing (if that's what you want to call it), and you have the NERVE to question why people who PvP are so damn pissed? Why don't you all just give us the finger and tell us to go jump off a cliff somewhere, at least then we'd know your true stance because at this rate I don't know if you all actually don't care or are just full on retarded when it comes to dealing with this aspect of the game and your customers.
  4. rofl rofl sorc may be = to merc dps but it is in no way greater, and nobody is even remotely debating a sorc healer to a merc healer In fact, merc dps does a much better job of being a dps off-healer in a pinch because of their ability to get instant heal procs after 3x tracers and kolto bombs, that absolutely annoying electro-net, and better defensive mitigation (heavy vs light armor is a nice upgrade). A major difference is sorcs lend itself to a heavier aoe build while mercs are best at helping blow targets the **** up and putting armor debuffs on a wide range of enemies. But in no way will you be hurting yourself by bringing a skilled merc along in place of a skilled sorc. Just don't try to use either to replace a sniper or you will notice a difference
  5. Troll begone Grav/tracer spam is absolutely viable and is usually preferred over sorc dps as the second ranged class on a rwz team. So sorry you haven't figured that out or get invited to do ranked wz's.
  6. Oh yes because the initial spike/maul followed by a full 7k discharge/6k shock with a possibility of a second weaker shock then an assassinate is a terribly difficult combination of moves to pull off. And then 10 secs after that spike you can low slash/maul all over again for a possible 7-10k. While I continue doing shivs/lacerates and hoping to god I don't get taunted or some smasher doesn't go winding up to bury me face first in the dirt. Seeing as an Op is squisher, has fewer DCD's, has fewer big hitters, and is all around sub-par to anything an assassin can do. Thanks for showing your ignorance though, it's nice of you to pop in and show us low-level pvpers that we know nothing about our class or the other one that rofl-stomps us in WZ's.
  7. Hi!! Look here please and stop ignoring us for the last month and a half!!
  8. Azarai

    Operative PvP Video

    Cause he's attacking people with no gear or are half AFK. Most concealment/scrappers could make videos showing kills of solo guard derpers with 25k HP which is all fine, but please take that into a RWZ and fight at mid or better yet try and take out that 39k HP Shadow/Sin that's guarding their off-node. Won't. Ever. Happen. BW hates the class and not only is it too squishy but it's also absolutely reliant on stealth which is broken when it comes to defeating an opponent and going back into it. Every little thing keeps you from going back into stealth which completely destroys our dps.
  9. You got that right, similar in the fact that nobody plays those specific specs because they suck balls
  10. Ummm... Not even remotely close. Ever heard of Demo round/Heatseeker Missiles? I have cause I've seen quite a few hit 10-12k to debuffed targets and have had my own face smashed in by them a few times. And TK/Lightning Sorcs easily hit Thundering Blasts with the followthrough proc for well over 9k if even remotely geared, and even without it easily hits 7k and is an auto crit. The entire Pyro spec is garbage, and if you even REMOTELY are trying to call PT's a ranged class, you may want to go back to the drawing board. I heard those rapid shots are PEW PEW deadly by dem PT's Huehuehuehuehue that's rich right there!!! Oh yes that bubble on a 2 minute CD and along with their 3 minute CD self heal that keeps them in execute range is absolutely BEAST. And let's not forget that awesome pull so they can choose which target they want to pull to them to crush them. The epitome of survivability and utility.
  11. Ask mercs/mandos DPS what asking nicely in the forums get you. It's pretty obvious when even other classes come onto the forums and agree that the class is in a pathetic place DPS-wise that something should be done, and not MONTHS of having to deal with it. Class balance patches by a competent PvP team would be at the very least monthly, even if it's just tweaking things such as numbers/damage or even a swap in skills in the trees. More dramatic changes should take some time but for god's sake look how long we had to deal with bubble pops as a community. That's why I have little faith in the PvP development team because it takes an absurd amount of time for them to even tweak things, let alone fix broken specs. GL to you VG's/PT's, nerfing the hell out of you is why we have such retarded TTK when there's more than 1 healer and a tank in WZ's now b/c too much of the burst DPS has been gutted.
  12. We already have a tanking tree in PvP. It's the healing tree. /thread
  13. Azarai

    Lag in wzs

    Get a new rig and upgrade your internet to fiber optics at the highest data amount possible. That's what BW's fix will be, but trust me when I say it still doesn't help
  14. If they aren't ************ about being spiked then mauled for 8k+ CONSTANTLY then I wouldn't see why HS going back to an auto crit would be even remotely over-powered. Hell if they reduced the damage by 1/3 of what it is now, there would be no reason to have it auto crit since it wouldn't be much more powerful than a normal HS now.
  15. Oh so cute for you to show us parses of our dot spec. Now how about showing us parses of concealment Deception sins, which kind of mirror concealment ops, have better flat damage mitigation esp with the defensive boost from blackout AND have their stacks of recklessness and said defensive CD reset once they restealth. Not to mention that's a flat 60% crit chance increase for their next 3 attacks (with PvP set bonus) while operatives get a combined whole 19%? One on an attack that HAS to be used from stealth? Not to mention an increase damage on targets at 30% hp or below along with actually having an execute ability that hits like a damn mack truck. Assassins are absolutely superior to concealment operatives so please, don't try and talk mechanics/class balance with a class that has been completely gutted since 1.1 to a spec that has been buffed relentlessly since around 1.3.
  16. Couple things for concealment operative that definitely needs to be addressed: 1. Defensive CD's. We have none. Our probe can take one decent hit (not even a full smash) and then it's game over. Besides Middle tree Juggs, we also are lacking in an AOE reduction talent that a melee character absolutely has to have in order to survive in the current meta. 2. Our reliance on stealth to do our main hardest hitting attack needs to be addressed. Either Hidden Strike needs to go back to an auto crit or the amount of time and how we go back into stealth needs to change. Even if we down our target a single dot/herp-derp AOE/even a taunt will keep us from re-entering unless we blow our 1.5 minute combat cloak which shouldn't have to be done. A direct attack from an enemy should be the only reason why we can't re-enter stealth OR Hidden Strike needs to be usable outside of stealth (of course without the knockdown ability if used outside of stealth). 3. Energy management is still meh especially if caught in a protracted fight. The loss of our self heal through the re-vamping of stim boost is actually quite missed. Sorry but the useless talent to still have the small rolling HoT every 2 minutes is just a waste of talent points. Some sort of finisher added to our talents would go a long way because at this point we have to save explosive probe to help get that last 30% off a target, and if they survive we are definitely SOL and running real low on energy by that time. Maybe revamp Hidden Strike to also count as our execute ability on a low health enemy (thus actually making it usable outside of stealth) would give us the tools we need to finally be somewhat competent in a more competitive setting because our inability to finish a target absolutely kills us. 4. 30% surge talent for sever tendon? Really? Please replace this with either backstab/shiv/lacerate and possibly lower the damage if it makes them become too hard hitting with the talent. 5. Our PvP set bonus is garbage. Please give us the PvE bonus of 15% extra crit chance on backstab, it's an absolute necessity for PvP. I don't care which we get rid of, the increase in dodge (for 1 sec which is laughable) or the extra 5 energy which is also negligible at best. These are just some of the things I would like to see addressed for concealment and I'm sure some of my fellow op's will have good if not better ideas to add.
  17. http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=647263 I shall direct you here, where we've had 1 dev response on the issue in a month. The usual generic "we're looking into it" response we always get when they screwed the pooch and have no idea how to fix it or hope if they ignore us long enough we'll just accept the ineptitude.
  18. One month since we had a dev response. My jugg and marauder are really enjoying falling short of their targets on leaps, makes it that much funnier when somebody with a knockback blows it as I'm leaping through the air at them only for me to not even reach them anyway. Sort of like our own version of 'hydraulic override' without the speed boost
  19. Welcome to the forums, not a place for the meek of heart. GL
  20. Eh clowning his opponents is one thing, what went on tonight was even over the top for AS. I'd be surprised if we even see him again, he seems content to fall out of the spotlight a filthy rich man to watch Brazilian women shake their booties on the beach for the remainder of his natural existence, not that I blame him. OT: meh, I'm drunk and what happened outside my server IDHC. Welcome to the league where there are more than 1 big fish in a pond, enjoy your lumps.
  21. You mean have their competition (ID) throw the match like Anderson Silva did?
  22. I like your editing besides the little black screen break but please... stop obfuscating sages Please tell me you aren't afraid of their deadly saber strikes cause that's all it does is reduce accuracy for physical/weapon attacks
  23. I guess I didn't pick up that talent for dodge to make force/tech attacks miss. Can somebody link me their build so I too can have that mythical 36/36/36 spec that this operative that crushed the OP was obviously running?
  24. Looking at my toolbar for the 'cant be hit' CD. For some reason I've still yet to find it
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