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Everything posted by Lewintelamon

  1. The Emperor pretty much nuked the planet. Okay, not nuked...more like a neutron bomb--kill everything that lived but everything else was left standing. It's a trifle understandable that you can't go back to areas pre-The End of All Life On Ziost.
  2. They could, but then they would be denied their personal soapbox to shout above the din of all the other umpteen threads about the same matter. *shrug* At any rate, people suggest "active GMs" without realizing the sheer cost of doing so. Throwing more money or more personnel at issues does not necessarily solve them.
  3. Gotta love the BH one where the Jedi tries to force persuade you to surrender. "I can wave my hand like an idiot too." Or this similar one from Tatooine on the Smuggler story: Jedi: (Force Persuade) "You want to kill the Sith..." Sith: (Force Persuade) "You want to kill the Jedi..." Smuggler: "Will you two stop waving your hands around? You look like a couple idiots!!"
  4. I'm not a newcomer, but holy moly, the number of rep factions is staggering--and many can't even be budged except for once or twice A YEAR (I'm looking at you, Gree event).
  5. Yeah, the barrels/hilts are bound to their item types from the comms vendors (ergo, you can't rip out the mods from the offhands to put in main hands--you'll see in the tooltip for the barrel that it's restricted to your offhand). Found this out the hard way trying to rip mods from a Ziost offhand to put in my main hand. Also, the elite vendors do NOT have mainhands. Oddly enough, though, the mod and enhancement are NOT bound to that item, so you can interchange those. Not really all that logical, but it is what it is....
  6. This thread is so old, Revan read it during his first incarnation.
  7. I thought about replying with "Enjoy a long spa soak on Mustafar...."
  8. Okay, some guys are missing the point. It doesn't matter if you actually respond or not. I know a lot of people don't or are going to be way too serious. And yes, I'm aware of the fact that people are just so jaded or indifferent to such spam that they ignore and be done with it. It's a chance at a little lighthearted humor to balance the doom-and-gloom that's prevalent in the forums, using something we grouse about anyway It's gotta be better than "Bioware Sucks Thread #5,346,280" The point of the thread is "what comes to mind at first for a witty comeback?" Doesn't mean you have to use said comeback. Such as "Go fly into the Maw. When you find your way back, I may have a quarter of a tenth of a second worth of interest in your offer. Maybe. But not likely."
  9. Ya know, I been getting some of those goldspammer tells, and I wonder....do people ever think up witty responses to such tells? I mean, we know, we know--they're likely bots and won't bother responding, but I figure....what the hey, we could use a laugh over it. Anywho, post some of your wittiest comebacks you've thought of. Keep it clean and within the boundaries of the Forum Guidelines, though....
  10. Your server may be helpful. Shadowlands is working just fine for me.
  11. Plinking stuff to death FTW
  12. Just finished the quest where you have to confront Kai Zykken on my Merc BH....and one of the offered rewards is a generator. Mercs can't use generators...
  13. The instant "fanboy" came out as a counter argument, the OP lost all credibility. I cannot stress how much I despise that term to be dismissive towards people whose opinion differs from yours. PSA : 14.99 a month does not suddenly give you an MBA, and a master's degree in programming, as well as in video game design and development. So can some of us (such as the OP) please not act as though we're suddenly wizards in game development and business administration? Some problems cannot be solved simply by throwing money/more personnel at it--because you don't go throwing money at such a terrible idea.
  14. Egads, this happened to me too. Here's what he'll have to do. 1) Assuming the email he received was authentic, send an email to accountdisputes@swtor.com to dispute the action. No action can otherwise be taken on the matter until this email is sent. 2) Once the response is received by support and reviewed, he'll likely receive another email from support@swtor.com outlining the procedures to unlock a compromised account. A photo of your ID will be required. 3) Send that, and then contact support by phone to confirm the receipt. Phone support will walk him through the rest of the steps (it's likely he'll have to change both his SWTOR password/email AND his Origin email/pass as well, and highly suggested to do so if it isn't required). Hope this helps.
  15. Darth Plagueis would marvel at the ability of this thread to arise from the dead.
  16. Let us also point out that this item is available for the low, low cost of totally free.
  17. Cliff notes version: Dev made statement about sent/mara. Whacko made threats to dev's family and actually tracked the dev's PERSONAL contact info and threatened their kids. Eric made a statement that if such conduct continued, the dialog with devs would cease. Community went ape spit because Eric didn't specify names and some took it as though it was addressed at THEM.
  18. Oh, I know, I just find it silly that people ignore that because "OMG they threatened to cut off communication and didn't name names and put us ALL in the same boat!!!" If you weren't the one that did it, he wasn't addressing you. He was making the statement that needed to be said--and nitpicking over how it should have been said, given the circumstances of the situation, is pointless. People are choosing to argue over how "professional" he should have been.
  19. Egads... Coulda shoulda woulda. That's what this thread boils down to. It should be water under the bridge by now. An egregious action was performed by a fringe element of the community and was dealt with. No amount of "professionalism" can completely mask our human reactions. I'm sure that Eric realized that it could have just as easily been his own family. Even so, he was legally bound to act and did. He stated that there would be clear and unequivocal consequences should such behavior continue to happen. After all, the requirements of his job can be just as well fulfilled by getting a report from the devs and relaying it to us as opposed to allowing the devs to speak to us directly. The people who perpetrated this garbage knew who he was referring to. Anyone else that took it personally needs to step back and relax. Just because he didn't single any names out doesn't mean that we should take it as he was directing it at all of us. It's over. It's done. We can debate to the end of time what he "should have done" or what you "would have done". But the fact of the matter is that it's done.
  20. People are reading too much into his statement. If you know you weren't one of the perpetrators of this act, then you have nothing to worry about because he wasn't specifically addressing you. He wasn't going to name names either--those who did it knew exactly who he was referring to. I don't care how "bitter" the community might be about a perceived lack of communication, where it went was completely unacceptable. I don't care if the devs never spoke a peep. You don't bring people who aren't involved in the slightest (e.g. a dev's family and kids ) into your argument or your retaliation for what a dev said. Not meaning to stereotype, but this dev lives in Texas. Go threaten any Texan's family (and yes, this can go for anyone's family, anywhere). Let me know how that turns out. I'm fairly certain he said "Eric, some sort of response is needed, because if I have to address this...I'm probably gonna lose my job because it's NOT going to be pretty..." It was a reflexive statement at worst. Hardly one anyone could fault him for, given the circumstances. A firm and unequivocable message had to be sent that such behavior would not be tolerated in the least. If that meant curtailing dev communication (which, FYI, could just as easily be routed through the CM, as they are ultimately meant to be the point of contact between the devs and players) then so be it.
  21. Nah, they were against another dev and his family, Eric just responded with "if this keeps up there will be no more dialogs like this." and the community went ape spit.
  22. The phrase "the customer is always right" was coined by a London department store manager sometime in the mid to late 1920's. I'm sure that if he knew the monster he would unleash by uttering those words, he would have thought them through a bit longer.
  23. I see part of the argument in this thread basically amounting to "he shouldn't have said that" Lest we forget, at the end of the day, the CMs and devs are NOT protocol droids without emotion or feeling. They are human. There is no amount of professionalism that can completely mask our humanity. We see what he said as "harsh" because we expect the suits to be so professional they forget they are human. Was it harsh? Of course. It sent a message. All perceived slights about "they threatened us with cutting off communication, not that they do it anyway!!" is a red herring. No one--and I mean NO ONE, "the customer is always right" be damned--is paid to be abused or harrassed in such a manner. If he did it on a constant basis, I might find fault. But in this instance, in response to an extreme, desperate, and cowardly act? Nah, I don't find fault.
  24. I agree with most of this. However, then we'll have widespread comments about how "the mods are just fascist and remove everything that criticizes the company!!!" Many people would not know the meaning of "constructive feedback" if you handed them a dictionary, because we've been raised with a generation in which being thuggish, crude, and asinine is "just being honest and speaking our minds." I will again echo the words of Winston Churchill: "Tact is the art of telling someone to go to Hades (obviously, sanitized for the filter) in such a manner that they look forward to the trip." Apologies for this being tangential, but I'm a mod for another game and I see this every day. On topic, at least to a point: The "I'm a paying customer" argument really irks me too. I mean, so am I, and I have enough class to not act like my money is the world, and my refusal to give it is so meaningful as to cause the immediate collapse of the company I do business with should they refuse to obey my whims. If I'm displeased with a company, I just gracefully walk away. If I say I will not do business with a company again (and this being because they have violated the integrity of that business relationship [e.g. going back on something they promised and arguing that 'we can do what we want to'] ) then I no longer do business with that company--but that doesn't mean I'm justified to treat the people who run that business as less than human. And as far as threatening someone's family online? No, just no. Was Eric's response "businesslike and professional"? No. But in this case, I wouldn't fault him. People forget that the "managers" and "people in suits" are human beings too--and no amount of professionalism can entirely mask our humanity.
  25. Or, the proclivity of some to find something--anything at all, regardless of how trivial--to flame the company about.
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