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Everything posted by cyrusramsey

  1. Is this not a case of having leveled your characters before achievements were introduced? If not then, my mistake, ignore me, but have encountered this a few times with people who had done pretty much everything on every planet but effectively 'too early'.
  2. fem2 was and is ever so slightly shorter than fem1, has not changed fem3 is the one that's close to male2 in length
  3. Works two ways for me. On the one hand I find it a little silly when people demand achievements/knowledge of fights for most content. It's put me off trying to do ops for a long time because my guild (that I love and will not leave) does not do them and for the longest time even SM ops being formed on fleet contained such messages. At least till the bolster via groupfinder. On the other hand, when I go into content that I've not done before, I say something like "I've never done this one before", "have not done this on HM yet", "have seen guide not played this yet" or even "have never tanked/healed this before, fyi" and I have never gotten crap. Usually the result is that either I will get a quick rundown before noteworthy fights or, if the group is rather overgeared, sometimes they just bulldoze over content and I learn on the go. The same goes for when I'm in my comfort zone, as is the case for all FPs and some ops now, if someone makes clear they have not done something before, I am happy to explain what they're supposed to do, but it does tick me off when they say nothing. And it's obvious too, so the next encounter I will ask "everyone know what to do?" or something and most will say "yes" and the one who obviously doesn't know what they're doing will stay quiet. Heh, didn't realize how much I needed to rant about this. >.>
  4. My local biochemist says that Massassi are creatures and not people.
  5. Do you enjoy the leveling experience or do you not? I don't think anyone can realistically answer that for you..
  6. While the idea sounds like a nice one to me, such missions do make for an interesting change of pace, I'd really hope any similar new missions would be instanced. Not sure how it is nowadays, it's been a while since I was there, but I recall having a great time doing it on my own and with some friends, but I also recall many attempts being frustrated by new people constantly showing up and beginning to click at random. Outside of that concern, I give my +1.
  7. I've made the balloon ride at least 30 times now (hey! don't judge me! <.<) since early 2013 and it has disappeared on me once. It's an issue, but I don't believe I am so lucky that this is entirely against all odds. If it's a relatively uncommon issue (the times it happens per total times, even with 'my odds' it might be disappearing more than once a day) then it could be rather problematic to track. I realize, as I type this, that I'm not entirely sure what my point is, or if I even had one.. oh well.
  8. As a workaround: If you pay attention to the audio cues and attack the desired target as soon as it appears, the droid will (at least in my experience) attack that/the correct target instead of the one that left the fight. I've not had it reset on me since I started doing that. Shouldn't have to do it, but figured it couldn't hurt to mention.
  9. The Satele holostatue unlocked just fine for me. I have one reputation version on the initial character I bought it for and a cartel version that I pulled from collections (200 coins, I believe) on every other republic character.
  10. There are also the two in the Battle of Ilum FP, but I do feel examples like these are the exceptions that reinforce the rule. There are a few special cases, and as much as some people would like it, it's not us.
  11. Source It is a confirmed bug and it's been around for a while. I have trouble believing that an animation has them stumped for so long, so am assuming it's not a priority for them.
  12. Everything I've bought there (which can be counted on one hand, admittedly) could be unlocked in collections once the refund timer ran out, though I've had people tell me that this doesn't go for every item, or that it sometimes bugs, but it has always worked fine for me, the few times I got something.
  13. I suspect the casinos might be an amusing place to infect people. On the left we have three people desperately trying to throw away their money at the slots while running away from the infected that's chasing them, on the right we have someone constantly getting interrupted with coughs when they try to click. ^^
  14. Nautolans have always been my favorites (Oric <3) and I'd love to see them, but would like to point out that all playable races currently in the game and confirmed to be in the game have effectively 'human' faces. Some species have.. not sure of a catch-all word, am going to go with 'stuff' added to the heads/faces, but the basic human features are all there. The reason that this is relevant is because it is likely a conscious choice involving facial animations. My first thought would go to cutscenes, but also moods are a factor. I can already see the threads of outraged people because their Rodian isn't able to /pout. This is something that could be overcome, but since it wouldn't have to be overcome for species that have a mostly human face, it seems very likely that these would be considered first, on BW's part.
  15. Yeah, sorry, but no. Saying you understand how these things work doesn't make it true, especially when you clearly demonstrate that you, in fact, don't understand how it works. There is a companion system in place, this system is not sufficient to fill the role of the droid as it is now. If, as you seem to suggest, the companion would fill the role of the droid (as opposed to a team of companions all filling their own role, which is problematic for reasons already mentioned), then either the companion would be doing exactly everything the droid does, as the droid does it, which would make no sense for pretty much any companion, or they would have to implement the basic features into a way that makes sense for each companion, which would not be difficult work, but it would be quite a lot of it. Of course you might've just meant that first option. A direct 1:1 'copy/paste' from droid to companion. I'm honestly not certain if they could directly do that (and claiming that they can without knowing their setup is plain ignorant), but unless you're talking about Jaesa or Qyzen or Treek making the same sounds as the droid makes, the same 'tech' abilities the droid uses, spraying suppressive fire from their lightsabers and tech staffs they are still going to have to change things in every companion or you are under the impression that these two separate systems can simply be merged automagically. You are wrong.
  16. I have never run it with guildies, only with randoms, and at times when gear is not the cause of a wipe, provided people don't leave, all it's taken is to talk, coordinate, educate. I agree that it is not on the same level as other bosses, it is extremely unforgiving when someone is slacking compared to the others, but a group of randoms that isn't undergeared can clear it, without voice comms.
  17. That surprises me a little, I've seen my share of tank trouble, but on blood hunt 1st fight they just need to stand there and take it.. as long as healer cleanses the dot and dps get the job done before enrage, all the tank needs to do it taunt it back every now and then.
  18. I get blood hunt about 2 or 3 times a week, I think. I was a little late to the party, didn't get into it till well after the nerfs, but I've only had pugs fail when someone was horribly undergeared. The problem with the first fight, though, is that it's very unforgiving compared to nearly every other current HM FP boss. If everyone does what they're supposed to do, it's not much of a problem to clear it, but a healer that doesn't cleanse or a dps who isn't pulling their weight and you get a wipe. On the other hand I once finished the last fight of that FP with just a tank and a healer. It was late and two people had to go, no replacements, companions died to AoE quickly, but if there is an enrage on Torch, it is extremely generous. That's what bothers me about this. You can argue all you want about whether or not it is 'too hard', but it's simply not in line with the other bosses. And neither is Rishi bonus boss.. <.<
  19. Yeah this I don't buy. Except to the same extent that the missions made no sense before there were solo options. You get a group together, random or not, to complete these important missions, but once you do, they are completely disregarded, even unwelcome, in cutscenes and the entire expansion that followed. If they could get away with having people do them as tacticals, they could've gotten away with having people do them with their companions. Alas it's not as simple as waving away any difficulty involved in implementing this. The simple fact is that the game is not built to support multiple companions in multiple roles, in fact the game is fairly horrible at supporting a single companion in a single role (healers who will move into range of enemies in order to shoot them, but will not bother closing the gap for healing; companions not responding at all with certain attacks.. try getting an operative/scoundrel companion to attack from range.. they will only react once you are attacked or if you throw a grenade, other attacks will just have them stand there..). If this was as easy to implement as the godbot, they would've implemented it.
  20. Have never heard anyone suggest her as a companion that I recall... I do always get a smile on my face when she shows up though, always makes for some amusing scenes. Usually she dies, though. ^^
  21. While it by no means is a guarantee for the opposite, saying that their focus is on one aspect this year does not translate to saying that it will be the only thing they're doing this year.
  22. Few days late it seems. Went to check for mine, says it was expired. The page noted: "Each link will expire 60 days after the event has taken place." I believe that was less than a week ago..
  23. Which is mentioned here, refers to: Which is taken from here. No lies or false information, just assumptions based on ambiguous slogans.
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