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10 Good
  1. agreed also kolto probe is op it needs to be nerfed. /signed sorc bubbles
  2. yeah man my ancestors didn't die so i'd have to listen to some brit talk about na's trash pvp skills. you set up the event well but you're not a good host m8, a normal person would have said 'hey thanks for taking the time to come to my event' but y'know don't expect anyone to show up next time around
  3. I honestly thought they already did get rid of it. I don't remember seeing him, OR HER, in game too much. That being said, I only use the cover ability when capping a node in pvp so to get rid of the ability for operatives entirely wouldn't make too much of a fuss for me, and I'm guessing, for anyone. Although, peopel sure do love complaining.
  4. Let me guess, you play a sorc?
  5. maybe you a re broken go to a hand doctor to fix your hands
  6. Quality post but it won't get any love here in the server forums.
  7. Beetsbears


    Concealment operatives are weak(er) in just about everything else. WHY CAN'T YOU LET US HAVE THIS:rak_02:
  8. Yeah don't roll an op if you want high dps/heals; operatives are basically objective based class now. Which I guess is good.
  9. http://i.imgur.com/dhMeAzK.gif
  10. You use the word "balanced" very loosely. There are 4-5 Pub premades that absolutely wreck day after day; odds are if you're against them, you'll not only lose, but end up rage quitting. I haven't got anything against the players, but it does make regs a lot less casual, and at times more frustrating. That being said, roll an imp, we need ya
  11. If more pvpers roll imp side, there won't be an imbalance. Right now we don't have too many dedicated pvpers. Well, we do, just the casual pvpers outweigh the dedicated.
  12. I don't know if this is a 'Pvp nominations' thread anymore or just a pvp shout out, but I was in an areana with whatever guild "Munido" or however you spell it, they all dropped except him when they lost the first round. Gj Munido.
  13. There are a ton of people that have a place in my heart. I've seen something similar in other forums...a lot of people just nominate themselves.
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