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Everything posted by SettGirkkurn

  1. I think I have read it on Dulfy. And also there is absolutely no logic for level 50 to have set bonus, as its no longer end game gear. Equivalent would be to have set bonus on level 45 gear now, which really doesnt make any sense. In any case we will wait and see.
  2. Which really sucks since all of us have loads of commendations and not clear idea whether to get Campaign armoring and BH pieces(to have set bonus), or to get Hazmat implants/ears since price will be significantly higher...
  3. To MY knowledge, set bonus will be available only on 55 level gear. BH/Campaign will not have it so it will not matter to you since you will have BH drops on HMFP... First one that will have it will be Arkanian – Rating 162 dropped from level 55 operations.
  4. Well even I don't support ignorance and mindless begging for something without research yourself first, I really hate ******** comments such are "under what rock are you sleeping". What exactly do you expect to get after that remark? "Sorry kind sir, my rock is currently broken, and Im unable to move it and read info about security key" Well works in both ways, he ranted about one time password, and yeah some of us do have kids that DONT have iPhone, Android, Blackberry (sorry my rock is poor and I cannot afford it for my kid, and I dont think he actually need one, and security key for a game is sad excuse for getting one) and hardware key is both out of stock, and out from Europe so his original rant regarding annoyance with one time password is perfectly valid. Also lots of ISP's under my poor sad rock over here issue dynamic IP's and most of the time you get different since lease duration of IP addresses is extremely low. So instead of being paranoid they should try to develop better system. And guess what, my Google account was hacked by having my password, and yet Google didnt allowed that connection since it figured that its not my regular behavior and what not. Never got leaked anything since attacker never managed to login and guess what I dont have security key on my Google account. Yes he/she (OP) could do some reading, but replying in a way that might bring out more rude reply's is not the way of helping. More like trolling and desire to say something even if you dont have anything smart to say... My 2 cents anyway. TL : DR Those are not the droids we are looking for; Move along
  5. No, my guild accepted me while I was level 20ish.. however, most spam on fleet I see is "blah, blah, blah, TS3 and at least one 50lvl character, blah,blah,blah...spamety,spam" Thus I presume guilds would prefer higher level chars. I suppose RP oriented guilds doesnt mind at all tho... So, no, if someone though I meant generally all guilds, sorry that I havent been clear enough...
  6. Hi and welcome to SW:TOR. Armor/weapon wise, you need to upgrade them as you pick new items on the field or via upgrades that are applicable for "orange" items. Same is with armor, since you will have hard time fighting with mobs if you dont have proper armor. You shouldnt worry much since you will need better after you reach level 50 but still need to upgrade them as you progress the game. I wouldnt suggest doing only story quests since it might be harder than to progress later. E.g. you can leave home planet at level 7-8, but next planet (Dromund Kaas for Empire) is for players level 10 or higher. So it might be bit challenging to do it if you are lower level than suggested. Either way it would be easier to do side quest too, since you get both money, exp and gear from them. Guilds prefer higher levels, but I dont think finding guild will be problem in this game. Might take you a while to find one that suits you but overall most people i met here are nice... Hope I helped you a bit
  7. Hi all, first of all, I did send this question to tech support, and got reply that all billing issues has to be done over phone. In my case, there is no toll free and price of that phone call would be the same as 3 months sub... so that is not the option for me. So here is situation. I have my account. I have subbed it, 3mo recurring bought some CC and what not. My son (God bless him, loves SW too and wanted account too). Since I didn't want him to use my for various reasons, I have created for him F2P account and he was reasonably happy with ti till F2P restrictions didnt kicked in. So, my idea was to buy him e.g. digital edition and push him to "preferred" status. Not much of a gain, but for sure more than F2P. My question is, would it be ok to use same credit card (btw, plastic is not very popular where I am, so I would like to skip getting another one just for this purpose) on both account. Accounts are used from same IP address that my ISP gives me, so from that point I dont see much of a problem, but wanted to check first since I dont want to mess up anything on my account because of this. Any info is more than appreciated.
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