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Everything posted by AnisaBadgett

  1. That's probably the single most sane thing I've read on these forums regarding ops or any group content. Thank you.
  2. I have recruited Blizz on 10 different toons by now. I thought for sure I had been granted the Break the Ice achievement for getting all his crew's names and gifts correct ... I even made sure the last time to do them in order. I am playing catch up with some of my high-level toons and getting all the recruits, getting them to L70, etc... so I did the Blizz mission three times last week alone. But I looked after each one and no achievement. I filed a ticket and got a detailed answer (thanks whoever wrote it, it was good to see you pay attention to my request) that this was a known bug, although I did not see it in the Known Issues lists. I don't know if this is a game-wide issue or not, but it *is* still an issue at least for me. Thanks.
  3. Bad idea. Boring and binary. Weren't we supposed to be transcending the whole Empire vs. Republic, Jedi vs. Sith, light vs. dark paradigm? But as soon as KotFE ended, everything became Dark vs. Light. It is the State of the Galaxy both in continuing story and grinding day to day gameplay. It makes me angry because KotFE Chapter 12 just seems like a lot of running around and getting lectured by Darth Dad and Grandmaster Mom for nothing. I forgot to equip my Super Dooper Speshul Lightsaber for the Arcann battle and you know what? It didn't make a bit of difference. I liked the way the story of KotET 1-9 went but now it looks like that's going to just get tossed in the bin of irrelevance, too. I said two years ago that bringing back Quinn would make us feel like crap and boy, am I sorry I was right.
  4. Yes, thanks for bringing him back, although I am rather concerned about the cost, and the overall damage it will do to the whole "Let's build an Alliance." We need a break from Empire vs. Republic 25/7. The Cold War was much more fun, brahs.
  5. YOU AND ME BOTH!!!!! Thanks, every story I read about the strike mentioned EA first and prominently, so I was nervous. I should have checked the union site!
  6. Just like it says. The SAG/AFTRA strike is still going on. Just wondering if Elara and Quinn will have same voice actors because if not, that would really harsh my buzz right now.
  7. Will Quinn and Elara have their same voice actors?
  8. I signed on today and started KOTET again because it's the bonus task. I have Activate Random Mount keybound and have had it as the same key/same slot since 3.0. Except when I went to mount up, there was nothing in that slot. I went to my Abilities tab to reload it and it's not there, either. And Activate Random Pet is not there, either. I can put a single mount there and it works just fine. I will try to lo/lo again after I finish the chapter and report back but man, what a crappy Christmas present, BioWare.
  9. Exactly my takeaway. What a kriffing cynical joke! But I'm sure plenty of people will figure out that "DUMP GC" is only 6 or 7 characters, depending on the space counting or not.
  10. If you are a sub right now and have access to KotET, but your sub will run out, can you still access KotET, or is that eternally locked to premium/subbed players? This is not for me, I will stay subbed til the lights are turned off because I'm pathetic, but someone asked and I couldn't figure out that specific scenario from the information page. Thanks.
  11. I got a 230 earpiece on my 2nd box, and another 230 earpiece but not with my BiS stat on my 5th. Nice disintegrate on that one at least. But a guildie was well into 30+ crates before getting anything. A lot of guildmates who are hardcore raiders, who've survived the Long Drought of Content, are getting very nervous. They want to be well geared and competitive. Nevermind the worry about those who used to be able to field 2-3 toons depending on role needed. THAT'S gone now, thanks guys!
  12. All this and the OP. I'm staying around, but it really is a kriffing shame. [One of my guildies, a long-time raider from even before SWTOR, got to Level 36 over the weekend, and only then did he get a piece of usable gear. ONE PIECE. I'm lucky, I got an earpiece and I'm only L7. But you have a lot of experienced raiders who persevered through a two-year drought getting very nervous. And this is a big raiding/conquest guild.]
  13. In the Zakuul swamp, there were for my Bioanalyst about 1/3 the L 10s as there were L9s, and I might be overstating it. edit: I was in a PvP instance, too. There should be L10s on Darvannis. And give us access to Iokath and L10 hunting ASAP.
  14. I have the problem only on a few toons, which makes no sense. But I *did* have a real issue with my Marauder in KotET Tuesday and Wednesday, jumping into mobs and the camera catches up and spins to the ground and I lose a second of fighting trying to get it right. I have an inner ear disorder (as in, GSF makes me physically ill) and it was really jarring.
  15. Lag still a problem, and I'm on Ebon Hawk. Not all of us have all AOE all the time. Not all the converters pop when you start the chain reaction. Getting to them, and then getting out of the middle of them is eating up my time since I'm melee. Three minutes is hysterical, don't get me wrong. But lag and misfires not so hysterical.
  16. By this point, I have to agree. JUST BRING THEM BACK!
  17. Yeah, will this EVER get fixed? Is it some coding version of brain surgery or rocket science? I'm assuming it won't be, so I'm going to spend the 90K+ to switch back to lightsabers.
  18. A similar thing happened to me months ago and short of a re-install of Windows 10, I can't fix it. (There are about six or seven other things that were suggested but none of them worked, including re-downloading and installing the game.) I had to turn off windowed mode. I have to make sure I always have a browser window up to alt-tab back to. Then every time I sign out of the game, I have to reset my screen resolution to 1920 x 1080. I can no longer use Windows onboard game recorder. I can't use Lightshot to take screen caps, either. I used to be able to put my cursor at the bottom of the screen and my taskbar would show up so I could get to things like Team Speak, etc... This is the only program I've noticed that affects my computer like this.
  19. If they're so uncommitted to returning what is a key feature and HELLO EXALTED BIOWARE STORYTELLING longtime selling point of BioWare games, then you know what? I DON'T WANT THEM DOING IT. I don't want half-assed add ons. I don't want bad stories. I don't want murder as fanservice. Knights of the Sorry It's Not KOTOR is already shoehorned in storytelling enough, thanks. I want Quinn to be able to come back with dignity for those who want him and sure, for those who choose, to be able to feed him to a rancor if that 8 year old grudge is more important to you than the douchebags murdering billions, maybe trillions, throughout the galaxy. But it's a game and both factions deserve to be able to enjoy it. If they don't care about the companions we care about, if they think all their loyal subscribers want is strange, then we already have a really strange and COMPLETELY UNDERUTILIZED host of new companions.
  20. Twice now, I have defeated an Exarch on Heroic, by myself, with none of the Alliance enhancements (not the big terminal in the beginning and not any of the caches throughout the SF). First was Belsavis, second one just now was Tatooine. This is on a DPS Juggernaut with a L50 companion. (First time was with L40!) And I have not gotten the title. I could care less about 20 CC. I want that title. I've earned that title. Is there some hidden requirement that not even Dulfy mentions? I did get pushed off the platform during the fight on the droid floor and went to jail. Did that prevent me from getting it? Filed a ticket the first time, was blown off.
  21. Yup, that's a $180 dollar and counting question right there. Ouch, you totally nailed it with the Lost reference. And those were experienced, much better writers who totally pooched that show. At this point, I wholeheartedly support bringing back even our love interests- A listers through Alliance alerts. Let them be short, independent stories that recognize whether we married or rejected them and what they've been up to for five years. IT DOESN'T HAVE TO BE ABOUT SAVING THE GALAXY! Let the Quinn haters get their chance to kill him or tell him to sod off and let them **** forever. I just have no faith that the current BioWare Austin crew is comprised of good enough writers to bring them back chapter by chapter and woven in with the Star Wars Dysfunctional Family Imperative in anything less than five years and given how they've handled other things about the game, not to mention EA, will anyone even be left?
  22. Here's what Charles Boyd said in the livestream, courtesy of someone else on Tumblr: tl:dr: Don't hold your breath (in a ramble even less clear than the blathering about Operations) Charles Boyd: “Well, I’ve definitely seen a few saying, "will I get all of them back?”, and that is impossible. There’s definitely still a lot left, and that’s on us; so I know that and it’s something that pains me literally everyday because I really want to get those companions back. I can kinda talk about this for twenty minutes straight, cos it’s something that’s really important to me, it’s a key part of the story; balancing, moving the storyline forward, feeling like you’re seeing your decisions pay off quickly, that you’re seeing results, that we’re tying off story points like: what’s the deal with Arcann, what’s the deal with Valkorion, where’s this stuff with Zakuul going - balanced with getting characters back, introducing them to people who don’t know them, reminding you of them if you hadn’t seen them in a few years, and that sort of thing. It’s a really tough thing to balance out, and I feel like we probably didn’t quite get that balance right, at least not as best as I would have liked it last year - so we wanted to focus this year’s storyline on moving the story forward, giving pay offs, giving resolution to a lot of the things that people were really wanting to see that we felt like were stretched out a little too much last year. So that’s really the focus of the Chapters. Now: does that mean we’ll never get any of those companions back - absolutely not, I have said many times, and dug myself deep into a hole that I will probably be murdered over it at some point - it is my intention that you will get every companion back eventually as part of the story. Because to me, that is critical, they are awesome characters, they deserve storyline reintroductions that are appropriate to them, that really give you the feeling that you miss and give you the pay off that you want getting those characters back. I wanna really do them justice. But of course there’s quite a few of them left, that’s going to take some serious time to do. We’re going to do our best as time proceeds, we’ll figure out what the best way to do that is, and we’ll keep you all posted as we go.“
  23. After patching, mine are still bugged. Boggles the mind.
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