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Everything posted by HeIIbat

  1. You never think its ur problem only ? I really often soloqueue and almost always win.
  2. So smashed someone recruit geared for 7k ? In proper gear its impossible
  3. I asked my friend marauder with min/max pvp gear test his smash on me. http://img823.imageshack.us/img823/1830/screenshot2013010312435.jpg 3875 damage and i dont have any defensive cooldown up. So post some proof about dat 7k hits, bcos it really hard to believe
  4. You overestimate smash cooldown. Anyway lets calculate dps on ur rotation against 13xx expertise medium armor. Enrage 0 Leap 700-900 dmg Smash 4-6k Choke (prolly get interrupted but still) 2-3k Push 500-700 dmg Leap 700-900 dmg Smash 4-6k Overall about 13-15k dmg Its gonna take 0+1,5+1,5+4+1,5+1,5+1,5 = 11,5 sec for full rotation 14k dmg over 11,5 seconds. Any vanguard/powertech can stay and spam flameburst for 2-3k ELEMENTAL ! dmg (not kinetic as smash) every 1,5 sec. 1 button vs 7-8. You dont care about stuns or range (smash 5m range).
  5. Nerfed or not but still they unbalanced. I can solo keep node (or VS door) vs 2 smashers for helluva time, 1 min at least with all my defensive cooldown up . Same time two lolflamers kill me in 20-25 sec really easy.
  6. Smasher can do slightly more dmg but easily countered, to be effective you need group of 3-4 smashers. Vanguard even solo do absolutely unbalanced dmg, and not gonna be nerfed anytime soon. (and smashers gonna be nerfed soon, too much tears from lvl 50 recruit geared)
  7. You cannot get shockwave/singularity stacks every 12 sec. Light armor doesnt mean anything in SWTOR, most dmg coming from force/tech attacks. Also sorc got barrier and stun bubble, both hard counter to melee classes You got long range single 8 sec mezz, and jugger got short range 6 sec aoe mezz. Think about stealing pylon on AH, sorc can and jugger cant.
  8. My main jugger, but not in rage spec (18/23/0). Few comments about smashers 1 Every other class got several abilites to do over 2k dmg, jugger got only smash and only rage spec. Take away smash and we hit for 0 dmg (1396 expertise and almost full EWH gear, i getting 2,5k dmg medal only if ST crit) 2 Rage spec juggernauts so easy to shutdown, they dont have unstoppable (cant afford 12 points in vengeance), they got only saber ward as defensive cooldown (and its 3 min cd to use again) 3 To get 6-7k crits u must be properly geared. You stack alot of power and surge for dat crits, and ur survivability suck
  9. 6% dmg reduction really huge. And you run out of rage in 2-3 skills. Actually i meet idiots who use soresu and rage spec, but they recruit geared so cant do 6k smashes
  10. Rage spec mara/jugger can jump on sniper in cover (even not rage spec can force push or choke him from cover on 10m distance and leap). And about balance, sniper need small boost for MM tree and huge for lethality. PT need huge nerf for pyrotech.
  11. I dont have much problems with smashers on my tank jugger (18/23/0 and 1393 expertise), their dmg comes from short range aoe and easily avoidable (and since they cant get 12 points in vengeance, no cc immunity after leap). And they die really fast, zero escapes and tend on melee range. Problem is pt/vanguards, not only railshot ignore armor, but flame do insane amount elemental dmg and you cant avoid it.
  12. I got same bug also. And nother bug on voidstar with invisible caster, you dont see him till 1-2 sec left
  13. I think you wrong about jugger. I won every 1v1 encounter so far (even vs healer, just burst in right time). Even 1v2 encounters not problem at all. Mercs and dps operatives need some love from game designers, juggers fine (tho rage spec should be nerfed, best solution nerf shockwave to 7,5/15% per stack)
  14. It just not funny sometimes when u get 7 recruit geared teammates against full WH premades. Why BW cant make some matchmaking system based on valor rank, when total valor rank of both team should be equal +- 50 ? Right now 70% WZ onesided from start
  15. You got no idea about sniper abilities. I easy count 15 vital low CD abilities for MM sniper - Take cover, FT, Snipe, Ambush, Takedown, Legshot, Flashbang, Cover Pulse, Shield Probe, Entrench, Shattershot, Explosive probe, Orbital Strike, Frag grenade, Rifle shot. You should bind also Ballistic shield, Evasion, Escape, Adrenaline probe, Debilitate, Diversion and Target Acquired.
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