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Everything posted by TominatorBriss

  1. Hope this keeps you entertained long enough while the servers are down :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D: Remember Francis is a Gamers best friend
  2. I pre- ordered the expansion pack ive been a player since just after launch, and to be honest im not complaining one bit, this means they will get more subs so they can play the expansion - meaning better new content (i hope) more players in game and more people to do ops with as more subs will come into play. but my only fear is its going to bring even more noobs to the ops, i play on the red eclipse server and do you know how many empire players fail EC on SM, HM and NM?. Alot more than any of the other ops I have seen because where people have subbed and think, yes now im a sub I can do anything, well what about gear and tactics and half a brain to work your class properly - do some research - look up different tactics look up peoples different rotations get some advise - and one more thing if you've never done it on SM then don't do it on HM or NM. but overall i do not mind not being rewarded - nor should other people - you cant miss what you never had!!
  3. well the thing i can think of that will make them more money and thats to do it like ops where you either sub (motivates more people to sub or create a weekly pass like the weekly ops pass somethink like that i could imagine them doing like a weekly mini games pass or something along the lines like that. the point of this is to attract even more people to the game and create more subs and more purchases in the cartel market so bioware can read these ideas and use there own heads to work out how to implement them to the game.
  4. Hey guys TominatorBriss here just thought i can share on what id like to see added to the PVP mode in swtor Online betting battles - Bet credits and duel your opponent to win (some online games have this i find it would be a fun little addition to make pvp more enjoyable and challenging). Another thought (not sure if this is pvp or not but i suppose if your playing against another player it is pvp) is Pazzak. yet another little enjoyable mini game that give you more of a starwars feeling from the old days of kotor yet again somethink people could place bets on with credits. also another pvp mini game is swoop bike racing, yet again people can battle out racing times with eachother, also prehaps earn a title or two for coming come top or holding the best time for a week or so. Mabe even a 16 v 16 pvp event where you get into groups of 16 and battle it out (would have to be fixed so everyone could participate or even if it was a 40+ event just a matter if debait on that) another one would be a game mode like call of duty zombies where you and a group of mates take on endless amount of enemies and gets harder the further the level you get, could compete records against other groups (although this is more pve type of game mode) these are just simple mini games to spice up the fun in the pvp department (if you can call them pvp, please forgive me if i have it wrong) theres alot of fun and easy to make content which wouldnt really require much work adding into the game as the old kotor games had 1 or 2 of these ideas. if even some of these were added it would attract alot more people to play as Starwars would have alot more to offer than it already does. Now this ideas are just my Opinion of what should be added so please no nasty or rude comments but if you have any other ideas mainy on the PVP side of things then please share (if you do have a PVE thought drop it in with a PVP idea if i get enough i create another post never know devs might read some of them)
  5. I play swtor on my Laptop Dell 1545 2010 ati Graphics edition 2.4-2.6 ghz processord Plays fine on med - low settings ideal for when im out playing swtor at someones house normaly get around 20-36 FPS no lie I also play it on my Desktop when i can AMD FX 6350 Six core processor, AMD Radeon R7750 graphics ( soon to be upgraded when battlefield 4 is out) 6 GB ram 1333mhz speed 2 hardrives one 500gb and another 250gb plays the whole game on high with everythink turned on and have no lag. Laptop Dell 1545 2010 Ati Graphics edition (do not get confused with the dell 1545 2009 standard intel celron rubbish) price was £400 when it was released now worth around £200 to £240 Desktop cost me around £230 and i built it myself (took me time going around comparing prices for all the parts) going to update it graphics which i will probs get a ddr5 graphics card what im trying to point out is that its cheaper to build your own pc although this game really dont take nothink special to run it:csw_vader:
  6. I play 24 hours straight most days of the week lol and im sure alot of other people do too, personally and not too be rude to the cause your doing it for i would of liked to seen you do 48 hours, as i think it would have been more effort to do to show your support even more but thats just my opinion
  7. Thanks for letting me know just in some other websites this game along with kortor 1 and 2 are fitted in with cannon http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Jedi for more info Revan is mentioned so i would assume that this is cannon along with the 1st great sith war mando wars, jedi civil wars and also this war the 2nd great sith war
  8. hi there i done some digging in some info on jedi and this is what i found. Jedi Guardian (known as Warrior Master) mini classes: Jedi Ace Lightsaber instructor Jedi Peacekeeper Jedi Consular (known as Sage Master) mini classes: Jedi Ambassador Jedi Diplomat Jedi healer Jedi Lore Keeper Jedi Researcher Jedi Seer Jedi Sentinel (half Guardian and half Consular) mini classes: Jedi investigator Jedi Shadow Jedi Watchman This is taken from Wookieepedia so are the current swtor classes wrong ?? Also seen as jedi are at war with the sith In times of war, especially when Sith forces were involved, Jedi would sometimes assume military ranks and govern armies of Republic military units, as was seen in the Mandalorian Wars, the Jedi Civil War, the New Sith Wars, and the Clone Wars. So Jedi indeed became soldiers, not just keepers of the peace. During the New Sith Wars, the Order created the Army of Light, a massive military branch that consisted of the majority of active Jedi. Jedi Commander – A Padawan serving as a Commander in the Grand Army of the Republic, the Jedi Commander was assigned to a Jedi General until knighted. Once a full Jedi, the Padawan was then referred to as General. Jedi General – Jedi Knights or Masters who had been placed in command of a Republic army were dubbed Generals. Twenty of the most experienced Generals were raised to the rank of Senior Jedi General, leading troops and designing tactics for the war effort. Out of the twelve High Council members, ten of them became High Jedi Generals not only commanding their own army, but also supervising all other ranking Jedi. Jedi Lord – a Jedi who served as a commander in the Army of Light during the New Sith Wars. The Jedi Lord assumed this title mainly out of political motivation. The rank was abolished after the war. so has bioware made a mistake ??
  9. in my point of view we should ALL count ourselves lucky to have such a great starwars online game for me all the stories are good and I think makeb is the beginning of a much bigger plot for the next expansion especially for us empire players considering we are losing the war and makeb is what we need to help strike back at the republic. a lot of hard work goes into this game and because its not what some of you thought it was or things don't go your way you have a little moan (well if you don't like it, don't play)
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