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Posts posted by Ahbal

  1. Do you have dx9 installed? The game runs off Direct X 9, therefore on later versions, they emulate it, thus resulting in lower performance. If you install it, it should provide better performance (it did for me).
  2. I think the game and player satisfaction would be best served by splitting the mono-story of RotHC, SoR, KotFE and KotET back to faction based story arcs.


    Having to go back and rebuild your original faction would be the common sense way to do this. I am sure the Imps have destabilising plots going on in Rep space, and vice versa - there would be plenty of material to work with, as long as the story writes were moderately competent.


    Have dailys, FP etc based on faction, but crucially they need also to make the classes feel different again, so I would also have a series of Class Dailys. Now it should be entirely possible to write a "generic daily" and build a single "map" for it, then just reskin/rename some of the key NPCs and rework some of the dialogues. Even if the start point and end point are identical if the path in between has some class specific elements it will increase replayability, and decrease player boredom.


    Seriously cut back on the number and length of cutscenes, so it feels like a "game we play", not a "cartoon we watch" and then things should be on the right footing.


    All The Best


    Yes this is a great idea! The main reason I didn't expand on it too much though, is because many/some players may prefer to leave their factions behind and continue with the alliance. That being said, (spoilers) at the end of Kotet, you get mail, and from memory see Lana and Theron discussing the empire/republic preparing for war against each other (and the alliance I think). So I think splitting the factions is the best idea. Bringing them together was great in terms of story against one overpowering foe, however long term it gets stale, as all characters play the same now, essentially.

  3. Very good letter, shame they will brush over it saying la la la and continue the train wreck which is GCXP.


    Wouldn't be so bad if new open world content would have been released instead of chapters, 1-50 story is the BEST thing about this game story wise and being able to explore the star wars universe. This is what got me into the game and now they want to go down a route that dumbs down SWTOR into a pay to play mass effect clone.


    I saw Eric do an interview with the SWTOR youtuber and he claims to read these forums, well if that is the case Eric and you look over thos post make the right people aware that your actions are devestating this game and something needs to be done to make it relevant.


    I agree. I would love an update modelled after oricon (story missions-after that daily area for rep-then ops). For the eternal throne version, we could have a reputation with the knights (as we control that empire now) and we get some sort of actual story with them, and getting them to work with the alliance. Ive wanted to do that since day 1 of KOTFE. In terms of reputation vendors, we could get a new style of knight armour (perhaps with a hood/cape/robe). Then perhaps and operation venturing into Iokath. This, or expand on the rebuilding of the republic/empire for respective characters factions, and have a daily area for each.

  4. Great post. What you could add to it is a link to this video, of a player hitting Command rank 300, and not having maxed out gear + Getting trash in his last crate. This video needs to be seen by more people, as i am sick and tired of the defence of this system.


    Video is Credit to Zwirni, who made a post detailing this the other day.
  5. Oh great another one of these threads.


    Does no one on the defence side realise that getting higher level gear, to do higher level ops with your guild is the best experience in this game? Doing easy content with a small team is repetitive and stale, even the first time (fps, uprisings). Doing harder ops is fun as the completetion itself is very rewarding. Times that bydoing it with a large group of friends/guildes...and it is easy to understand.

  6. Yep, that's what I said before as well. I already calculated it would cost another 40 bucks extra per month to play this game. A sub is what used to be a prefered player and to be a full sub you need to pay that 40 bucks extra.


    So 55 bucks a month and you still have to pay more than that to get the cool items via cartel gambling. As you say, it doesn't have to be you that pays it but someone has to.


    I could say that anyone willing to pay that for a game with old content (remember you don't need to stay subbed to play the stories), well, I could call them mad but we all have to decide what their hard earned money is worth to them.


    This is just going too far for me. And yes, you can do it without, but a sub shouldn't have to pay for this boost in my view.


    How about a rested CXP bonus eh Bioware?


    Honestly? Save the Sub money, and put it into ESO gold edition. Seriously, the best decision I've ever made. Great community, great PvP balance IMO (so far from what I've played). Sieging castles and forts in pvp is amazing too, not to mention that a monthly sub is NOT required for the "full" experience either. What is the equivalent of a single swtor Sub....gets you so much more. That being said, swtor does class stories and such far better, however, that content you don't need a Sub for.


    In short SWTOR Sub for RNG trash (Sub is required to use the RNG command rank system), or ESO gold edition?

  7. Hi! Thanks for porsting this, although it has destroyed any motivations or little hope I had left for this system. This 100% proves to any defenders, fanboys or deniers that this system is trash. We have a player here who hit Command rank 300, and doesn't even have full 240 gear. Just for one character, and still he has one (or more?) 230 pieces. I certainly won't bother resubscribing. I will only keep playing now for DS/LS tokens, and conquest for my guild.


    I'll stick with 228/230 crafted and augmented gear, and just main ESO until EAware starts thinking again.


    Thank you for putting the final nail in the coffin mate :)

  8. I most certainly agree on the new players being shafted by picking a low pop server. I also agree they need a merge. However, I am not so sure about the whole bleeding effect, although i Have certainly noticed guilds dying (The one my Sorc is in on BC is completely dead for example, we had a 70% or so flagship and were good at conquest too...).


    There most certainly is a negative impact on pop, and something does ned to be done about. Sure, OP seems to be going overboard as above posters have stated, however, that does not mean you should ignore all of his points.

  9. The single best solution for this imho is making the valor requirement based on legacy. Once you got the Valor level 70 (or 60, whatever level is appropriate) achievement, you're allowed to entered ranked. This way you dont have to grind any Valor on your alts and you'll keep newbies that just started doing PvP out of ranked.


    Yes this is brilliant, make it an achievement require. As, lets be honest, if you dont have a single toon at valor 60, you dont belong in ranked.

  10. For casuals, the system falls short at present, IMO, because it doesn't offer enough "shinies", the kind that casuals would be interested in.


    After all, casuals likely care little for top end gear. High end gear, gear that is perhaps one or two levels below top end is really only useful in end game content, like the knight expansions, and only to make the content easier.


    For hardcores the lack of appeal is obvious. No need to repeat what has been said many times.


    I think the proposed changes DO cover some of the hardcore players concerns, but I am not sure it is a proper solution, aside from perhaps complete removal which I find unlikely. We will have to see on that.


    The system remains flawed however across the board. Here are the flaws as I see them, even with the proposed changes...

    1) System itself is buggy (invisible items in stash, lack of CXP payout, etc.)

    2) Inconsistent CXP payouts outside of bonus content

    3) Drop table does not contain enough variety for casual appeal (should include cartel market loot table)

    4) Weekly cap is too high, payouts are too low, levels 1 to 100 cost too much CXP.

    5) Command level itself is next to meaningless.


    I agree with your points, 1-5. Considering 230 is the equivalent of basic gear from the earlier expansions, this is taking far too long to have acceptable gear for pve. It should no more than a week to have full 230 gear (non set bonus) to allow players to tackle the lvl 70 higher difficulty pve content. This will also make the playing field more even in pvp. Further, it takes far too long to reach command rank 90, T2, to get the better gear crafting schematics. This system was clearly designed as a long term grind to attempt to stick players to it. It had the opposite effect.

  11. I use 60 days subscription cards, mine ends on the first week of january, from which i'll be gone for good. I'm done with bioware.


    Yep i use 60 day subs too, mine ends on the 14th of Jan, after that no resub or any money to bioware. Will i completely quit? No, as i will stay just for my guild.

  12. You can always just switch target when they get reactive shield the other dcd up, both of which will heal them if you attack them. If NO ONE attacks them, they dont heal. Mercs/Commandos are only seen as OP because scrubs attack them while these obvious dcds are up.
  13. Hi, i like this idea, hopefully it leads to some changes.


    On my commando i got:


    2 set bonus piece gear, but they were duplicate boots (eliminator). One was in my first pack, the other at around my tenth or so. He is command rank 23 from memory. Rest is blue 230 mods ripped out from duplicates. The duplicate boot mods were put into my generator(except for the set bonus armouring, thats restricted to boots). If i was not able to place ripped mods in my gear, id be screwed.


    On my sorcerer, i still have mostly green 228/230. She is command rank 15 or so.


    On my juggernaut, i have 2 different set bonuses, not duplicate like my commando. Rest is blue 230 (mods ripped out from duplicates). He is command rank 18 or so. Again, got my first set piece bonus from the first crate.


    On my shadow (seperate server) got set piece bonus from first crate. Rest is similar story to my sorcerer. Dont remember his command level though, it is lower than the rest.



    Now, this is why i dont focus on one character. I wanted to see what the drop rates were like, and at this point, its better to have fun on my 4 favorite classes rather than grind for gear on one of them and be bitter about this horrid system. It needs to change, not even crafting helps that much as you need to grind to get the tier material for 230 gear (the isotope stuff that drops from warzones mission boxes).

  14. I never post "doom and gloom" on the forums, hell im new here. However, ive been playing for 4 years. I can definitively say SWTOR, in terms of game quality, has gone downhill. Endgame is trash/non existant now to due RNG. Story is excellent,however after that, the game is stale. As we grind old content (heroics/fps etc) and uprisings (i dont find them fun) or pvp/gsf to get gear to actually do the fun stuff (Veteran/Master Ops). They tried to make the Gear the endgoal, when it should be the ops.


    The game was at its peak during the Oricon update imo (i.e Pre shadow of revan). I loved Oricon and the DF/DP Ops. Running them for the first time with my guild is something i wont forget. 5.0 however, lost that charm. Sure, we have a lot of new players coming in, a lot of players staying and playing the story. However, those stats dont show the most important thing. Endgame.


    I am sure Endgame interactivity and population is at an all time low. I used to see "LFM" for ops all the time pre 5.0, now i do not (general chat on fleet/guild). I used to see LFMs more than credit bot spammers, not i dont. That alone is enough of an indication of whats happening. Sure, you can blame the group finder, however, even within my active guild (30+ on most of the time) i rarely see people asking for ops. Its always people trying to get the quickest CxP so they have a chance of getting gear to do Veteran/Master ops (the FUN ones, SM is MEH).


    Dont get me wrong though, not saying swtor is dying or dead. Its just that the changes have negatively impacted endgame, but boosted lower level population due to new players being able to stay a little longer.

  15. I main a commando, and understand the complaints. I have 3 abilities that can heal me an insane amount. Some fights, 3v1 for example, my commando lasts LONGER than my better Geared Immortal Juggernaut which I am far better at playing (i am terrible with the commando compared to Jugg) yet my commando is so...tanky with those heal abilities.


    Now, I am not calling for a "nerf", as dps in general have too many dcds (defencive cooldowns) imo. It should go back to dps having one or two key dcds, no crazy healing ones, none that make them invulnerable. So if they mess up, they die. Rather than crutching on some ability that makes them invulnerable/able to escape, resist slows/roots, and pick up a healing powerup if available. It feels so cheap at times.


    Please note: No, I am not "salty" because i have lost games and blame these changes, no. It is the opposite. I dont like how i can rush in with my dps commando, and sit there taking damage and healing whilst bursting. Surviving 3 decent players bursting me. Winning matches purely due to these abilities. It just feels too powerful. Also, yes, I play all the classes. Powertech/Sniper/Scoundrel/Shadow/Jugg/Guardian dps/Commando/Sentinel/Sorcerer. So far, commando/merc is the "Flavour of the month" by far.

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