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Everything posted by TominatorBriss

  1. Your opinion is wrong, all classes pass the checks just some have to work alot harder than others to achieve the numbers. Every time i see the comment "they are not viable" all i see is omg i have to put more effort into doing great dps than another class No you shouldn't be, you should be playing the class you enjoy whats the point of hitting high numbers on a fotm class when your not playing the class you enjoy the most been there done it got the tshirt not worth it
  2. that still doesnt explain why im missing the strength datacron on dromund kass for example on my characters, dont get me wrong i know matrix shards dont count, but to end up with 30+ missing of some characters and the characters that have collected them all to have some missing, stats not being rewarded even when unlocked etc just proves my point they are bugged. customer service again says its a bug and that i should create a bug report now its just a waiting game for bioware to actually bother fixing it
  3. ive had this many times ever since 4.0, just wait up to 2 hours after youve transferred and all should be fine
  4. Do you like KOTFE? yes i love it the story was great really enjoyed it cant wait for next chapters to come out just the gap inbetween chapters which already im thinking what can i do today, i raid 4-5 times a weeks, i do heroics to farm the alliance crates, do up my comps etc but theres just something missing i feel could be because of no new ops or not enough fresh things to keep my mind boggled (tbh havent a clue what i feel is missing) However theres only 1 thing i dislike about this expansion 1 small tiny thing that grinds my gears since release of it Legacy datacrons .... omg .... even the chars i got all datacrons with havent received all the stats and have missing codex entrys (when they should be full) and in the exact same gear 2 are on par with eachother then this other char is missing quite abit of stats even though he is in the same gear the other characters wore yet when i go to the legacy bit its got all of them unlocked ..... just mind boggling
  5. im yes and no on this, it doesnt really matter to me as much as other things like class balance the worst thing which puts me off is 4v4 arenas its basically who can stack the fotm classes the most, 8v8 is not too bad and the gree event is aton of fun where fotm classes are not felt as much because of a mix of classes
  6. i never used to mind tanking flashpoints.... that was until those odd groups of people come in and then cause abuse he says "dude your menta do it the way i said because it benefits me getting super dps on the boss" i say " no dude ive done it before many times its getting done this way like it or not" He says " roar roar roar your a crap tank roar roar roar" i say "screw you guy, im going home" abuse then starts and then they wonder why the tank left the group and there now waiting a long time for another tank honestly wouldnt surprise me if this was the main problem for most tanks, i love doing these flashpoints and there are many friendly people out there to do em with but theres also aton of (cant say the word so were call them Tank Abusers) which can put people off, not saying this just happens to tanks but .... just my 2cents p.s yes i have alittle too much sugar tonight and i already know my spelling and punctuation suck i dont need it pointed out
  7. p.s not all the missing entrys in codex are matrix shards either
  8. Legacy Datacrons broken they are not awarding all characters the stats and codex entrys, even though im a datacron master done them all both sides codex is 60/74 and im missing stats so it seems like 1) its not awarding me the stats from the missing few or 2) just no granting me the stats properly tested this out on my 3 tanks 2 of which manually got datacrons (which is working fine) but the fresh 60 tank i made is missing the stats and entrys. to make this a fair test i sent the same gear around all 3 tanks the 2 which manually got them had pretty much the same stats the fresh 60 however is missing stats around 70 - 100 primary damage is missing Contacted Customer support they cannot help with this issue and it must be patched i was told
  9. ive had this issue since 4.0 the advice i have to say is wait about 1 -2 hours after your transfer to log in, all should work fine after that time period
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