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Everything posted by Ugasonofuga

  1. Nope. Best German server for PvP is T3-M4, which is a PvE server
  2. I'm aware of this, was just hinting at all the QQing about sins before 2.4 hit the servers
  3. I think it is trying to communicate, but I'm really not sure
  4. "Sins need more sustained DPS for arena to be competitive!!!!11" No. Just no.
  5. Huttball: We trailed behind 2:0 after under a minute time passed and half the team left. Another Sin joined (was playing my Decep Sin in this match) and the two of us turned the tides and won the match 4:6 with all 6 points made by us. 2 days later I was running in a guild-extern premade when someone joined the ts and went completely nuts about hearing me. Turned out that it was the other Sin back from the match We are now kinda friends Alderaan: Trailing behind with 2 enemy nodes, captured one and managed to endure long enough to win 10:0. I will post some new if I have them
  6. Sorc all speccs including both hybrids Decep Sin
  7. Ugasonofuga

    neue Gilde

    Alter. Selbst wenn das ein Trollversuch sein sollte, ist er schlecht und Blech. Falls du das wirklich ernst meinst, ist es kein Wunder, dass du keine PvP Gilde findest. Wenn du so gut spielst wie du trollst...
  8. Immer noch besser gegen euch zu spielen als PvEler im BG zu haben
  9. ich sehe schon vor mir, wie drölfzigtausend Hexer nach Launch von 2.5 zum Umskillheini rennen und auf Madness speccen...
  10. Kephess war so ne Echse, oder? Dann sag ich mal: Weiblicher Schatten Tank EDIT: Kephess? Nie gesehen, PvP only
  11. 29.10.13: Start Season 1 http://www.swtor.com/blog/swtor-holiday-update
  12. Diplomatie, Flashpoints ohne Ende (Esseles/BT zB) etc
  13. Männlicher Schurke in Grün (gemeint ist die Rasse, kenn den Namen nur nicht Mira-hassenichgepfiffen?)
  14. "Detusch" kann ich nicht, wo gibts sowas?
  15. Das ist ja mal alles völliger Stuss. Es sind auch genug Noobs in der Arena, das hält sich recht im Gleichgewicht. Natürlich ist es nicht so geil, mit 3 Noobs gg 3x WP zu spielen, hatte ich gestern oft genug. Aber auch solche Matches kann man gewinnen, einfach ist was anderes, aber man kann auch wenigstens in Ehre verlieren (an euch ganzen Stealthtrolls von gestern: Wenn ich euch finde gibts nen Maul den Arsch rauf, tut auch nach ner Zeit nicht mehr so weh!) 6er Gruppen im Ranked? Erzähl mir mehr Der Fakt, dass du 1:25 stehst/standest, lässt sich vllt damit erklären, dass auch ein Noob *auf TE zeig* das ganzen Team absägen kann, schon mal dran gedacht?
  16. This thread is awesome, even im comparison to its German clone I'm leveling a PT tank atm and got into a Mandalorian Raiders SM run. Note that I was lvl 30 at this point of time, had 9k hp and knew the FP very well. Rest of the group were a lvl 23 operative healer, a lvl 25 marauder and a lvl 25 assassin. FP opens up and I inspect the others. Healer was well geared for his level, dds were not. Marauder going a mix of cunning and strength with two pieces of willpower, assassin still had pieces of Korriban gear. I tell the heal and get a "well.." in response. I order to myself to carry on because I do need the daily for lvl 31. Pulling is a little adventure, because sin and mara are taunting/jumping everything and do chainpulls. First boss was relativly easy because the sin just tried to taunt the dogs and ignored the main boss, heal is really busy. After the boss I initiate a vote-kick on the mara because he tried to ninja a piece of cunning. Mara gets booted and starts to insult me and the healer in /w. Replacement for the mara is a lvl 30 PT. we proceed and eventually get to the second boss. We vote-kicked the sin on the way because he simply was annoying as hell, telling the healer how bad he is (he wasn't, was one of the best low-lvl healers I have seen lately) and telling me that I do not know how to tank, not to forget how bad my gear is. We got a well geared and well skilled sniper in place. Standing right before the republic boarding party I had to go afk for something like ten seconds or so. When I come back, PT dd lies face down, sniper is nearly dead and operative runs for his life. I tried to save what I could but died. PT insults everyone with very bad German words and leaves. Operative tells me that the PT pulled but that we can at least save time because wo do not need a vote-kick anymore. We shake heads and I get out lovely Mako as some healing support for the operative. Rest of the FP went smoothly and everyone left had some good laughs and a newly filled igno list. EDIT: Please excuse any language or grammar mistakes, English is not my first language, you can still guess, what my first language is
  17. Da du i-wie alles hast, ist das ja gar nicht mal so leicht Ich sag mal: Weiblicher Cyborg Merc
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