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Everything posted by Cowoline

  1. Hey, I really like the Empire too. I love the history and mythology of it. While I definitely wouldn't characterize it as good, it is very interesting. And the story is just so much better made than on republic side - imo.
  2. Now, I am all for more content - especially romanced ones. But even letters would bring more connection to your LI than expansions like Makeb and the Shadow of Revan. Though, I still swoon when I hear Quinn going "Sorry my lov-- my lord,". That was so good! More of that please!
  3. No one in any game can compete with Garrus!
  4. Have you seen Garrus from Mass Effect? As many scars as Arcann and looks... wait for it... alien (okay, you can shoot me now). And he is one of the most popular romances in BioWare games as an entirety.
  5. Completely fair Though, he only stunned Lana - and only because she jumped in front of you. That right there should tip you off. He could have poisoned you in your sleep, instead he lures you on a train, shoots the window, making sure you have an escape route, and then tells you exactly how long you have to get out of there. And this is done by a spy - a professional spy. That right there should tell you that there is more going on. Then you notice that he doesn't take all the crystals. So either you conclude that there is more going on or that the SIS are HORRIBLE spies!
  6. Isn't it a little difficult to decide if someone has gone too far, if you don't know why or what exactly they are doing? It's fine that you want him dead - if BioWare gives you the option go nuts. But it makes no sense to kill a man, who has intel that you need to survive - and if you do the you deserve to hit a "Game Over" screen.
  7. Ehm, sorry but I am confused. How does any of this have anything to do with what I said? (not trolling, I genuinely can't follow).
  8. Either that or Theron is needed to move the plot forward and can't be killed and they are trying to avoid making people complain. Think about it; We know Theron is on our side, he has spent 8 months under cover in a zealous group wanting to destroy you and the Alliance. Is that really the kind of intel you want to throw away because "you got your feelings hurt"? There is a reason why you keep people alive, when you capture them - if your thinking long term at least.
  9. He hasn't even been back to see if he could win the plushie!
  10. No, they basically said they wouldn't reveal anything and get peoples hopes up, because they always complain. See exhibit A above.
  11. Exactly, which is why I figure this is how it's going to be moving forward. I actually don't know. But I haven't tried to side with the opposite faction yet, so haven't had the opportunity to test it.
  12. Same to you wonderful Esh Lol, knock yourself out! Make me laugh enough and I am sure I can find a plushie on Etzy for you!
  13. I think we will actually be able to join the opposite faction in the story, but in other game-play as OPS and such we are probably going to stay with our current factions. I'm so making a dark Jedi if this is a possibility
  14. You're just in a trolling mood today, aren't you? Again I can't see this scoring more than 2/10
  15. You have seen there are like at least 10 of these types of threads right? I score this: 2/10 on the trolling scale - only because of the passion. Try again, if you hit 10/10 there is a special prize for you! I'm not saying its stuffed Arcann plushie, but well... it is!
  16. But you have absolutely no idea, why he is doing this. You don't know if he (or the player) is being mind controlled somehow. For all you know the player could be running around with a bomb in there head and Theron is cooperating to not make you go "boom". (not saying this is the case). Just look at the entire Imperial Agent story line. If they had been a companion, would you have murdered them too? Again, you can do whatever the game allows you too, but killing a companion based on a bunch of assumptions, when he is so obviously still on your side, seems a bit extreme.
  17. As in warmongering politicians and military officials taking power by any means necessary. Bribery, extorsions, murder, manipulation and oh yes capatilising on war and even contemplating genocide. Slavery and racism aside, they really aren't that different. Don't get me wrong, the empire is not "the good guy", but the republic differs very little in its dealings with the empire. There is no light or dark side in this scenario - just a whole lot of grey.
  18. The republic is deeply flawed too though and in many ways just as corrupt as the Empire. But in regards to Theron, they are not going to take him away from anyone, who romanced him. I think its safe to assume that both he and Lana stays with you. Through this entire thing, it has been clear that their loyalty was to you and not any faction - even though they might have preferences.
  19. He was willing to And I resent that. Most of my characters are light side and I prefer the empire my guess is that it probably comes back to the choices made on iokath.
  20. Is he? I actual thought he was one off the rather insignificant ones in terms of fans. Guess I learned something news today.
  21. Or maybe you could date Hylo and Gault?! Progressive!
  22. Awesome. Let us hope this holds true. As it looks now there is no rational reason to kill Theron.
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