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Everything posted by stupidsyrup

  1. During a 4v4 on my 33 Merc healer (I have a 55 Mando healer so I know the routine) I'm in with a guildie Marauder, another Marauder, and another Merc healer.....in Armor Piercing Cylinder. I said "hey man just so you know you're not in Combat Support." "Shut up noob I don't need that I can heal just fine and put out just as much damage." Normally I would ditch his sorry *** but I was with a guildie and actually wanted to see this play out, so I didn't reply. Round 1 starts and the 4 DPS they have focus him, naturally, so he puts on his Kolto Shell and starts Unload. They destroyed him in less than 1 GCD, I didn't have the time to cast a single heal. They start focusing the other Marauder, I get a few heals off etc, etc, they were great at teaming up on one target. We lose Round 1. Round 2 comes, nearly the same thing, except I survive longer but that other Merc dies just as fast. At the end of the game he says "man the healer always die first" He had 3k heals total. My guildie (who has a 55 Merc healer) says "Healing cylinder usually helps". We get back to the Fleet and I'm like "just lol"
  2. Lol whenever I PuG I node guard because I'm the only person I trust to call inc, and I click on teammates and view Target of Target to mark the healer. They never mark them
  3. Not really. You may have all day to PvP, but some of us have this thing called a "life" and a "family" and a "job". Shocking I know. But when you only get the chance to PvP a couple hours a day...in the evening.....when the good players are also off work....you tend to lose a lot.
  4. 2 things: 1. Daily and Weekly require Unranked matches. 2. Ranked does not have Huttball or any other 8v8 WZ. This is why I Premade with a couple friends. 4v4 Deathmatch is boring, Huttball isn't. It's so simple it's.... shocking.
  5. Amen sistah! But seriously though, I almost don't PuG anymore because it's filled with idiots. I usually wait until at least 1 Friend is on. This is an MMO, it's not BioWare's fault you lack the capacity to make friends. Shut ya yapper Sam
  6. The problem with pubs on this server is too many damn healers. You're guaranteed at least 3 per 8v8 game, and most of them are bad anyways. Most Imps are DPS, so that's like the scissors to the paper. Yes, this server is extremely Imperial dominant......unfortunately. It's so bad if they didn't make weekly's now win or lose, there would be weeks you wouldn't get 9 wins in.
  7. Gonna see if I can grab a couple from <Apotheosis> for this. Probably gonna be Jeffray!!!!!! Teh Sniper Kpow the Madness Sorc And one of Meatsnapple's toons. Like I said let me check with them first. And are we allowed 1 healer per group?
  8. Pretty sure this is a smash QQ thread with a pinch of I'm too stoopad to weed tha pash nuts end c mah snipppppper is stel op'zzzzzzz. Note: I'm not bashing any class here BioWare leave my sniper alone.
  9. My view on it is that in this game of high hitters, especially Takedowns, High Endurance is the way to go as a Tank in the action, such as Guardian or Vanguard. But as well all know Shadow Tanks are the weakest of the 3 in protection, so I would rather stack mitigation on my Assassin, who node guards most of the time. If I stack Mitigation and use a Willpower Stim I found it much easier to 1v1. Yeah for Jugg or Guardian I agree Endurance, with Enraged Defense, Endure Pain, etc. that rely on a certain percentage of your max HP. But for Assassin who rely so heavily on their Shield to work, I would say they need the encouragement.
  10. Well yes and no. A good DPS stacks accuracy above %100 meaning that he's trying to bypass your defenses. So would not more mitigation be useful? Instead of eating everything he's throwing at you into your wall of HP, you're now resisting a lot of it. This is my favorite paragraph. Let's see, Dark Bulwark only comes when you shield, meaning you need a shield AKA Tank gear. Each stack of Dark Bulwark absorbs %1, so %8 maximum. And if you spam Dark Ward every 15 seconds you are a bad player. It's designed so you use it, gain Dark Bulwark for 20 seconds, then repeat. Meaning you should only use Dark Ward every 40 seconds, not 15. By spamming it there's no point to having Dark Bulwark, as it takes about 15 seconds to get to 5+ stacks. What a load of crap. Defense is necessary on ANY Tank, to a certain extent before it becomes useless. But until that point, it's super effective. And your comment on not building past your natural....let's see how that %15 shield chance and a whole %6 defense from the tree gets you as a Tank. I in no way bashed Endurance build as bad unlike you bashing mitigation. My Guardian is Endurance build. It is effective in it's ways, but all in all the mitigation is my preferred choice having seen both in action.
  11. Here's an idea I just thought of while reading and gonna throw out here without a care. Give each player a buff at the beginning of each WZ that allows them to only take say 3-5 CC's every mmmmmmmm 4 minutes? That's 2 breaks. Now this would help reduce CC's when say trying to stop a Bomb plant, but also make killing healers very difficult. I'm sure this idea can be tweaked on. Like I said, just something that popped in 2 minutes ago.
  12. I disagree with the above statement (yes I know how to quote people I'm just lazy like that:cool:) If you min/Max like stated in the sticky in the Assassin Forums, you actually have a %57 chance to shield with Dark Ward up and %49 without, meaning over half the time thus getting 8 stacks of Dark Bulwark super easy, which then means those add on to the %45 you're already gonna absorb by %8 up to %53. What you just read meant with Dark Ward up you're gonna shield over half the time then absorb over half the damage. Sounds like a win/win. Now mind you this is with Defense/Shield/Absorb Augs too. That stuff is expensive to re-aug'd after going full Endurance. Full Endurance is beneficial however when using Overload Saber for the %15 heal, and Medpacs for the %35 heal and also for taking more than one under %30 Max HP killing blows. Personal experience from both the Mitigation side and the Sniper who tried to 1v1 a Mitigation Shadow? During that fight this guy dodged, parried, and deflected my Ambush, half my Series of Shots, 3 Followthroughs, and Absorbed my Explosive Probe. He didn't drop to less than %72 HP. That sounds like a win to me. And there's nothing more satisfying (and more annoying on the Snipers end) than Deflecting Leg Shots as your walk over a Fire Trap carrying the Huttball. Plus for more damage you can just use a Willpower Stim rather than Endurance. TLDR: Doing the math, Mitigation sounds like the better choice, however Endurance does have it's perks. P.S. You're still gonna have 32-33k HP. And can use an Endurance Stim to get 35k plus without hurting any mitigation.
  13. I would like BioWare to read this and think of Merc/Mando healing. But with the interruption thing, most people are itchy to interrupt your first heal, so when it's time to start casting, use Psych Up and begin casting Kolto Pack. Most will interrupt this if not most of their team use it at once. Then begin using Kolto Injection. After they interrupt you however they will CC you to stop the next cast. Wait until you're white barred then break and begin healing. When all else fails, spam Emergency Medpac. Keep healing my friends.
  14. Yep. It's a piece of green headgear. Inquisitors get headbands, Bounty Hunters get those weird ones that look like wrap-around shower caps, Agents get a funny looking hat, and Warriors get a mouth guard I think. It could be one like the Bounty Hunter.
  15. Ok ok my bad when looking over the tree I didn't see anything. Maybe you could enlighten me?
  16. Let's see: Sage/Sorc, can heal while waiting for fire, has bubble, healers have Egress on Force Speed, can pull allies, has KB, has single target slow unless spec'd DPS, than has both a root in Madness and a slow in Lightning. Shadow/Assassin, has two CD's including 3-5 seconds of CC immunity, Force Speed (on a 15 sec CD should you choose, and who wouldn't?), has KB, has single target slow. PT/VG, has CD that absorbs a moderate amount of damage, a 6-10 second root immunity while also going Max speed while carrying ball, Tank can Jump, two of three specs have a slow, this class still needs a little work, especially in the tank department and Pyro needs a slow. Mando/Merc, same CD and root immunity as PT/VG, has instant AoE heal, can heal while waiting on fire, has 360 KB, has a mega snare for anyone chasing them. Marauder/Sent, has an Enure-like defense for those last few seconds to the endzone, has a speed buff, has a CD that absorbs well, can leap to foes, has single target slow. Jugg/Guardian, has both a friendly and foe jump, has same CD as Marauder and tanks get a better one, has Enure, which is almost a second Medpac, has Focused/Enraged Defense which isn't the best but helps a little, has single target launching KB that refreshes CD on foe leap, has AoE slow. Sniper/Slinger, has a CC immunity for 20 seconds while sitting still ie waiting for fire, has CD that absorbs a moderate amount, has roll THAT GETS THEM FROM THE TOP LEDGE TO THE FINAL STRETCH INTO THE EZ (I would know I do it all the time, has AoE defense, not very viable, has strong 360 KB with root attached, has single target root. (P.S. Being a Marksman after I roll towards the endzone I gain Entrench, which then gives me 6 seconds of movement impairing immunity) Scoundrel/Operative, has CD that absorbs moderate amount, has ability to roll 6 meters while carrying Huttball which uses 25 energy each roll, can heal while waiting for fire, has single target slow. I'm sorry but I believe that Scoundrel/Operatives may be actually one of the worst for Huttball. Looks to me like Jugg and Sniper are King. And every class has a root or slow you can place on a Huttball carrying Operative (unless you only play Pyro PT all the time.)
  17. First headpiece for any Empire player can be found with the quest where you have to remove the bombs in Kaas City. You can pick it up at a dropbox behind the Legacy Gear Vendors
  18. stupidsyrup

    6 Rules of PVP

    I was beginning to think this. Cool thread but I must ask people, do you really find just deathmatching fun PvP? I mean, how is just going out there and fighting fun at all? There's no purpose, it's just mindless smashing. Objectives make you think, which I can tell you people don't enjoy. Please go back to your Call of doodoo
  19. Another thing, keep similar moves to the same keybind. For example, all my defensives are Shift+5/6. This includes Reactive Shield and Hold the Line, Saber Ward and Warding Call, and so on. On alt+0 I put my slows/roots. Freezing Force, Force Slow, Leg Shot, etc. It helps make it easier to remember when swapping toons.
  20. stupidsyrup

    The TORah

    Haha this is great! I loved the part about spacebarring through the companion cutscene. I wonder if any morons (not Mormons, although.....) will come through screaming "BLASPHEMY!"
  21. Well what I would recommend is keybind just a few things, namely, the abilities you use the most. Then go run a few Daily quests and try it out on PvE mobs to get the feel. It will take some getting used to, but soon it'll be second nature. Make sure to keybind your Medpac and Adrenal. One way I found was helpful for learning a new keybind was to place my buff there and press it every 6 seconds when off CD. I keep my A, S, W, and D keys for strafing and running, and turn with the mouse. I don't bother running with the mouse. Some people like it, I don't. Just remember to start simple and comfortable.
  22. I remember when I came back to this game over a year ago and a Scrapper tore me up I cried "HAX!!" Then I learned that Shoot First was crit'ing for 9k for everyone. I haven't heard of the flying hack but I occasionally see a player floating slightly above ground basically stuck in the jump animation and swinging their saber/s. I chalk it up to lag as I see guildies do it with voice chat on, and I'm like "Dude, you're floating." And everyone else is just like "He's fine on my screen."
  23. Merc/Mandos in Combat Support spamming Tracer/Grav. There's a 55 Mando on POT5 who is heal spec'd in tree and everything, an only goes around spamming Mortar Round. She gets 5 off, runs out of ammo, and does nothing else. Did a lowbie on my 32 Merc healer the other day and was up against some other Imps. This 52 Assassin kept chasing me. Good job tunneling amiright? No, she Mauls, I'm just constantly mouse turning so I'm facing her and free casting. She starts running around me in circles, Force Speeds, doesn't do any other attacks. Refuses to do anything but Maul. During break before Round 2 in /gen chat "I'm crying it's so funny watching you" and a couple other things. No response. We're attacking, she finds me Maul, I start turning, Slash, Maul, turn. Again she doesn't do any other attack except for Maul and Low Slash every 15 seconds. She was so pissed at me not letting her Maul spam. She got me with several 7 Mauls I'll tell you what. It was truly hilarious watching her run around in circles while I free cast trying to get behind my back.
  24. Best healing Sorc, Kpow Best hybrid Heals/Madness Sorc, Mèatsnapple
  25. Shout-out to Meatsnapple for troll-rolling faster than lightning to the first Voidstar doors and planting in less than 12 seconds every game. You rock buddy. And to anyone who has problems with that and wants to make a complaint, I encourage you to visit his complaint page at http://www.meatsnapple.com
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