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Everything posted by TheRabbit

  1. Works 100% on ion pulse for me. Remember that the snare only lasts 2 seconds, so keep that in mind.
  2. It's easy to break 300k in any WZ with a pocket healer as a Vanguard. I have 4 pieces of Champion gear and the Centurion offhand and I easily break 300k when I have my own personal healer. I'm 4/6/31 Assault spec, and I spend my whole time in PVP in Ion Cell. I regularly break 10 medals, and as I said above, I have hardly any tiered pvp gear at all. I had someone that was tactics spec (8/31/2) tell me how amazing their spec was. She was in full Champion gear, had 40% more Aim than I did and nearly 1k more HP. We went into a WZ together (Voidstar), end result? Her: 320k dmg, 18k protection, 2 deaths 12 medals. Me: 280k dmg, 100k protection, 5 deaths 11 medals (missed solo kill and 300k dmg). Anyway, the whole point of this post is that if you're doing good in your spec, you don't have to switch specs, as I've seen people do exceptional in all 3 trees. BTW: I'm also on Iron Citadel, the tactics build was Sem, and my name is Caevis if you ever want to look me up.
  3. The 4 piece Eliminator set gives you a 15% crit bonus chance to high impact bolt (great for assault spec vanguards). The 4 piece Combat Tech set gives you a 15% crit bonus chance to stock strike (great for pretty much every vanguard). I went with the Eliminator set because HIB is my bread and butter.
  4. Minor spoiler: http://img403.imageshack.us/img403/3231/meettheteam.png
  5. The rubberbanding has nothing to do with resolve. Typically I get the weird rubberbanding issues when I harpoon someone that already has a movement effect, or just used one, like the Sith Warriors leap, otherwise it seems to work fine.
  6. I leveled up mostly through PvP, so my storyline is still on Belsavis. I've read that once you hit 50 you can start to do dailies to get some starter epic gear (which would help a lot since I'm still in the level 40 pvp gear). How do you start those? I went to Ilum and there weren't any quests at all, do I have to get my story up to that point?
  7. Thumbnails on database sites like that always show the imperial version of the thumbnails. So that thumbnail is how a bounty hunter will see the item in their inventory.
  8. Aka Bacon and emergency bacon.
  9. An honest criticism to the OP, you really need to learn to manage your ammo better. You manage some pretty impressive hits in the video, but you need to move your explosive round hotkey to somewhere that you can't reach.
  10. Actually, no you won't. Everyone has a base health of 2500, your endurance then adds 10 hp for every point. So 12k hp is 950 in endurance. With 3 points in Soldier's Endurance you would have 978 endurance instead. An increase of 280 hp. It's not a big difference (80 hp?) But still, if you consider 360 hp to be "quite a difference" 80 hp is more than a 20% change. Honestly, I don't consider 300 HP when fully geared to be worth 3 skill points when you consider how much damage attacks are doing at that level.
  11. 1) I want people dressed up in outfits from the game. Preferably female bounty hunters wearing the slave girl outfit. I would also settle for the dancer outfit. 2) What the future holds. How they feel about the current state of the game. General stuff here. 3) Only if the outside venue serves alcoholic beverages
  12. I think my own spec is the best. 4/6/31 Maximizes damage output on HIB, I've bursted someone for over 12k and I'm only 46 with (currently) 0 expertise.
  13. Harpoon is a life saver. Often I'll respawn right as the enemy ball carrier is running down the ramp towards the goal line. Leap over them into the pit, mid-air spin around, and trigger Harpoon. Pulls them from the goal line down into the pit. It's an amazing feeling, and pisses off the team to no end. As said above, just be careful of the resolve bar. Harpoon does nothing to someone fully resolved. Also, even if you aren't spec'd in tanking, switching to your tank ammo and throwing guard on the ball carrier is great. It essentially doubles the life of the ball carrier.
  14. I've had all kinds of problems with Riot Strike. It doesn't respect the GCD meaning that you can use it even if all of your skills are currently on cooldown from the GCD. However, sometimes I use it, and then the next 2 or 3 skills that I use trigger the GCD, but have 0 effect (do no damage, don't trigger an animation, don't use ammo, etc). It's very frustrating to be in a close fight against a healer, interrupt their heal, and then sit there helplessly for the next 5 seconds unable to do anything.
  15. That's incorrect. I fully plan on taking the Eliminator set as a Vanguard DPS because of the bonus to HIB.
  16. Here's what I'm using as a 46 PvP Vanguard: http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#801ZMsZfhMrdhGMs.1 I think the second point in Sweltering heat is a must. I think Nightvision Scope is more useful than a 30 second reduction ont he cooldown of Recharge Cells. I'd rather have the extra DPS from Rain of Fire, and the decreased cooldown on Reactive Shield instead of an occasional reduction to the cooldown of Adrenaline Rush and Reserve Powercell. Also, I'm not planning on putting any points into Tactics beyond Blaster Augs. My last 4 points are going into Brutal Impact and Intimidation. (probably 2/2) I currently easily break the 2.5k damage hit in pvp with HIB and Assault Plastique with no buffs on. If I'm fully buffed (trinkets, stim, adrenals, warzone buff) I have crit 8k with HIB on non level 50s. That's pretty much an insta-gib since they're already on fire and snared from Ion Pulse. I can only imagine what it's going to be like if I can get some expertise gear before they segregate the 50s
  17. There are no AIM sniper rifles. Thus when they changed the whole stat system during early beta, they removed the ability for companions to use weapons that would not help them. Don't really see a problem here. Give her a custom orange pistol, when you're done with the mods on your current rifle, put the mods into her pistol. As far as her only using a pistol and not a blaster, she's more of a desk officer, and not a ground pounder, makes sense. He was changed during beta when they redid everyone's companions to be 1 each of Healer, melee dps, melee tank, ranged dps, ranged tank. He used to be a shield spec vanguard, but then he wasn't considered to be "melee" so he was given a melee weapon. Pretty much the same thing as Vic, he used a rifle, and then it was decided that havoc squad needed a melee DPSer. He's actually the best dps companion in my opinion, the damage he ouputs is ridiculous.
  18. There is a custom set called Lacqerous that Armormechs can craft. The helmet looks ridiculous, but the chest and legs are the standard trooper looking armor- white plastic with red markings. There is also a Lacqerous Mesh set that is higher level (40ish) that Armormechs can craft. This set looks more like the mercenary type armor, where you have a bandolier and one heavy shoulderpad. Oddly, looking at the database sites, they don't show the lower level Lacqerous gear, only the Lacqerous Mesh level 40 stuff. But I personally had the schematic for the low level Lacqerous stuff and gave them to our guild's armormech to make for me. As I said, the helmet is ridiculous (but very... unique).
  19. Outcast Chestguard is made by an Armormech. Check your GTN. Do a search for Heavy Armor (all, not just prototype, it's a common mistake) and click on the level button, that will filter all of the unmodded orange gear to the top.
  20. It might help if you posted this on the Commando sub forum instead of the general Trooper forum since you are asking about Commando specific skills. Also, expecting a reply in less than 15 minutes and bumping your post is pretty awkward.
  21. It is really iritating that the game has been out for this long (including all the time it was playable in beta) and people are still this incompetent regarding classes. It's like saying Commandos are just for healing. Every. Single. Class. Can. DPS. It is especially bad considering this nonsensical drivel is being consistently posted on the trooper forums by people claiming to play as a trooper. Every single day I see at least one post on here by a Commando saying that if you want to DPS you need to play as a Commando. I honestly can’t tell if the people making the posts are trolling, or if they really don’t know any better. It makes me sad.
  22. Tank Vanguard using Elara for heals and I had no problem with it either. I barely even remember the fight it was so easy.
  23. This 5 billion times. If you are spec'd in a DPS tree, and using a DPS "stance" you will do almost identical DPS across classes. Doesn't matter if you're a Vanguard, a Sage, a Sentinel or a Guardian. If you wear DPS gear, spec DPS skills, and use your DPS stance, you will do DPS.
  24. I just created a brand new trooper on my server (Iron Citadel) and had no problems finishing it (took maybe 10 minutes total from character creation through completion). What exactly is the problem you're having with it?
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