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Everything posted by kaimelion

  1. But throwing 8 people together with no planning and no way to communicate for more than 10 minutes, defenitely has something to do with "skill"
  2. If you dont know what spec to play, ranked probably isnt the place for you.
  3. 2.7 will probably be the best balancing this game ever had (atleast since I started it at 1.6)
  4. Thank you for this post, now all questions are answered and the OP will be the uber roxxor. If you want to get better on a class, get someone, who is better than you and duell him and ask for feedback. IMO thats the fastest way to learn.
  5. Maybe not all the instacasts in the world, but the DPS peeling for the healer probably can help you stay alive. Remember, you dont need to stay alive for ever, just until your dps got the first kill. OFC 3v3 would only work well with 2 DPS 1 Healer
  6. How many "competent" players play this game? Maybe 500-1000 on all servers combined?
  7. 2 DPS vs 1 Healer + 1 DPS might work somehow, but the team in the healing combo will still have a huge advantage. Dont really see the 2 DPS team winning, when playing against "equally" skilled players. And what will happen with 1 DPS + 1 Healer vs 1 DPS + 1 Healer. Most of these match-ups will probably end in the acid.
  8. How healing is balanced atm, it has to be atleast 3v3, with 1 healer 2 dps as the basic setup, since 1 healer should be easily able to outheal 1 dps, even if he is facetanking them.
  9. The Dev answer to that will probably be: "Sry, but we dont have this on our list atm"
  10. This is probably the biggest PvP "content" we will see for a while. Props for putting so much effort in the community.
  11. Another thing are your APM. On most classes you should aim to get more than 40APM in PvP. When I am new to a class and I know I am not doing everything right, I still perform better than most players, just because I press 1 button every 1.5 seconds and dont have unnecessary delays. Then there comes positioning, cooldown management on your side, while still knowing the cooldowns of your opponents, knowledge on how to counter certain classes/abilities and with practise you will rarely lose any 1v1.
  12. Might be true for solo ranked, but what about team ranked? Also, hybrid heal much
  13. Its a L2P issue. Nothing more, nothing less. You can get 1000hps with level 20 on every healing class and 1000dps with level 30 on every dps class in almost every single game and do alot more, on some occasions. Now think about how many people dont even get a 360k medal in these brackets. Its a L2P issue. Oh wait, I already said that. Did I mention it's a L2P issue? Pls L2P.
  14. Never said, your opener doesnt work, just said, why I think my opener is better. I hate bad pugs, so I prefer going with a premade especially if you are on TS and have little chitchats. I am pretty sure the shield is of the GCD. Also I find the dodge alot more usefull. As you can see in the video, the Sent is doing almost no damage, while its up. The potential of 1 second more dodge is alot higher, than the little more absorb you get from the shield. Madness sorc should be alright, not easy, but alright. Hybrid is probably alot harder, since he has alot more control. Gunnery Mando will be a pain in the ***, but just because of his net. It's his "I win button", which i dont have. I only have "use these abilities smart to outplay your enemies". Thats basically the reason, why soo many people feel this class is weak. It's just alot harder to play than other classes.
  15. Lethality it totally fine, when it comes to damage. You can do alot overall damage with your dots and do very very good single target DPS with your Culls. We are not stomping our way through the warzone but we are doing quite well. It is "balanced" atm. Not too strong and not too weak.
  16. Level 30 Sniper and level 38 Sage Pls tell me more about how its not a L2P issue.
  17. You get more HP but lose Bonus Damage. Your choice what you prefer. No, you will lose expertise when you run with 78 MH/OH, while probably having worse stats, than with the 44/46. For OW PvP (it's dead btw) go for Probe and Dodge Setbonus, no accuracy, not alacrity and between 25%-29% crit.
  18. 1) He didnt use medpac, but I didnt either. And yes, he could have played it alot better, but when you look at the average Sentinel, I think the other guy is a good example. 2) I went to the off node, because I wanted to get a decent 1v1 on tape. In mid fights, especially if you go there with a decent premade, in which I was, your enemies just die way to fast anyway. Not so much fun. I usually dont have aproblem with staying in range. If a guy kites away, I just get on someone else. I rarely see the advantage of tunneling someone. 3) I dont really like your opener, here is why: 1. If you zap, he knows you are here + its alot if resolve 2. Explosive probe is only doing decent damage, if it crits and I would rather take my chances with hidden strike, since it also gives me a TA and if you follow up with a Shiv, you are able to Shiv sooner again. Apart from that, EP is a 30m ability and very usefull, when you are fighting a ranged class, that kites away. 4. DoTs while the guy is mezzed...yeah, no problem with that. 5. I really think this Stim Boost is waisted. In my opener I get the 2 TAs and can use my Stim Boost later in the duel, for the extra Cull, especially usefull, if the target hast a Wounding Blast debuff on. 6. Shiv and Cull...well, if you dont have a Cull Proc, you can Cull only twice until you need to Shiv again. Would be pretty nice, if you still had your Stim Boost at this point. With your opener, you basically waist your Hidden Strike, so you waist 1 TA, so you waist 1 Cull. 4) 5 seconds, where I will get Smashed to pieces and I wont be able to do decent DPS, because he has all his stuff running. I really dont want that. I dont see a problem with the resolve. I dont have anything left to cc him anyway, except for maybe my grenade, which will be broken by the DoTs in the first seconds anyway. 5) How many good Smashers are there? Maybe 2-3 on each Server? OFC you need to adjust your cooldown management and it probably wouldnt have been so one sided. Remember, I still had Medpac + Adrenal + Shield Probe and used my breaker and my vanish to just tear him apart, not to win. Not viable? We are squishy, I agree with that, but the upcoming changes to Smash will help quite alot. Our DPS, both single target and AoE is one of the highest in the game and will be on an even higher position with the Smash nerf. We are good. We are not ROFL stomping everything, but I guess that is the idea behind "balancing".
  19. How I do it, because I havent seen any better. 44s im MH and OH for the HP and Tech bonusdamge. About 28-29% crit. Full surge, no alacrity at all, because its all about the high crits. For setbonuses use the 69PvE (15% crit on shiv) + the 61PvE (15% crit on Backstab).
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