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Everything posted by FSA_shadow

  1. Yet here you are. On the TOR forums...Saying how much you hate the game. No one cares.
  2. People like this is why they made too many servers in the first place.
  3. They really messed up with added too many servers. They shouldn't have listened to all the whining when people were complaining about wait times.
  4. Feels like Star Wars to me, and I've read plenty of books and played plenty of games. Different things for different people I guess.
  5. This basically. People doomsday on the forums while everyone in game is still loving it. Don't know why they stick around to be honest. Go back under the rock they came from.
  6. I agree with you. This game isn't going anywhere. Play at your own pace and just enjoy it. I've been subbed since release and I played in beta and guess what? Still loving the game and it's the most fun I've had in an MMO for a very long time.
  7. Yeah, Bioware you need to get this out now! This guy demands it! Give me a break. World doesn't revolve around you. I know, shocking right?
  8. Think the games doing fine myself. The server I was put on is still doing well (I log there every now and then) and the new server I'm on has queues every night. The problem is they have too many useless servers. They added way too many when people were whining about having to wait to play. They add some. People complain there's no one on. If they merged a few servers or just got rid of some completely some servers wouldn't feel so empty.
  9. That was great, the romance one was so funny. The ending hahaha. Nice job BW.
  10. Man these threads are really....REALLY getting old.
  11. Ugh guess I have to play on my original server on my sith warrior til our servers come back up.
  12. They added way too many servers. Even at launch some servers were light.
  13. Didn't you just make this thread...About 10 minutes ago. I said it before. I'll say it again. No one cares.
  14. Game isn't a movie. Lightsabers can't one shot everything it would be unbalanced and unfun. Go play the Jedi Knight games. Edit: Also there's just...Not going to be limbs flying everywhere... It's rated the way it is for a reason.
  15. I'm already starting to shake violently and rock back and forth. What ever am I going to do for 2 hours.
  16. It's 6pm here, guess what. I'll go do something else! Shocking, right?
  17. And you made a thread thinking people care....Why?
  18. My server has almost 90 people on Tython and 200+ people on the Republic Fleet. Move server?
  19. A weekend? Yeah...Man that Call of Duty game had a free weekend trial on Steam a couple of weeks ago... Activision must be in trouble...
  20. Tired of seeing all this doomsday stuff. Same story every month. It's rather pathetic.
  21. I also need to do this. Shame there's no ignore option for stupid people on Kotaku/other gaming websites.
  22. People saying this game "Has started the path to F2P" because it's having a free weekend. Suppose CoD is going free on steam or at least the MP portion 'cause they had a free weekend 3 weeks ago <.<
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