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Everything posted by ZahirS

  1. I would like to see bets terminal, were you can watch some Arena Matches and bet on a winning team with cumulative profit for winning.
  2. I like it, with a minor detail: Ranked PVP should have a a gear/lvl requirement. Bolster should be either Armor or Weapons not Both Healing should not be penalized in PVP, heal rating should get bolstered. There Should be more Rewards for Groups qued, like more rating gained. There should be a bet NPC where you can bet on 3-Player Arenas, with accumalative profit for each bet wrong.
  3. /Thanks for a very well written documentary on Revan. Sticky please
  4. I did provide the data, you saying otherwise doesnt make it true. Why decieve people? I never claimed AMD had more cores than intel, which in fact Intel does have more cores, I claimed AMD 7850k is better in gaming than most intel chips, except i7 which is "top of all chips" . You have no idea what you are saying, AMD core structure and process are two different things AMD cores run on parallell while intel cores work tast per task on linear and very outdated way. I told you this... Anyway, clock speeds dont matter what matters now if how efficient is a chip while working on intensive graphic programs, AMD has this completely even if 7850k is quad-core compared to an Intel icore 5 (5 cores) AMD is faster and more efficient. Sorry but not buying your a computer scientist, I rather think you are guy with over-inflated ego and like to make facts of things he likes, instead of accepting facts.... Good research you did there, I think the days you folks saying Intel "Is the top chip" are over, AMD days are here to stay like always you folks like to contradict facts, now go get info and try to back it up...
  5. Really you cant add 1+1 without getting lost in the way? Jedi seek peace and in times of peace they seek inner peace and help others too Peace and Justice is linked to Action, hence why they take militia, medics or any other role when in conflicts. They at as Healers or even advisors. No, you are clearly biased. Jedi communicate with the force, hence why most galaxy respects them because the force is a weel known subject for an educated citizen of the Republic. And Yes, I would trust a Jedi. Jedi excel at been mediators hence why the resolve most crisis without violence, when Sith aren't involved. As for Naboo crisis: Palpatine was involved. For Revan Dantooine mediation is exactly what Jedi do in their spare time.
  6. Really? How about an Hour of you and me in 1 v1 with real weapons till death, I prefer this to what you propose.
  7. Big words for someone so small, Jedi goal is peace and justice which align with Republic goals most of the time, that doesnt mean they are married in stone like you "think". Affiliation means your affiliated to someone, not that cant affiliate with anyone else, the sith on the other hand are definetly married to the darkside hence their wars on Jedi.
  8. I do know it, thanks. Prejudice is different than Biased has to do with "intent" and "pre-made mis conceptions", Bias is intended by the site, while prejudice is a set a pre made miscoceptions about something, Im doubting youll get it tho. I say its biased, because the data is there but the conclusions differ from site to site, in most information AMD vs Intel, AMD is outranking intel in gaming related benchmarks. Calling me perpetually ignorant, kinda makes me sad because I know most of the time Im right because I trained my mind since kid to get the truth, so its more likely that you are perpetually ignorantus, because you have a hard time accepting facts.....
  9. The Jedi order most protect the galaxy at large, hence why they are with the Republic, hard to understand? Jedi are not the "Catholic Church" and claiming they are serving everyone, the Jedi have a goal.
  10. Actually no, Sith do only exist to make Jedi life harder, on the other hand Jedi help others. Certain situations. If that is what you think Jedi are like, what does it say about the Sith.... Jedi are scholars, historians, and philosophers the only ones with a wide view of things, so yes Jedi are good. Mediators is one of th jedi main attributes because it makes sense, a Jedi would clearly want justice for the common good hence their affinity for mediating disputes.
  11. Who is your favorite character NPC from SWTOR? Mine is Admiral Revald from the Republic
  12. Wasnt going to bother, but your wrong from a tactical stand point is only logical jedi allied with the Republic, not the Chiss, not the Hutts or Sith Empire Jedi are serving most of the known galaxy.
  13. Stop posting clutter and spam, common good of the galaxy is the majority of the galaxy, hence the jedi desition to be with the Republic, its really that simple.
  14. So you like to dress up like a girl? Wow
  15. Immortal words of ImmortaLowlife....in the forums. Kinda lean to Disney on this one.
  16. The duy of the Jedi in most cases is the common good, so your point is kinda moot why would a jedi intervene in a world outside republic space, I see this happen on occassion as counselors in the example you give.
  17. Anything for Arkadian "Dancers" species please, a serious looking race.
  18. The Galaxy is Big, and has a centralized goverment called the Republic of allied worlds, Jedi want to serve most and joining the republic just made sense.
  19. Usually, a Force User is determined by his affinity to use the force, in the prequel trilogy GL introduced midichlorians which are a symbotic organism that lets that person use the force and sense it around him. "Strong" in the force and outside the force, was explained by GL in a documentary on the original trilogy were he makes emphasis that strong individuals in the force "stand out" of the rest and impact that fate of the galaxy. General Consesus varies so like the force too varies, appearently the force has the quality of been dual and also manifest itself in case of Anakin, also the force is Lighsided and the Darside is a corruption of the force. Scholars, Historians, Philosophers, Swordsmen is part of the art of been a Jedi, the most accomplished Jedi were all of this things. Lighstaber is the weapon of the Jedi and obviously of the Sith, the deal is basically the weapon itself is just a sword but in the hands of a force user it becomes a very deadly weapon unstoppable most of the times, except for another Lighstaber. Peace is the Goal of any Jedi, but there is often not much Peace when you have maniacs, mind controllers and people frying with lighting, so yes Jedi in essense are pacifists but in time of need become from Warriors to powerful combatants. Most of this is given by tha fact that some jedi use tecniques that are either atttack or defense or even a mix, so yes Sentinels, Guardians and Counsulars is a way to depict them basically styles of combat.
  20. Look OP is smarter and more responsible than most "grown ups" here, so here it goes: Yes there are hackers, Yes Bioware should take immediate action and Ban permanent.
  21. Anadtech is not a reliable source due that its biased intel. Few sites arent biased but one that does work: http://www.cpu-world.com/Compare/453/AMD_A10-Series_A10-7850K_vs_Intel_Core_i5_i5-4440.html if it can beat core i5 it does beat core i3 by a lot. AMD 7850k is a bargain that really delivers as CPU quality and graphics (Impressive) for any game.
  22. Were the hell is Anakin Skywalker, not Vader...Anakin
  23. Malak learned nothing from Revan, but Revan was always superior.
  24. pedofilia I dont care if its joke, BW can even send details of the player to authorities to look up, so yes think twice before saying stuff like that.
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