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Everything posted by Frybert

  1. Can't tell you when they started it, been that way since I started queing ranked (not that long ago) but it is how I figured out they don't put color crystals in ranked MH/OH.
  2. TBH, if it is bothering you this much, you might want to look at it another way. Does $15 a month seem worthwhile WITHOUT the story content? If the answer is yes, then simply view the expansion content as a monthly bonus. If no, then is the game PLUS the story content worth it? If the answer to this is yes, then you are fine. If the answer is indeed still no, then simply unsubscribe, wait until all of the chapters have been released and get it all for one month's sub. I am also going to take a moment to predict a poodoo storm on the forums from a certain group of people complaining about people doing my last suggestion after they were subbed the whole time.
  3. Actually NGE was (still wrongfully) thrown around a lot with the changes that came with Helms Deep. That being said you took the words right out of my mouth.
  4. NGE gets thrown around so easy these days.
  5. And now think of the new PTs and VGs starting out. They have to wait not 1, but 60 levels.
  6. Actually its rather silly to expect to be given a perk for subscribing by 'x date' when you were not in fact subbed on 'x date'. Even more so when the date had been already be extended once.
  7. Were you subscribed on 7/31 or 8/10? If yes, you will get him, if not, then no. Its pretty simple really.
  8. I usually only see that when I'm trying to reload (or come to via bookmark) a deleted thread.
  9. See what we're going to find out is that everything that happened up to this point in time was really just a dream the outlander has been having while frozen in carbonite. The even bigger twist is we're going to find out the outlander was really Revan the whole time.
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