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Posts posted by mrkab

  1. I'm level 50. When I get hit, I take crits up to 3k. I'm also a sniper. My thing is doing massive amounts of damage. When I attack a level 50 with heavy armor, I do 1/3-1/2 of the damage I normally do. My abilities that do 550 damage a shot or so, and that crit for 900-1100, do 150-200 damage, and crit for 300-400. It's ridiculous. When I fight elites that are level 50 in pve I don't have this problem. Please fix this. I'm so sick of not doing enough damage to certain classes.


    You must be hitting someone using a tanking CD or you're greatly exaggerating how little damage you're doing. What's your expertise at?

  2. So as a general rule TK throw is the best spell for me to be interrupting if I'm trying to hamper their DPS? Are the heals worth interrupting if they are DPS specced or are they generally pretty weak?


    It depends on how they're built.


    Most are probably Balance. In that case you're dealing with a DoT class that lacks much in burst. They'll drop an AoE on you that will boost their next 10 DoT ticks by 20%, it's instant cast so you can't stop that. Two of the DoTs are instant cast so those can't be interrupted. The third is made instant cast and has it's damage boosted by a TK proc, which is where interrupting it can be useful as that third DoT (Mind Crush) is the most powerful.


    Unless they're a healer the only instant cast heal they have is the shield itself and that can be used once every 17 seconds at best. It absorbs roughly the same damage that the big 3 second heal does in healing. They have a weak 1.5 second heal that is very expensive and probably won't get used, leaving a decent 3 second heal that can do quite a bit if combined with Force Potency to greatly increase the chance of a crit.


    That is probably the most important to interrupt. Interrupting TK won't stop the damage, interrupting a 3 second heal is easy. I would save the break for Force Lift, make them waste it. The only exception being if you have a DoT on you or they're already near full health in which case just wait for the DoT tick to break it or let them sit there staring at you unable to do anything without breaking it themselves. It's when you've got them on the ropes and they need the time to heal that you want to break it. Keep in mind it's a 60s CD so once it's used you've got quite a while before they can use it again.


    I haven't spent much time as a Powertech. I would try to get them to blow as much as possible as early as possible and take it with CDs. Interrupt what you can but save your stuns, closers, etc. unless they're on a short CD. Get him to blow as many stuns, snares, etc. as you can and then really go after him. If you're DoT'd then Force Lift is useless. Let him get overconfident and get his health down a bit, then finish him off with as much burst as you can muster and use all the stuns/interrupts/closers you can to keep him from healing or getting away with Force Speed or a KB.

  3. Not really selfish. A lot of us just don't want it in for their own reason - one being that it takes away from some of the rare diversity we see (What's the point of choosing at level 10 if we can just switch? That's one of the 'Dual-Specs' people want to see), or that it also affects the development time the developers put in.


    There are far more important things than LFG/Dungoun Finder/Dual Spec that this game needs.


    For crying out loud. Dual spec by definition is NOT changing your advanced class. That would be dual advanced class. Even Bioware has defined, by their usage over the last year, a "spec" as the skill points you put into a tree.


    Furthermore Bioware has already stated, six freakin months ago, that they were going to add it.

  4. Stop talking about the "absurd" absorb shield and pretending it's absorbing more than it is. It's not, we have the numbers, they're out there. Most classes have at least one ability that can do the entire shield's damage in one cast. If you can't get through it I don't know what the hell you're doing.


    And yes, Expertise is extremely important. Just from the Champion gear, not even the Battlemaster, you're looking at over 15% expertise modifying their damage reduction, outgoing damage, etc. Combine that with skills and all the stat bonuses and it's quite massive. A Juggernaut quite literally went through the shield and all of my health in three seconds... because he had expertise at the time and I did not.

  5. The IA ability, Debilitate, does stop movement. The exception would be if the player is currently immune to CC effects (full resolve) but that is working as intended and functions the same for both classes.


    I'm not sure that you actually understand what was said.


    He's not talking about what it does to the target, he's talking about what the animation does to you. When a Smuggler uses it, the Smuggler is forced to stop moving by the animation. When an IA uses the same ability the IA is not. Hence the IA can follow and move without impediment while using it whereas the Smuggler cannot. Resolve never even enters into the equation.


    In fact 99% of the current issues between mirrors are due to animations.

  6. Ummm I'm not sure you read the talents for each class but the differences you're talking about can be spec'd into for each side. They are true mirrors, check the talent tree's and you'll see you have pvp talents to do these things to your skills like stop forward movement or reduce cooldowns.


    I'm not sure you read the post.


    Animations cannot be spec'd into or out of. That's the major problem. When an animation causes an Imperial skill do to do damage immediately and the mirror skill to do damage after 1 second instead it's an advantage. There are numerous others that affect everything from channeled abilities to instant abilities.

  7. Probably going to reroll Republic untill this is sorted out, wish I chose republic to begin with.




    At this rate maybe the factions will even out and open world PvP can actually occur on some sort of relatively even level once they hire someone who has any clue what open world PvP actually is.

  8. Yes but he's obviously not 50 otherwise he would just open the bag and buy another one.


    As other's have said you can't do much other than buy consumables, boxes or something for your companion. And what we mean by something for your companion is just buying the blue or orange items for your companion instead of for yourself. It's actually a very useful way to keep your companion very well geared if you PvP a lot.

  9. Probably because your numbers are complete nonsense. It does not take anywhere near 30 minutes to do a quest. Most heroics don't even take 30 minutes and they usually come with a very nice item too.
  10. 1. Using their full kit they have a distinct advantage in 1 on 1 with double CC.


    They have 2 CC and if the sorc is smart 1 will stick for full duration. If the mezz sticks they can heal up mid fight, if the stun sticks they have 4 free seconds or come up even against you (if you have double CC). Furthermore they also have a snare which resolve is useless against (if it works right for once lol)


    All healers do. Commando has the same, Scoundrel has more.


    2. sorcs/sage scale multiplicatively in groups.


    The CC/healing/protection factor contributes progressively MORE per person for every additional sorc/sage that is added. In addition as a virtual swiss army knife if there is enough healing/protection they can contribute quite meaningful DPS.


    Which is just as true of every other healer.


    3. This DPS/healing/protection is all at range.


    Scoundrels/Operatives at least have to get close and in the fray to dps instead of heal. This keeps them safer as well as lets them attack from 1 level to another. Commando's/Merc's can do this as well with a bit more passive protection. But they lack the utility, the plethora of CC, and the protective bubble. In this case the extra damage does not make up for it because as a result they lose alot of their utility and multiplicative stacking in groups.


    No they don't. Commandos heal and DPS at range. Scoundrel can heal and DPS at range, or they can go for more of a hybrid melee/range style. They also have stealth and cover. It depends in part on spec.


    4. Geared 50's sorc/sage becomes nigh unkillable by less than 3 people who are not 40+.


    This causes a problem because you cannot shut down their DPS (moderate but sustained without level/gear bonus) or their healing/protection. (Fantastic if spec'd for). Not everyone has been playing for a long time or wishes to play ONLY one character. Level to 50 is not a valid point for competitive PVP in which all levels are included.


    As does every other class with a healer present, whether that be themselves or another.


    5. Force speed and survival


    If a fight goes badly it's normally a simple matter for any sorc/sage to force speed away and heal up or grab a healing powerup. They will not wait until you can burst them down during a 4 second CC to do this unless they are braindead.


    As opposed to stealth, heavy armor, slows, jumps, etc.?


    6. Force speed and objectives.


    I'm sure your all like "you're stupid, force speed is on a long CD and not as good as you make it out to be." Fair enough.


    HOWEVER, force speed is one of the single most tactically useful skills in the game atm. Simply by allowing one to reach one area much faster in a clutch situation sorc/sage gain a significant advantage. Reinforcing or saving turret, defusing/placing bombs, running the huttball across key stretch of ground (even wiser when combined with a pass). Force Speed is an objective acheiver and WZ's are based around objectives. Thus wise usage of force speed can provide quite significant advantages.


    Right, and so is a leap or a harpoon.


    It's up to each sorc/sage to decide whether to use Force Speed for objectives or to save their own hides. Either can easily be game changing if used properly.


    7. PBAOE kb.


    Other classes have this too, however this is on top of their other skills and contributes greatly to their excellent area control and tactical use in huttball/alderann/voidstar.


    Yes, it is on top of other skills, as with all other classes.


    TL;DR you didn't bring up a single valid point. Everything you've said applies to several, if not most, of the classes in the game. If your points are valid reasons to nerf, then you're arguing for nerfing virtually every class in the game. Certainly every healer.


    We've had this argument for six months and it's still just as wrong as it was then. More than once I've posted hard data showing the absurdity of so many claims made about the Sage/Sorc. It's really getting old.


    The only thing Sage/Sorc has going for them more than any other class is they get key abilities very very early whereas many others have to wait until 20-30. There's nothing inherently wrong with the class itself and I sure as hell don't think Bioware should be balancing because it's "unfair" that one class gets something a few hours earlier than another.

  11. L2play is sorry crap that can stay in wow, we don't need it here. Instead of being snide, simply explain your counterpoint. For every l2play one should counter with learn to converse.


    There's no point to counter.


    A Sorcerer did a lot of damage. Congratulations. Shall I post a screenshot of a Commando doing 500k damage? What would that prove?

  12. Full PvP gear makes about 15% difference with full expertise, and with the RNG comm box system costing 800 wz comms per box, it will take alot of time to get a full suit.


    So yes, gear matters (welcome to progression based gaming?), but not as much as some people think and you are IGNORANT if you think its easy to get.


    I think in a month, this will be a huge non issue anyways as players catch up and the field evens out.


    Apparently you're ignorant of the rewards on Ilum and the triviality of acquiring them.


    WZ commendations are the hardest way to get gear.

  13. What gives? 20 games this morning and 18 in a row went to the Empire.


    What gives? Why does the Republic loses almost every single game? Are they had bad, or is the Empire that good, or what? What causes us to lose over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and OVER?


    Maybe it's you.

  14. It is becoming more and more obvious no one form Mythic was given a significant amount of imput on this MMO's PvP... they were all probably handed a broom and told to sweep the floor while Bioware MMO-PvP rookies did the "heavy lifting".


    Sounds to me like Bioware hired developers from a failed PvP MMO in which they ignored great user suggestions and implemented terrible systems that encouraged objective swappin and I can only assume also thought the definition of "fun" was spending hours in a hallway or staircase since every design they had guaranteed it.


    Oh wait... that's exactly what they did.

  15. It happens both ways, but it happens a lot more in favor of the Imperial team. That's probably because of the population and queue numbers more than anything.


    And yes, it needs fixed immediately. I don't think 12v8 ever happens for any period of time because it will shutdown the warzone. 10v8 happens a lot though and it's basically unwinnable as the other team has 25% more players. We'll see 5 people at two different objectives. Even if all 8 hit it they can outnumber you 9v8 and still leave one at the other.


    It's usually worse than that though, because after about 30 seconds the smaller team is more spread out due to deaths making it a complete and total wash.

  16. This and the space missions are putting me ahead of things far too quickly. I've skipped about half of Nar Shadda, some of Tatooine and about 1/3 of Alderaan. Feels weird skipping that much of the story.


    You didn't skip story, you skipped sidequests. I appreciate being able to skip them because it lets me choose to do different planets on different characters to keep it fresh.


    It's impossible to skip story.

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