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Everything posted by jupezz

  1. Smash can only be shielded coming from a non-Rage/Focus spec. Already read a couple of posts like "finally Smash can be shielded, yay!" while it still can't be shielded at all, for obvious reasons. BTT: I really like this change, was about time. This will most definitely bring more variety into WZs.
  2. This will probably not make it to live. On the other hand it's SWTOR we're talking about so you never know... What Rage needs are serious refinements and I'm not talking buffs or nerfs - I literally mean something, anything to make the spec at least remotely fun to play.
  3. Since we can respec for free and at any given time specs that are viable for both PvP and PvE aren't really advisable anymore (back when you actually uploaded the video it was "Ok"). Also, you should never ever skip Insight as a Watchman Sent, be it PvE or PvP. The spec as a whole is more PvP oriented as you take Defensive Roll, which imo is a PvP talent, although you "can" take it for PvE if you're new to the class/spec and/or don't trust your healers and your own movement+positioning. Inflammation is obviously a pure PvP talent as well. So, to break it down: For PvE you're missing out on Insight, Swift Slash and Watchguard while having more ore less useless talents like Inflammation and Defensive Roll. For PvP it's only Insight, so in that department it's quite good. I wrote all of that assuming that everyone who's looking for advice on builds also knows that he/she should aim for being hitcapped through gear - at least for doing Ops. In PvP it's perfectly fine to be short a few %, give or take depending on your spec, so you should never be "forced" to spec into Steadfast as a PvP Watchman Sent. Here are the spec/s I am using (PvE) and was using back before it got trolled (PvP): PVE: Click PvP: Click ~ You do have a lot of breathing room in PvP though - e.g. you "can" skip Defensive Roll for Master Focus or some people prefer Watchguard over Focused Leap.
  4. This. They are nice while doing dailies and leveling an alt, but that's it. I'm sure as hell not gonna miss them.
  5. The SWs part 1 is bloody brilliant and way better than the JKs - imo the Warrior has the best first Act out of all the class stories. However, after that the Knight starts to catch up. By the end of Act 2 and from then on until the very end it just completely outshines the Warrior's tale.
  6. Who told you that? On a side note: never ever trust noxxic, their guides/builds usually just suck. Gather Strength increases the damage of your next melee ability that costs focus by 4% per stack - so naturally it should be used for Overhead Slash. That's the spec I'm using: Click
  7. That's just way too much. As a Carnage Marauder you should aim for 30% Crit (buffed) - everything beyond is just a huge waste of potential.
  8. Both. It's quite simple actually. You will pretty much always want to use Predation in group scenarios, best examples being Voidstar and Huttball, for obvious reasons. And in the other WZs it can often benefit you more than Berserk as well, even in 1vX situations - You have to decide for yourself which yields better results in any given moment, e.g. : Do 'I' benefit more from the selfheals or the guaranteed crits that could give me the edge I need or do I want the extra MS and Defense for being harder to kill and almost "unkitable" for some classes. In the end it all comes down to the situation you're in but nevertheless you will be using both a lot.
  9. Funny how OP claims to be a huge SW fan and thinks most of the people who use lesser-known Color Crystals are probably new to the franchise while it is him who has apparently never watched or rather read anything beyond the movies. BTT: Oh Boo Hoo. After every single new patch there's a huge wave of whining and complaining nitpickers - this is far more sickening than BW screwing up now and then.
  10. verfallen made some really good points and I can only agree that Annihilation is extremely fun to play. That being said, the same goes for Carnage. I'm gonna summarize it as short as possible. Annihilation: One of the three best 1v1/dueling specs in the entire game, even after the heal nerf. It has decent survivability and gives you the opportunity to interrupt pretty much all the essential casts of certain classes. On the downside Anni has very little team utility in comparison to the other specs. And if the enemy team has more than one (smart) healer it will be a cleanse-party which can be very frustrating. Carnage: Still a very good toe-to-toe spec with devastating single target burst and excellent mobility AND team utility due to two different roots and increased MS on Predation. However, you rely heavily on your Gore, Ravage, Force Scream Combo/s and it is the "squishiest" spec - but at the same time the one that allows you the fastest exit. You have to be very careful in terms of positioning and choosing the right targets. On a side node: if you want to wreck Slingers/Snipers, Carnage is the way to go (; Rage: This Very good spec, very self-explanatory, very good AoE burst, very viable, very very very (very) boring. The satisfaction some people get while running Rage is a huge mystery to me. But to each his own.
  11. Funny how OP asked for BiS and possible Min/Max and you all comment on the actual performance of the spec. To summarize it real quick, you should aim for something like that (unbuffed): Str: ~ 1700 Acc: ~ 98% Power: ~ 750-800 Crit: ~ 30% Surge: ~ 76% I could be a little off on some stats but just to give you a basic overview - I didn't include Expertise on purpose, pretty self-explanatory. As of Annihilation per se: still the BEAST 1v1 spec but it just seriously lacks in team utility. That doesn't mean that it isn't viable for solo queueing or pugs in general anymore because it most certainly still is. But keep in mind: if there are 1-3 enemy healers who know what they are doing, they're gonna make you cry real hard.
  12. This. Out of all the romance options for a male toon, Vette's easily the best written and (imo) by far the most believable. Jaesa doesn't even come close.
  13. Does that answer your question? But in all seriousness, a Carnage/Annihilation Mara should always and I mean ALWAYS beat a Jugg no matter what spec the latter uses - assuming that they are equally geared and skilled. Rage vs. Rage (which isn't exactly an unlikely situation these days) could go either way, though. Well, I guess a Vengeance Jugg could win against "any" Marauder if he's lucky with Ravage resets.
  14. Well, that's not so easy to answer. Sent/Mara is definitely faster early on but a Guardian/Jugg will catch up sooner than later and ultimately be faster or rather more efficient as you can solo H4 quests if you're tank-specced and have a well equipped/modded Quinn or Doc, respectively - and you have pretty much no downtimes at all. From like 31 to 49 Focus is also better as a Guardian for extremely fast trash clearing. But when it comes to casually PvP'ing at 50, a Sent is undoubtedly safer and more forgiving as you have a lot of skills that somehow diminish the difference in gear/expertise.
  15. And you seriously think it's different in other MMOs? PvPing as a fresh max level toon can be much harder and more frustrating. Just hit 50 with a new Guardian and while it's true that I'm very familiar with the game and the class, I'm doing just fine in Recruit gear. It's mostly about what you should expect: Wrecking people 1v1? No. Making stuff happen on your own? No. Acting as some sort of support? Yes. I don't rush into zergs and I never initiate on my own - instead I use taunts and Guard from afar, pick off isolated targets and I actually use the chat for making calls and asking for help while defending. It's not like you have to bear with Recruit gear for a month or so.
  16. If that was the case, they could have just chosen Togruta to begin with - better known and more iconic. Not gonna bother listing my favorite species but yeah, Cathar was a pretty horrible choice.
  17. Something wrong with your eyes? (; The Valiant Jedi Armor is the one worn by Ven Zallow, not the Battlelord set. And yes, I had to revive this just to be a ********.
  18. Very hard to answer without spoiling the third act. But I'd say for now, Kira still feels like the most natural choice - I used Kira during class missions and Doc for everything else.
  19. If that's the case don't listen to the LOLSMASH suggestions - Idk how people can feel even remotely satisfied with playing Focus. That being said you can switch around a lot while leveling (assuming that you are a subscriber) and from the early 20s to 40 or so a Defense/Vig hybrid spec is actually very viable AND enjoyable.
  20. The Valiant Gear is easily the best looking armor set in the game right now... going at it like Ven Zallow, what more to ask for? Extremely unfair that the sith alternative is just a cheap remodelled version of a set that already exists in so many different ways - they should've gotten the Darth Malgus look instead.
  21. Stick to Watchman till at least level 40, after that all specs are very good all the way to level 50 where Watchman seriously falls off. Other than that I can only give you the standard tips: position yourself wisely, choose your fights, don't rush into zergs as a melee and try to pick off isolated targets and you should be doing just fine. When it comes to the performance (and overall difficulty) of Melee classes in low level PvP it's probably something like Shadow > Sent/Vanguard > Scoundrel > Guardian.
  22. As already said many many times before: wrong, wrong, wrong. This fight is all about interrupting - if you manage to interrupt every single Energy Blast (which is entirely possible) it's a walk in the park and even winnable with no companion at all. So using T7 just gives Valis more opportunities to cast it in the first place. Besides, Kira has Blade Ward while T7 has nothing to compensate damage on that level, making her nearly as tanky for longer fights. People really need to stop recommending T7 to new players. There's only one way for him to be better or more useful than Kira at any given moment in the game: when you neglect your companion/s equipment/mod-wise. So the best solution is to just NOT neglect your companions and pay attention.
  23. Kira checkin' me out while I'm power-posing
  24. But that's the thing. You are NOT in the majority. It's just that people who actually like the changes don't visit the forum immediately to say "YAY!" - complainers are always a hell of a lot faster and more talkative.
  25. Oh, so the completely unique helmet wasn't a clear indicator? Or the fact that ALL of these items were listed in the "known issues" thread which is visible to anyone, at any given time without even having to search the forum at all? Riiiiight. Ok, now are you freaking kidding me? You are misleading people into buying something for a second time? You can't be serious.
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