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Posts posted by Ahbal

  1. With all due respect, we made all these suggestions back when 5.0 was in beta, and many more. They did not listen then, and will not listen in the future. Don't waste your breath. My advice, unsub like the rest of us. Only way to get them to change.


    I was not aware that beta players had these specific suggestions, apologies.


    I will be unsubbing, as i usually only sub during expansion time (which is during my holiday time) after that, I dont have emuch time to play the game anyway. I just hate seeing this game go form such a brilliant, hassle free easy to understand gear system, to plain RNG like a mobile game. Even worse, I've seen people defending it? I am fairly new to the forums, i rarely come on here, so that is why I may have missed a lot of beta related posts.

  2. In 4.0 gearing was fast. And ppl got to learn and practice NiMs, got to PvP on new toons etc. Just because ppl got geared fast, life hadn't stopped.

    Now we have Eternal Grind to get gear to be able to play what we want.


    I don't know if I can make that any clearer. I don't play swtor because I want 346 rating gear. If 208 was enough for NiMs and ranked, I'd not care. I want to enjoy the game (what enjoyment is left...), but GC stops us from that very thing.


    Yes precisely! Earning the gear is a means to do the much harder content. Its not meant to be the goal we grind endlessly for.

  3. Funny you say this, as Beta testers gave them feedback as "adults" and yet, they still got ignored? But sure, keep shifting the blame to the community rather than the devs who did not listen to beta feedback. If they were going to "listen" they would have done so with Beta feedback.
  4. If I could make a suggestion....


    Allow a player to choose to turn a piece of armor into a token instead of CXP.


    Those tokens could be used as currency to buy armor pieces on a vendor in Odessen.


    They should also, IMO, move the maximum level for CXP to 5000 or just make it infinite, reduce the amount of CXP needed to reach a new level (especially the first 100 levels), and DRASTICALLY reduce the weekly cap, I would say they should cut it in half.


    Then increase CXP payout from all sources substantially.


    That, IMO, would make the system almost perfect.


    ooooooh that is genius


    That fixes so many problems....

  5. The big problem with that is that you can go into early planet heroics and essentially one shot gold mobs all day with ease, so at 10cxp a clip, it becomes the be all end all fastest way to get cxp, hence it becomes the ONLY way to gain cxp. I would concur that dropping it to 1 was a bit brutal, Im more for a compromise of say... like 4 or 5. What really needs to happen, is that they need to design more content for people to do once the story is over. There need to be more FPs, WZs, OPS, quests, both regular and heroic, and some daily ones as well. Make the companions have quests that open up conversation (and possible romance) options. Just flood the endgame with so many things to do, that people don't mind doing them, and can mix it up, and not have the same daily grind every single day....


    I agree, new companion quests would be great. Im sick of farming heroic missions (not mobs) while i wait for my GSF/warzone que, all this to get a chance of getting gear that will allow me to play higher tier OPS/Fps (fun). So doing new content to rank up would atleast be more enjoyable than doing heroics i did 4 years ago when i was level 50..

  6. Hi all, i know this has been a big subject past few days, and there have been many suggestions to change/remove/fix etc the "galactic command" rng gearing system. Now, i have a few tweaks that I think. would help make it better.


    1: Bring back unassembled pieces that can be traded for set bonus gear. This is a MUST for ops, and many have suggested this already. Unassembled pieces were honestly one of my favorite ways to gear, as you knew which bosses would drop which pieces and such.


    2: Bring back "elite" comm vendors (yeh i still call the mid range gear elite lol). Why? Simple, have each command crate give 1 elite comm/token, which can be transferred to legacy toons, or used on the current character. This is a two birds with one stone solution, if you are getting very unlucky, like some of my guild friends at command rank 30, and not getting any gear better than 230 (i.e "elite" rating stuff) then you can use those comms to buy some gear straight up from a vendor. So with this, atleast the grind is not 100% RNG, as after a few crates you are guaranteed to get a piece of good gear with tokens. Prices could start at 8 comms for chestpiece, 10 for main/offhand, 4 for everything else (for example). These tokens could be given to alts if the current character does not need the gear, saving you from grinding up to a similar command level as your main character just to start having a chance of getting gear to do the same content your main character can (talking about higher tier pve).


    3. Give command crates/gear for achievements. Now, think of it like this. You are a new player, and completed say...The false emperor on SM for the first time. Due to the RNG system, you get disapointed you got no fancy loot from that new and hard boss fight (from the perspective of a new player). Now, this player will get an achievement for doing this, and that achievement should grant a piece of gear (230) as a bonus. For us veteran players who have already completed such achievements, it could be retroactive and give us a crate (only for SM ones, as doing it for all difficulties could get out of hand). Now this is just a random idea i had, not sure how well it would work so dont be too harsh :) They could also be awarded for completing Kotfe/KotET chapters on Veteran through the achievement system, which i think would be a better idea. As it would make them more rewarding for both veterans and new players.


    So I hope you guys like these ideas, I am only trying to throw out some ideas to make this system better. Ive been using it for 3 characters, and while it is fun, it should NOT be the main/only way to get good gear. Before you ask, yes, i am a crafter, i craft everything (yes everything, all disciplines, still levelling half of them, other half is done). Now, if Unassembled pieces were to return, and a mid range gear vendor were to be added (suggestions 1 and 2) i believe this would greatly improve the gearing for 5.0. 3 is more of a fun idea :)


    Thanks for reading, and who knows, maybe some similar changes may actually happen.

  7. Lol at this thread


    My little brother is a "new player" and prefers the old system. As with the old system, you knew when/where/how you will get the gear.


    You do realise that new players will have to grind endless hours...to even have a chance of getting gear? Why would a new player do that? When I first hit 55 during the Oricon update, I had no endgame mmorpg experience, however, once I ran a few ops I realised how great the unassembled set pieces were, rather than RNG. Further....veteran players will know the best places to farm, instantly putting the newer/nonfarming players at a disadvantage. (In regard to command crates).


    Again, lol.

  8. Based on conversations I've had with people ingame, it looks like you have to be playing for the winning side AND have that particular alignment. For example, if you are Dark V and you switch over to play for the light side and the light side wins, you won't get tokens. You'd have to earn enough light points to have your personal alignment on that side.


    Whilst I believe this is true, it goes against what the patch notes said. It clearly states it is independent from your characters alignment.


    However, I am Dark IV on my sith Juggernaut, toggled dark side. When dark side was in a victory state, and I levelled up my command rank, I STILL did not get any tokens. My vote is on the side of it being bugged. I already submitted a bug report. I am around command rank 10, not a single token so far. :confused:

  9. You were fed a false promise of choice of outcome; regardless of the 'choises' you make in KotFE the expansion is 'on the rails' deterministic outcome as per BW/EA scripted vision.


    Not really, on my lightside sorc Koth stayed and didnt steal the gravestone.


    Unless you meant that he steals it at the start of KOTET, which i wont be surprised.

  10. If your Jugg was an instant 60, the "history" is a pure darkside one for everything in the 1-50 story and in SoR.

    Every free 60 character has had glitches regarding the story for me and my friends (none of us were willing to buy another one after experiencing this).


    No my Sith is not an instant 60, ive been playing him as my main for years now.

  11. Hi guys, this is my first forum post so forgive me if this is the wrong section. I just want to spread this out so the community is aware of this. Following are KOTFE spoilers, so dont read if you havent done it yet!



    This bug is regarding Koth, and the choices you make throughout KOTFE. On my sith Juggernaut I:


    Did not destroy the sun generator

    Brought in the Exiles

    Trusted Senya over Koth (obviously) when talking to Heralds of Zildrog

    Did NOT destroy the spire with Kaliyo


    However, in the alliance window, it states that:


    Koth was pleased you prevented the destruction of the spire


    Followed by


    Horrified at the destruction of the spire, Koth has had enough, he has abandoned the alliance.


    This lead to him leaving, and returning to steal the gravestone, even though my choices should not have had that happen. I know this as I made the same choices on my sorcerer, with the exception of destroying the sun generator (i think) and he didnt leave/steal Gravestone on my sorc. Therefore, it is a bug. Unsure if anyone else has experienced this, but I encourage you all to check your alliance window and see if you have this bug too. I already submitted a bug report and customer service thing, I am just spreading the word just in case this effected anyone else without them knowing.


    Thanks for reading, hopefully this achieves the intended purpose.

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