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Everything posted by Ahbal

  1. I get what you mean, but it involves an entire set of operations. If you care so much about the story you would have found a guild by now who will take you through it. Like, me, I only wanted the story. So the guild I was in at the time (who did HM Ops for conquest and such) ran SM for the whole lineup for me and a few others who wanted the story (this was pre Shadow of revan). At the time I was a solo player due to not having a sub, so I bought an Ops pass off the gtn and went through the ops with them. It was fun of course. Have you not thought that maybe doing it solo wont make sense or wont be as meaningful? I mean, the Ops itself involves killing the whole council of dread masters at once (fight all of them at the same time!)....It is awesome as a group of 8 or 16, but if it was solo it would not be the same. Edit: Also, forgot to mention OPs mechanics. The op will have to be redesigned for them to work in solo mode.
  2. The raiders are the minority because they have left now. All that remain are players who grind dailies and warzones. You are not taking into account players who have already left. Next, I am not a raider, nice assumption though. I main PvP and have done some raids but I do not consider myself a raider at all. I am in this thread because, ironically, solo players want the game tailored to them (10-20% of the game is "tailored" to ops, I think its fair raiders ask for more) when it already has been for 2 years. Seriously. 2 years of solo content and they want to go back and have Oricon solo too? Do you not realise that the dread master story is in a whole series of operations, not just 2?? You also mention "darwinism" (ironically) yet you want group content to be dumbed down so a solo player who is afraid to group can do them on their own? lol. You dont have to "put up" with people. Its called making friends. If you cannot make friends in an mmo, "adapt or die, dawrinism mate". Guilds make this easy. Very easy. Some even have strict rules to ensure the Ops go smoothly without any problems within the group like in groud finder/Pugs. Funny how bring up darwinism but want the game dumbed down for people who are socially inept. Boohoo you cannot access 20% or so of the game because you are afraid of interacting with people who might "hurt" you (when that doesn't really happen much at all to begin with). Guess what, the real world is the same, get used to it.
  3. Lol it isnt "main". The OP consists of you killing the Dread Masters and the mission giver saying "Thanks, good job". Done, thats it. Next, this is an MMO. I havent done Ops since 4.0 launched due to everyone grinding solo content, and Im on a different timezone to everyone (im on bergeren colony, timezone is Australia) so as you can imagine I can rarely ever find anyone. Hence, why I don't sub anymore. The focus on solo content is killing this game. Solo should be a proving ground to teach you important mechanics to prepare you for group content. Oricon is the absolute perfect example of this. If you want single player....go play a single player RPG and stop ruining this MMO with solo only requests.
  4. I am on a less populated servers yet I also see a large increase in activity. I feel that each daily mission should give around 500- with all other missions/fps/ops etc bumped up according to this.
  5. Maybe have it tied to your LS/DS choice at the end? E.G Oppressor of the Galaxy (DS choice) Peacekeeper of the Galaxy (LS) or simple like: Galaxy Oppressor Galaxy Peacekeeper
  6. No thanks. Even IF it was good, the game engine and networking would not be able to handle it.
  7. No. You have an entirely simplistic view on all of this. The empire is portrayed as evil in the films because they need a "bad guy". Same thing with the dark side. The republic may be slightly better but they still do "bad" things. Ever heard on Yin and Yang? Both the light and dark need to be equal and in balance for their to be peace. The jedi destroy this all the time, they are no better. Also, as my previous post, Jedi committed genocide against two whole species purely in the name of the order, to destroy all dark side users. If anyone is channelling their fear and hatred, it is the Jedi. Next, the Jedi code speaks of "there is no ignorance, only knowledge" yet shun all knowledge of the dark side due to....thats right, fear and ignorance. They FEAR the darkside instead of learning how to keep it in balance with the light. What was one of the first things Yoda did with luke? Thats right, took him into a cave strong in the dark side to show him what it was like. Imagine if the Jedi did that with Anakin, he would have not been manipulated by Sidious if they showed and taught him about the darkside. They entrusted him with bringing "balance to the force" yet feared absolutely everything about him? In the end, he did bring balance to the force, just not in the way they wanted it, look at what Obiwan says. "you were supposed to DESTROY the sith not join them". No, he wasn't! He was supposed to bring balance to the force, and that does NOT involve destroying the sith.
  8. Simple. Following the light side of the force does not make you a "good person". The Jedi commited genocide against 2 whole species. They also pretend the dark side of the force does not exist (prequel films) yet want balance. Their version of balance is destroying all dark side users and pretending it does not exist, that is not balance.
  9. For some reason after this patch landed, my commando (Light V) was reset to Neutral. I dont know why. This happened with the release of 5.0 as well, I put in a ticket then. However the issue was not resolved and I had to grind to Light V all over again. This is the second time on the same character...
  10. This "bug" or "exploit" got me back into playing this game. Even WITH the bug, even with the power levelling of galactic command, I am still getting a ton of trash in my command crates. This bug proves more than anything that the galactic command system should be scrapped or have RNG element (in terms of main gear) removed. RNG is fine for cosmetics/pets etc. Yes I know we have tokens however it is still not as good as it was pre 5.0.
  11. Funny how they implemented this system supposedly to make it easier for the casuals, when it actually makes it far worse for them. Atleast for the more experienced players we can quickly figure out the quickest way to get CXP. Casuals either won't know, or don't like it (many casuals in my guild refuse to do war zones and gsf for CXP for example). The old system was fine, I saw no problem with getting Comms from missions/content and then trading them for specific pieces of gear with the stats you want. Very few mmos had such a simple gearing system,all the others are based on RNG from raids/bosses etc. SWTOR used to have my favourite gearing system from any mmo I played, now it certainly does not.
  12. That example is a side quest, i was speaking in terms of the main storyline.
  13. I will never use body 1 for either of the two genders, 2 for "lighter" characters-i.e agents/smugglers/sorcs etc (both genders). 3 for the tankier/heavy gear characters (trooper/BH/Jugg etc). 4 i dont use.
  14. Getting an i7 over an i5 will only benefit games that are very cpu intensive such as cities skylines. IMO, better off putting the extra i7 money into a better gpu and go with the i5 6500 (i have one, theyre great).
  15. Be careful of being enticed to click a players link for credits. As sometimes, they may not pay you. Ive seen many people complain about it in gen chat.
  16. Honestly, it depends. If you want to have a more mandalorian feel to your character, do lightside. As LS bounty hunter is all about being honourable or following your contract. From memory, most of the DS kills were unnecessary, just for fun violence. A few were to tie up loose ends from memory though. DS does not make too much sense to me especially following the events of chapter 2.
  17. Agreed on all of the above. I play a shadow, when i 1v1 a merc on say a pylon or node, i keep an eye out for their dcds, when i see them, i either force cloak or stun/root and run off to burn the time off. Once they are gone, they die just as well, if not easier than anyone else.
  18. To be fair, it IS the holidays/new years. My personal playtime has certainly dropped on swtor as 5.0 has had me lose interest, and yes, que times are slowing down. But I would wait another week or two before being confirmed about this. Dont get me wrong though, 5.0 has certainly hit the population. I know lots of people unsubbing, a guild I was in has also died (BC).
  19. Fully agree. What is also funny is, the "OP" merc abilites, require the enemy to attack the merc for them to heal. Only 1 heals without being attacked, the reflect shield only heals when being attacked, same with the regular shield with the heal passive. So in short, the ones complaining are too daft to notice that if they dont hit a merc when their DcDs are up, they die much easier (lift/incapacitate/stun while active if wanted). Adding to this, when people complained that Sorcs/Ops were OP, they were told to "git gud". Now those same people complaing that mercs are OP, when their self heals are easily prevented by not attacking them? Unlike sorcs who had guaranteed invulnerability/heals with their annoying *** crutch barrier.
  20. Rampant? I very rarely see any of what you've listed, and I've been playing for 4 years, mostly on BC and Harby. I reckon you are just over exaggerating, just like everyone else who loves to use the "sexist/racist/homophobic" cards when they're in a situation that "offends" them. Have you been on every server to know that "it is rampant on any server"? Seriously...and if these "bigots" were so bad....if everyone that gets "offended" uses the ignore command.....then the problem is solved. Those who are hurt easily won't see the "bigots" and those who don't care will have a laugh and continue playing the game, as it should be. The ignore command is there for a reason. You all are making this a bigger deal than it has to be, stop acting like children, use the ignore tool if necessary and/or toughen up a bit.
  21. Thing is, if no one attacks a merc when their heal abilities are up (with exception to adrenaline rush) they wont heal.
  22. In that case....you might as well bring in the old system, and supplement it with command crates....As it seems you are bringing in the old system piece by piece.
  23. Honestly, as a commando, the only reason we supposedly don't die or are OP, is because people attack us when we have our abilities, that heal us, when attacked, are up. They are so obvious too, A big bright blue shield that makes loud noises when hot and shows big orange writing (REFLECT) and an orange shield that stands out...Find it funny people say mercs/commandos are OP when in reality they just can't counter them. When players don't attack me when the heal Dcds and such are up, and they go, I die, because I don't get healed when players don't attack me (except for adrenaline rush, but that's only one ability). As that's what the commando depends on.
  24. No problem, you are welcome. It honestly was the final nail in the coffin for me in terms of gearing my character. I still play for my guild and for LS/DS tokens, as well as PvP/GSF which are fun. Other than that, not going to be doing much. Also, good job linking it in the OP, it should certainly serve as a talking point if the devs end up reading this (which i hope they do).
  25. For cool gear, do this! 1) Go to the fleet 2) Look for a vendor in the "supplies" section called "Legacy gear vendor". 3) Since you are a Jedi Knight, look for "Jedi Stormlord-i think thats the name- armour". Buy it with credits. 4) Then, get the mods from the other vendors that are near your level e.g lvl 22 mod vendor. 5) You have good gear and you look cool! 6) Profit 7) Kill sith In regard to flashpoints, do them in the story order. I dont remember it completely, but it goes something like this: Esseles Hammer Station Athiss Manalorian Raiders Cademimu Then, i believe you should get a quest from a jedi from the "Yoda" Species (again, forget the name) after finishing chapter 1 of your story it should be available somewhere on the fleet, a droid give it to you. This story follows with two flashpoints concerning revan. 1) Taral V 2) Maeslstrom Prison After that, from memory, theres another flashpoint involving some sort of challenge, Colicoid wargames i believe. Once all this is done, you should be close or already finished chapter 3 of your story (i may have forgotten a few FPs). Once done class story, go to the fleet, look for a quest about Ilum. Go there, do them. Following this story are two flashpoints: 1) Battle of Ilum 2) The false Emperor Then, go to CZ-198. There should be a droid that tells you to go to the fleet. From memory, the person you speak to gives you 2 fps. 1) Czerka corporate labs 2) Czerka core meltdown DO these, and thats the titans of industry stuff done. Do those, and thats the pre-55 (pre makeb) flashpoints, unless i forgot any of course. Once this is all done on your republic character, i STRONGLY recommend playing an imperial character, as they have 2 flashpoints which continue the revan stroy from the republic flashpoint Maelstrom prison. You get them the same way, after finishing chapter 1 of class story on fleet. 1) Red Reaper 2) The foundry Then, go to belsavis (as an imperial player!) and do the planetary arc (very, very important for the Oricon story, as well as most of the ops stories as they tie to this). In terms of Pre makeb fps/story, thats pretty much the most important stuff. For your imperial character, I would recommend the bounty hunter, as their chapter 3 story explains why the Supreme Chancellor of the republic changed. Hope this was helpful, and have fun
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