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Everything posted by Captain_Pase

  1. Hi. Does anyone know if there is a way to get a hand on the TT-31A Elite Vanguard Body Armor? The orange version, not the purple one (they are totaly different looking). It used to drop in Korriban Incursion and Assault on Tython. But played them as tactical and heroic, but didn't drop there. Is it still possible to obtain it somehow or is it gone with the actual gameversion? Thanks and best regards!
  2. The proc-relics are also available for pve with tokens you get from operations. And these are better than the 208 pvp relics.
  3. Sobald du eine Gruppe gebildet hast, machst du einen Rechtsklick auf dein eigenes Portrait, wählst "Gruppe" und dann "Umwandeln in Operations-Gruppe". Dabei darf keiner in der Gruppe in einer Phase sein. Danach kannst du bis zu 24 Leute in die Gruppe einladen.
  4. Für jeden eigenen DD die gleiche Ausrüstung in einer Vermächtnisrüstung zu benutzen, wird nicht funktionieren. außer du spielst nur eine einzige Klasse über mehrere Charaktere. Denn die Setboni werden sich ja nach wie vor unterscheiden. Und ob Sinn es macht, einen Revo Setboni an einen Wächter zu verschicken, scheint für mich wenig Diskussionspotential zu bieten.
  5. The 190 rating gear from ziost is the best you can get while playing solo.
  6. Spannender finde ich ja die Frage, was aus der republikanischen und imperialen Flotte wird, wenn ja Republik und Imperium angeblich am Rande der Vernichtung stehen. Und kann man mit LEvel 60 plötzlich nichts mehr Craften, bis man sich neue Gefährten erspielt hat? Fände ich auch dämlich.
  7. What tankcombination are you using? If you have a juggernaut, he can kill every second fire device by standing in it with sabre reflect.
  8. Hi there and thanks for the quick reply. I really appreciate it. The comparrision is a real cool feature. Yesterday, we recognised that the fight with Malapher was to short to get the percentages displayed, as he was killed under the mentioned 3:30 minutes.
  9. Hi there, with the newest update to Star Parse, there is a percentage display in the raid tab, that says, as a dps, 94%. What does that mean? i read in the notes, that it is a comparision with other raiders. But what does the percentage say? Thanks for your answers.
  10. An der Puppe benutzt man "Finisher" eher weiter Trickschuss, da sonst Energieprobleme auftreten können. Im Bosskampf kann das natürlich anders aussehen, gerade wenn dann doch mal Mobilität gefragt ist.
  11. We manage to burn two of the bosses to 33 %, the last one that comes down alone ist mostly at 40%, because the ranged DPS kill off adds, so that we don't have to bother with them in the final phase. We already use stungranades, but perhaps not strictly enogh. Thanks for the tipps so far!
  12. Hi there, we are actually approaching the revanite commanders in hm. The phase, where they always spawn one by one isn't a problem. We always focus down outlaws, while cc'ing the Mandalorians. We also try to kill all the adds that come, while the last commanders jumps down, before all thre come down. But in the endphase, when alle three commanders come down, we get murdered fairly quickly. Mostly by the adds, especially by the Oulaws, who cleave into the group. We try stunning them with Forcelift, but when there are more than two up, we get into problems. We manage to kill one (in the best try two) of the commanders, before dying. We try to kill Sano first, than Kruse and last te one with the rockets, whose name I don't recall. Do you have any tipps on how to handle the adds while in the endphase? Our raidgroup consists of Tanks: Shadow, Vanguard DPS: Gunslinger, 2 x Guardian, Sage Healer: Commando, Scoundrel. Thanks for helping!
  13. There is a difference in accepting a battle rez or going to the medcenter while in a fight.
  14. I would add a question to this topic: what are the DPS requirements for each DPS? Heard something about 4k per DPS. Is that right?
  15. Es gab doch auch vor dem Patch nur zwei OPs, aus der man zeitgemäße Tokens erhalten hat. Festund und Palast HM bzw. NIM. Die 162 und 168 Token aus der SM Variante würde ich zu einem Zeitpunkt, wo man 180iger Gear mit Marken kaufen konnte, nicht als Zeitgemäß beschreiben
  16. Great work. Really a nice tool! But I have two suggestions. When uploading a log, it would be nice to have checkboxes to choose, if you don't want your parse in the leaderboards or if you don't want your log to be listet and publicly accessable. For the shy people like me
  17. Doesn't his softenrage start at 30% of life remaining? We always stop the dame short before 30 % and he never uses his forcechoke while in softenrage.
  18. Es gibt verschiedenen HM Raidgruppen, die sich aus verschiedenen GIlden zusammensetzen, die allesamt selbst sonst keinen HM Raid aufgebaut bekommen. Die Raiden den HM aber bislang eher noch nicht erfolgreich und stecken jeweils beim zweiten Boss fest. Wobei die Anzahl an Versuchen bislang leider zeitmäßig auch begrenzt war.
  19. Just for the interest: what happens if you fail the healing challange twice? Is he reflection a large amount of damage?
  20. Is there a bigger penalty for failing the heal-challange twice in Nim? Or is it still beatable? Unfortunatly our raiding team hasn't dps that could respecc for healer for that fight.
  21. Den Berserker-Buff bekommt er übrigens bei 30 %. Einfach bei 32 % Schadensstopp machen, warten bis er gewürgt hat und ihn dann weghauen.
  22. Hi. Did anyone gathered experience with the six piece set bonus for watchmann? Is it really a dps gain to have merciless slash hit critical every minute? Or should i go with the old setbonus?
  23. In der Mobgruppe kurz vor Bolo im Haus mit den gnazen Piraten drin, gehst du auch als Revo mit 14k DPS raus.
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