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Everything posted by AlaricSevGirl

  1. Have any of you been to the official GW2 forums. They will delete your posts and ban you for anything negative you say about the game, period, no exceptions. I they close the forums, so be it. Most of what goes on here is complaining.
  2. SWTOR gives me a species I want to play, I'll buy it. I have no problem doing that if it keeps the game running. In fact, I bought a 24 pack of the Blockade Runner's packs just because it was fun to open them and I have 9 characters already and will surely fill the other 3 slots.
  3. No reason which is why I play the way I feel. I see people go all out dark for what reason. It's certainly not immersive to play a character all dark just because but then again, I'm an RPer and even my Sith warrior is not a total b*tch.
  4. I work for a huge company, technology, in engineering. My company has had many, many layoffs yet we still exist. In my opinion, I think there isn't enough representative members of non English speaking languages to keep the community manager. I know several European gamers from Italy, France, Germany etc and they all speak English. Why not trim the company down in an area you don't need. English is a second language for most Europeans. I think this is what EA is thinking. Honestly, how much communication goes on anyway. They can just state what they need to in English and those who don't understand the language can use a translator. It doesn't mean the game is going down hill. My company is still here. Trimming the budget has made it a lot more successful.
  5. There are advanced classes. Right now I have two bounty hunters, one is a powertech and the other is a mercenary/healer. I'll also do the Cathar when it comes out because it will encourage EA/BW to release more races. That one I will make a commando (which will give me 2 troopers). I don't mind repeating the stories. I played Dragon Age Origins 19 times. I doubt though that we will see new class stories or even the ability to change species, maybe a long time in the future if at all.
  6. Excellent...I am healer on both my pubbie and imp guilds so that will be awesome. Thanks BW
  7. Now I think that stinks. It should always be 9.99 for subscribers and 19.99 for preferred and f2p players. I did preorder it under the 9.99 but still feel that EA/BW needs to change it back. I don't think any DLC is worth 19.99 not even Skyrim's.
  8. Something that's water cooled. Aurora is very nice but it is definitely pricey and I'm an Alienware girl.
  9. Exactly, I left in August due to several things and my friends, we were subbed since beta, left with me. I decided to come back earlier in the month, and they came back with me. The funny thing was, we had, without speaking to each other, decided to return. I'm appreciating the game so much more now than before. The grass isn't always greener on the other side. I also met two of my very best friends because of this game therefore it has my allegiance.
  10. It's their game, they can do whatever they please to it. If you don't like it, move on. Really, people complain about every thing Bioware does. They will never be happy. Even if EA/BW did everything they wanted, they would still find something to complain about. Subscriptions do not support this game anymore. If they didn't put things in the CM that encourage purchases, you would not have a game to play.
  11. My friends and I, 4 of us, left the game 6 months ago. I decided to return and they followed quickly. We also brought in a guild member from the other game and we are all enjoying the game and playing SWTOR again. A lot has changed in 6 months.
  12. Yes EA/BW is now charging tax on their products including subscriptions.
  13. I'm glad they did it. I'm not level 50, why because I lost my security key and I wasn't going to stay on the phone longer than 4 hrs, 2 hrs each, 2 days in a row (yes I was on the phone for 2 hrs for 2 straight days trying to get through) to get it taken off my account, so I ended up starting a new account when I resubbed. I missed the event. Other people have real lives and real jobs and real kids to take care of. They can't spend a lot of time in game doing an event but they do have the cash for the store. Now it isn't the gear I'd love to have in the store, but it is going on my trooper. So thank you EA/BW. Each of my 9 toons has Cartel Market armor on and I am a subscriber. If you don't like how EA/BW manages their game, there are other games on the market you can play, many of them free to play. EA/BW did a smart thing, they put a nice looking armor in the CM which means that people are going to buy coins and CM purchases are major in supporting this game.
  14. I heard that I may be able to get the battlemaster consular gear from a crafter. I really want that look (the white set). Does anyone know what it is called. I took 6 months off and in that 6 months, the armor was gone. I loved it. I had to get a new sub, make new characters and I want it on my sage.
  15. I was on hold for 2 hrs, 2 days in a row trying to get my security key off my account. I finally gave up and started a new account. It wasn't worth it.
  16. I'd put it on my Bounty Hunter too. I love that armor.
  17. See what you miss when you take 6 months off. That was gorgeous armor and now they give you stuff that doesn't compare. I'd like to see if return to the market because I'd like to be able to put it on a low level sage.
  18. I'd love to see this in the CM. I'm a subscriber and I think this gear is just gorgeous, the white outfit is the one I had on my shadow. If you are taking this gear out of the game with 2.0, put it on the market so I can buy it and wear it on my lower level sage.
  19. I don't have that card, but I think you will be fine. If SWTOR has issues, just turn down the settings. You're good to go and from what I've heard ASUS are pretty good gaming laptops. http://forum.notebookreview.com/asus/
  20. Would you rather EA collect the tax and pay your state or would you rather have to pay use tax? The law is the law. If your state charges sales tax, then you have to pay it or the company you purchase from has to pay it. They are cracking down on companies. It doesn't surprise me that EA is charging sales tax and they most certainly aren't keeping it, they are reporting to your state and sending it in.
  21. Since this popped to the top, I'm going to say NO ONE is being FORCED to purchase this DLC. That's exactly what this is, DLC and DLC in most games is around 10.00, single player, co op and mmo. EA isn't doing anything that everyone else isn't doing but there are so many of you that despise EA so much that you're willing to warp this into a huge debate. If you don't want it, don't get it. No one is telling you that you have to have it. Just like subscribing, EA isn't twisting your arm and forcing you to subscribe. Yes, they are holding back things and making you spend money on them but you know what, why should F2P players get what subscribers get, they shouldn't. Don't have to sub, don't have to buy the DLC.
  22. You may want to mention what server you are on and also post under the forum for the server.
  23. I'd like a guild ship and I as a guild leader would pay Cartel points for it.
  24. I really beg to differ here. This game has excellent voice acting just like every Bioware game that I've played and I've played them all from BG to ME. TOR is no exception to this.
  25. Yup that is another thing I don't like about the game. I just put up with it but the armor is what makes your character and the armor models in the game really are not good or ala Star Wars. I think the models in the Cartel market are much better and that is what I have on every one of my 9 characters. Of course, then again *shrugs* that may just be what they are looking for. I have to say, I was looking forward to doing some PvP with my sage and earning the battlemaster gear which I thought was gorgeous. They aren't taking that out of the game or are they? If they are, I'm going to be sorely disappointed. I may even have to unsubscribe *kidding - really now, I'm kidding*
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