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Everything posted by Amun-Re

  1. Well, ... ... this is just a game, but we pay for it and we would love to play it => fix the game ... you want our feedback, so we give it => fix the game ... do patches, bugfixes and handle us as adult, paying consumers and not as childish junkies => fix the game ... don't promis things or times you can't hold => start the game on the promised time ... we don't want new or old bugs or other problems => test the game before you put in on lifeserver ... If you do such things, we have less or nothing to complain and you will see a growing paying community!
  2. Well, ... ... this is just a game, but we pay for it and we would love to play it => fix the game ... you want our feedback, so we give it => fix the game ... do patches, bugfixes and handle us as adult, paying consumers and not as childish junkies => fix the game ... don't promis things or times you can't hold => start the game on the promised time ... we don't want new or old bugs or other problems => test the game before you put in on lifeserver ... If you do such things, we have less or nothing to complain and you will see a growing paying community!
  3. Wir suchen für unsere 2. Raidgruppe einen Tank, einen Ersatzheiler und einen RDD. Raidabende sind Di + So 20:00 - 22:15 Bei Interesse bitte PN hier ode Ingame an Dionýsios
  4. My impression of KOTFE is, that we only play it to please all our companions. Where is the new endcontend for all subscribers, who played it for years? Since 2 years we're playing the same eight operations. Last year we only get two new ones. (Monolith an Toborro I don't count as an operation, because it's only like a worldboss-kill) We wan't more NEW operations!!!
  5. Wir suchen nach wie vor einen 2. Heiler. Bewerbungen gerne hier per PN oder Ingame an Dionýsios
  6. Ich habe auch 100% bei Ziost. Fehlen tut keine Mission. "Mittendrin" ist der Erfolg, wenn du die drei Erfolge "Alles abschalten", "Höchste Zeit" & "Im Schnelldurchlauf" abgeschlossen hast. Findest du im Vermächtnis unter Erfolg / Ort / Ziost / Missionen / 3. Zeile 1. Feld
  7. The family-tree is activated and programed in 2D in every account. It should be possible to build a 3D skulpture-model from this.
  8. I would like to bring back this suggestion, a personal decoration for our stronghold and a good implementation for the family-tree
  9. Will this been fixed with 4.0??? Or earlier?
  10. The animation ist still buggy - since four weeks. Is it on the To-Do-List of BW? Or not?
  11. When I have my canon on the back and activate Med-Shot, the canon stays on my back. I hold only an "invisible canon" in my hands an the shot comes out of the real canon from my back. Looks funny! ---- sorry for my bad english, I'm not a native-speaker
  12. Hallo zusammen! Hannibal, Face, BA und Murdock suchen für die 2. Raidgruppe heilende Unterstützung. Wir haben bisher jeweils aus eigener Kraft je die ersten beiden Bosse im HC gelegt. Teilweise haben einzelne Spieler sowohl den Underlurker als auch die 3 Freunde danach unter die Erde gebracht. WANTED Mindestanforderung: Beherschung seines Chars, volles Token-Equipment aus SM, komplett aufgewertet, Zuverlässigkeit und du solltets Ü20 sein Wünschenswert: Bereits erste HC-Erfahrung aus dem aktuellen Content und/oder HC/NIM Erfahrung aus dem alten Content Da wir bereits einen Kommandoheiler in der Aufstellung haben würden wir eine/n Gelehrten- oder Schurkenheiler/in präferieren, ist aber kein muss! Raitage: derzeit Di + Mi 20:00 - 22:30 Bei Interesse bitte hier PN an mich oder Ingame an Dionýsios. Meldet euch, denn Hannibal liebt es, wenn ein Plan funktioniert!
  13. Ich (Dionýsios), ein Kommandoheiler (Mono 8er HC clear; Gearstand Mix aus Token 192/198) suche eine 8er HC Gruppe für den Monolithen. Ich habe in den letzten Tagen vor dem Patch den Monolithen mehrfach im HC gelegt und hatte bisher kein Glück für die passende Kommando-Mainhand. Das würde ich aber trotzdem gerne weiter versuchen. Im LFG habe ich leider keine Gruppen mehr gesehen, die für die OP noch Randoms gesucht haben, daher suche ich jetzt hier! Ein weiterer DD (Mono 8er/16er HC clear) würde als Unterstürtzung auch zur Verfügung stehen.
  14. This works! It's the same procedure which works for Mercs before the last patch. Could you (BW/EA) fix it permanently, please! After 6 monthes it would be a pleasure
  15. Well, it seems to be your hobby to correct everything and everybody here in this forum and you should earn money for that. 500 posts in a around a year shows it what you do here. Congrattulation! Your hobby-work here is ok for me. But what I don't like and can't accept is, that you call me a liar! Also your arrogance to call me and other gamers dumb is not acceptable. It's the kind you choose your words against me what I dislike. So stop it to offend me, please. There should be a way for you to correct me/others without beeing rude to me/us! Other member can do it, so you can do it also. I'm sure you can. Maybe my informations were not correct, maybe they were. At the end I give my opinion what I think I'd know, because I'm not interessted in niggling searching and finding old links and statements to prove what is right or wrong. I want to to play the game and sometimes I take a look her and sometimes I give an answer to a question. You know it better? Inform us ! Immediatly and 100% correctly! No space for opinions and discussions! But please, in future don't offend me/us anymore! Thank you for your attention! I go on playing the game now. May the force be with you!
  16. Sorry dude! I have been waiting since fall 2014 that Togruta become a playable race. And yes, your right, they announce them for December 2014, where also 3.0 startet. So I put the announcment and 3.0 together in one action. Sorry, if that isn't 100% correct for you. I'm not lying! Thank you for beeing personal at this point of your view. I only wanted to answer the openers question as I remind my informations. I'm not so over-correctly as you, so but I could remember a statement before your link, where they annonce the Togruta for 3.2. Well, I'm not interessted in a personal discussion with you, who is right, and who is not, in every single detail what was exactly anounced on what day. At the End it is my opinion that Bioware annonced the new race Togruta for December 2014. I know a lot of gamers on my server, that they also expected the Togruta between the start of 3.0 and maybee christmas last year. Now a half year later it isn't playbale and a lot of gamers (also myself) would like to know when they are available ingame. That was also the question of ivanovichpra as I understood it.
  17. Well, last fall they anounced it for 3.0. In December they said, it SHOULD come with 3.2. And before 3.2 they didn't said anything about a concret date oder patch.
  18. We're waiting since 3.0 that they are available, but there is no information, if or when they're available.
  19. Hey Eric, thank you for the 15 min warning ingame on our holiday at 3:15 pm localtime. Maybe it is possible in future, that you make such a maintance at 7:00 am local time and not in our holiday-afternoon. We just wanted to start an operation and known your last post, that there will NOT a maintance today!!! You can imagine that we are not amused about the 15 min warning!
  20. Ich bin auch nur ein Spieler und kenne die Arbeitsbedingungen bei EA / BW nicht. Es ist aber auch schon lange bekannt, dass das deutsche Forum nicht erste Sahne ist ( leider). Du kannst dich ja gerne weiter aufregen, ändern wird das trotzdem nix. Viel Spaß dabei!
  21. Der Serverneustart wurde gestern im amerikanischen Forum angekündigt. Da dies ein amerikanisches Spiel ist und leider das deutsche Forum nicht alles 1:1 weitergibt, sollte man sich einfach selber schlau machen. Das ist ganz einfach Ob man da jetzt seine Englischkenntnisse auffrischt, eine andere Seite zu nutzt die es sehr Zeitnah übersetzt hat, ist ja jedem selber überlassen. Der Grund für den Serverneustart haben wohl leider die Nörgler hier nicht mitbekommen, oder? Die massiven Latenzprobleme die wir hier in Europa haben sollen damit gelöst werden. EA / BW hat den Serveranbieter gewechselt, damit wir nicht mehr so viele Lags z.B. in den OP's haben. Möge die Macht mit euch sein!
  22. Well on the PTS the 4-piece-medic-setbonus is fixed for 3.2.1 ... and nerfed down to 12 seconds, instead of 15 seconds ^^
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