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Everything posted by Zoidrinali

  1. You want snipers nerfed over that? Get over it, learn to play issue.
  2. Sounds like you're leaning towards either the jug, sin or op to me from what you've said there
  3. I'd try the sorc dude, the kiting is sooo easy on that class compared to the sniper. Good fun to play....and they tend to get more help than snipers.
  4. The days when snipers got pulled out of cover by 30m stuns/mez's and pulled or lept upon. Not so much different now really except pt's were insane, hard stun/mez at 30m then grapple...proceed to bash.
  5. surprised this is thread is still going. Sounds fairly simple to me (havne't read all the posts mind), if the amount of people queuing for solo arena's rep side on TofN is so dire that the only way they can get pops is to get friends to join them.....then sounds ok to me. Not their fault that in order to get a pop they effectively have to "sync" queue. Will suck for the people they play against but if it's the only way for them to get a pop.... Now on the other hand if there are days where there are pops rep side and they do indeed make concious efforts to properly sync queue....that's not ok (imho) but there's no way BW will be able to police that. Not that this is an attempt to bash tanvir or MVP I stress....solely my opinion. ...but bashing people for sync queuing if the only way they can get a pop is to get friends to join them is out of line. If anything if it's that dire rep side I'm very surprised more folks don't do it
  6. Best thing to do for a pvp'er is to get a thick skin, you'll always get an idiot who likes to talk a load of crap in warzones....lots of them do it purely because that's what they're like online. One of the amazing things I find is the way people start complaining and going off on a verbal rampage when they completely fail to see the team makeup of the opposite team is just better. How many times have we seen team mates complaining in Alderaan Civil War about how people suck when we have no healer and no stealth whereas the enemy has multiple stealth and healers.
  7. Always find this argument funny myself. People using s whilst using force speed and that pt overrides thing is one thing. Saying people shouldn't use s at all is quite another. Prolonged use of S when trying to escape is not good but using it for small little adjustments is perfectly fine. It's not that S is a bad key but how you use it that matters.
  8. trouble with bolster in lowbies is a fresh level 10 player will only have 1200 whilst lvl 29 players will have 1800-2018 depending on whether they have light/dark side points high enough for the relics. That's a huge difference in bolster so combined with the level difference and the possibility of players that know what they're doing, yes it's very hard as a brand new player. I do think Bioware should look at this a bit more closely to help them.
  9. Regarding bolster in order to get relics you're going to need light side or dark side rank 2 in order to get them. If you don't then once you have the ear piece, implants, off hand etc you'll only have 1800 instead of 2018. Other general advice really is to look at the sticky posts in your Advanced class forums and look for some youtube vids to give you a much better idea as to what you class is capable of.
  10. Out of interest what about it specifically did you find unintuitive? I find it's the opposite for me.
  11. Zoidrinali

    PvP home (EU)

    all about perceptions as far as I'm concerned. TRE has more people in pve gear but TOFN has more people qq'ing and leaving at the first sign of trouble. I'd rather have a bunch of people who try to play in pve gear rather than so called pvp'ers who leave at the first sign of trouble. There might be more solo queue arena's going on but as a sniper...meh no thanks just fotm, form and even more fotm. ....in before people say you get folks on tre leaving at the first sign of trouble to. Every server has that but TofN has a lot more of them.
  12. be cool to know if there are any story elements that require the character to have completed the makeb expansion, most of my toons only got half way through that. i.e. by not completing makeb will there be a couple of story elements, companion interactions that you wouldn't get?
  13. Just meant for a bit of fun, nothing more. As there's not too many of us around I thought it'd be interesting to see exactly how many there are from us who frequent these forums so..... Hands up for those who main the engineering/saboteur spec on their sniper/slinger. Or if not maining, play it on a good regular basis. Primarily interested in pvp but not a problem for pure pve instead. /raises hand for pvp Also whilst your at it, what three positive words would you use to describe the spec? (absolutely no negative words!!) Mine are Unique, bursty, mobile
  14. Didn't they increase the diameter of death field or has it always been that way? Just out of curiosity
  15. Yes it will ps, keep Death Field at 10m. If you want it at 30 then tone it down a bit.
  16. look at it this way, there's a lot of people out there who play games for the story content. I wouldn't be surprised if this attracts a lot of people to the game...if they handle it right. If that does occur then it can only mean a larger playerbase which.....will be good inthe long run for pvp. I want them to work on more pvp content just as much as everyone else but for me they are going in the right direction. Get the game on a good sound footing and then you can build upon that, this is something the game really needed and mucho kudo's to the devs for doing it. The one thing I'd like to know is whether they are going to do closed pts sessions as they did last time, I really don't want that because I think that probably contributed towards the class imbalance we have today.
  17. Ohhhhh......i like it .....that way they all turn to engineering‼
  18. Sniper's or Marksman? There's a huge difference.
  19. You know I'm with you on that dude However I've been thinking about that. Lets just say we get the old EMP discharge back. Do we keep the damage it currently does? If we do then it presents a problem on whether we use EMP discharge to do damage or to reset, if it doesn't then we essentially loose that damage and need something else to make up for it. With the loss of ambush, I don't know about you but the spec already feels empty, we would need either a brand new damage dealing skill or a broken skill that does both damage and resets which wouldn't be in our interests. What I would favour is to have those resets placed on countermeasures instead. Have one of our engineering passive skills put the resets on that instead of EMP discharge.
  20. I've got a merc and a commando...don't really know how to play them though. One of the main issues with snipers is it takes a while to get used to using your defensive skills. There are decent snipers all over the place but when it comes to the the right defensive choice at the correct time...that's something else entirely. When you look into that side of things there's a whole serious of reasons why that's the case. What you tend to have are a bunch of snipers that can kill mediocre players fairly easily but have serious problems against skilled players. More skilled snipers will fare easier against those same skilled players but it's still an uphill battle. The offensive skills of other AC's combined with their defensive skills basically outgun what a sniper has. There are multiple classes out there that are able to survive for a respectable time against multiple players, a sniper on the other hand cannot. As has already been said, our defensive skills are very short in duration and not are not designed to provide us with decent anti focus abilities. Every form of defensive skill can help, of course it does but that doesn't mean to say what we have is suitable. You can gain seconds in which you can do something yes but in a lot of situations it's not enough. There's a reason why classes have been given cc imunity buffs, to help mobility. What hasn't happened is for our defenses to evolve to cater for that. We are very mobile when we want to be but what we don't have are decent defences to help that mobility. One of the most misunderstood aspects of the sniper I find is a sniper cannot under any circumstances just sit in the same spot for the entire warzone/arena, we have to move around and that is when we are at our most vulnerable. We can use our defences in those situations but then we don't have them for when we have reached our new position. Every time we move we have to make a judgement call on whether it's worth doing so and do we have to use some defensive skills to allow us to move in a way to that won't open us up to a trip to respawn. Do we have better defenses than mercs/commando's? Meh from my extremely limited knowledge....probably. Are they any more effective than a mercs/commando's? Well that's the real question and one that is quite difficult to answer. It depends heavily on the skill level of the sniper for a start and then you have to think about the situation and what's going on. Our defenses can work really really well to aid other players and even ourselves but there are then many other situations where they're not really that helpful at all, you can blow all your defences against one skilled player and still not come out on top. Obviously all of this is from an engineering sniper....
  21. That's very true but I'm presuming the OP is referring to trying to gauge the right time in popping entrench. If they wait you out but people are attacking each other then it's going to give you a short window which you can do something good. Still doesn't necessarily mean of course you still won't get focussed Pop entrench too early and it's a waste, pop it too late and........it's a delicate balance. It's a bit like trying to gauge where stealth are to try and knock them out of it with plasma probe. If there are no stealth in the opposite team then it does become easier...if there is stealth then it all becomes that much more difficult to gauge.
  22. You know what...I like that idea
  23. Original Huttball is...putting it simply....the best warzone. The best thing is you don't necesarily have to be in a premade to do well. I have had so many excellent games when the odds have been against our team but we've come out on top because the others are simply deathmatching....or forgot to lock down my sniper and let me run wild. Every single original huttball that pops every single bit of damage I do is a bonus, even if that means I end up with the highest damage score. The days of old when the game was young and the continuous pops of huttball.....ahh those were the days!! Separate Quesh huttball from original huttball so we get more pops!!! I'd be more than happy to play nothing but huttball 100% of the time if I could, awsome map
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