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Everything posted by abokado

  1. I had the same problem on the HK fight. Luckily there was a sorc dps in the group and he off healed or I wouldn't have made it. Kinda bumming. :/
  2. Before that one patch I got them at a steady, now in the last week I only got them once. Makes crafting augments for another character a bit difficult. It's insane.
  3. S&V Dash'roode fight. Since I'm getting kicked around a lot I have to use force charge a lot. But sometimes I'm not charging. They charge sound goes off, I get the unstoppable thing and the little shield on my character but I'm staying where I am. Not much of a problem except that if this happened I am not able to walk to the next power generator. I'm just hitting an invisible wall and can only walk left and right. A sorc tried to pull me but he was seeing me standing further behind than I actually was. After pulling I can't even walk left and right anymore. This also happened in flashpoints. I don't know if this invisible wall thing has anything to do with force charge, but another juggernaut player confirmed he had the same "no force charge + invisible wall" problem and when I stopped using force charge altogether because we wiped enough there wasn't any problem at all. I also charged into the wall when I tried to jump to the add in the Trasher fight. Try jumping to hat at 29m range. I always had trouble jumping to him and it almost never worked so I had to wait until the shields on the snipers were down. Last time I tried jumping to him at 29m range (28 is not enough!) And it worked.. kinda. The first try I was charging into the well, but it worked out in the next tries.
  4. My main is/was a jugg. I love it. Vengeance is a very nice spec to play, you have no rage issues at all now with 2.0 and have nice, sustained damage and some neat utilities like jumping to allies and taunting. The new saber reflect is pretty awesome as well. You can do everything with a jugg, you can go to do nightmare raids, it works. But I still chose to reroll. Not because I was forced to do so, but because I wanted to. I just want to do more than a "nice amount" of damage, I want to get the most that I can and I feel like I can't do that with a Juggernaut. The playstyle is very straight forward, if you know it there isn't much you can do, really. Use your attacks and you're done. There isn't much thinking involved. You don't really have much choice and there isn't really much you can do wrong. It's nice, it really is. But I want more of a challenge and rerolled and I'm gonna see how far I'll come.
  5. It hasn't happened to me three times in a row, but it always seems to happen in crucial times. This is VERY annoying, especially when every little second counts in a difficult boss fight.
  6. Has also been happening to me a lot lately in Asation HC, especially when I needed to jump to those hypergate beacon things, causing us to wipe.
  7. Killing Operator IX in TfB HM just recently. That was the best thing that ever happened in my raiding career. I joined a little after work guild and almost directly joined one of the raid groups. They were doing Denova HM at the time and we spend so much time wiping on Kephess. Again and again and again and again. We only got him down shortly after 2.0, though that didn't really feel as awesome as downing Operator IX since we were overleveling and overgearing the fp and had two different people with us. So, the other raid group in our guild cleared Denova in January thus leading them to feeling superior in comparison to us, which of course annoyed the hell out of us. So we wanted to kill Operator as fast as possible since they have been wiping on him since they finished Denova. We got two different DPS, due to one quitting the game and the other being incompatible with us and finally cleared TfB HM. Before the other group. We were shouting in TS and raving in guild chat. That was the absolutely best moment. We cleared the op and we showed them that we could do it (since they said we weren't ready for hm ops and couldn't do damage with our measly gear [we were in 69's!]). Man, that was so incredibly exciting. Half of the raid died due to error with the deletion protocol but we downed him. I was literally shaking after it because I got so excited and couldn't calm down for hours and when I went to bed I was just laying there and grinning to myself. This was just the best thing ever.
  8. ..we haven't been in the same fp, have we? Man, but there are unfortunately a lot of fps in the lower levels that are exactly like that. I had almost the same experience. Spend 10 minutes persuading an assassin tank to put in dark charge, him dying in the boss fighting so that I, a sniper, had to tank, assa tanks opening with a CC and attacking the CC'd mob.. and so on. but this happens a lot. I mean, me tanking. It's quite annoying. I know, they don't have their taunts yet and all that, but wow, in the one fp where you have to fight against four guys with the different classes the tank did everything aside from tanking. No, wait, he didn't really do anything. I don't know, it was so weird. They started attacking the heal and we told him to get them off of the heal (since we decided on a kill order and concentrating on one), so I had no other choice than to pull them off the healer.. we managed to beat them though I was dead of course. I just can't understand why some people don't read the chat. Can't they read? No, they can. Don't they pay attention to the chat? How? I mean.. you see it. It's so obvious. Why don't the react to instructions or tips? Do they want to die? I just don't get it.
  9. They are frigging fish ffs. I always wanted to punch them into their stupid fish faces. Ugh! I was so happy when I got kicked out of their stupid planet. I hate fish! ...waaaay off. There are the fish aliens who talk like fish would talk. You know, the water planet in kotor? Where you could kill their fish god or something?
  10. Oh god, if they give us Manaan I'm gonna unsubscribe. I'm gonna vomit the second I see and hear those Selkath again. *shudder*
  11. I made Quinn look totally different, pretend that he isn't Quinn but actually a decent human being I picked up while I was throwing Quinn into a garbage can.... but he is still himself and there is nothing I can do about that. I wish I could. I wish we could actually assign our companions the role we want. No need for any player leveling a sith warrior suffering as we did. Then we could actually could back the option to kill companions! We have more than enough with the ship droid and HK. Sigh.
  12. there is no, since lvl 50 is still in the middle of gearing. you can buy yourself rakata level mods from the makeb vendor, but earning comms for 61 gear is very fast, so the planet vendor mods are unnecessary.
  13. You should be fine. Dps are waiting a bit for a tank so they won't try to kick you because you have not more hp than they (I'm running at 33k for example), it may be a difficult and you will have to use a lot of CC, but it's doable. And since you are a tank you gonna gear up very quickly anyway.
  14. You know, when I started playing and got told/read online that I had to get out of the circles on the ground (the foundry - last boss for example) I swear I didn't see anything. at. all. nothing. There was nothing on the ground, I absolutely swear. I don't know why I didn't see anything. I was prepared for it, I wasn't exactly dumb, I played mmos a lot but still didn't see them. Sure, they were there. But if you're not as experienced and you fully concentrate on your skill bar or something you just don't notice stuff that is absolutely clearly visible for everyone. And the people who need to read this won't. As they won't listen when they should. I don't understand it myself, but there are people like that. Live with it or stop pugging.
  15. There are different teams for pvp and ops.
  16. An hour? Really? Longest I spend was 15 minutes and that was on the first planet I looked, Taris, because I started looking in the middle of the path instead of close to the ship. I've found all the others very fast and while I leveled a new character I heard people all the time saying they found a piece on DK.
  17. We're gonna get new flashpoints and I hope they will be more difficult, otherwise there really wouldn't be any point. Though I really hope there won't be a boss that is as melee hostile as the droid in LI was. It was an absolute pain to do this on my jugg, I knew the fight, I knew the mechanics, but it was just absolutely impossible to put the lightning circle somewhere else than in the very middle. Very annoying, making it impossible to clear this with two melees. More love for melees regarding mechanics please.
  18. ...this happens? Let me check my latest logs... oh my god, you're right! I used Ravage 21 times and 6 times the last tick is not there. I always use the dummy on the fleet and I know I have some horrible ability delay there, but I didn't know about that. Hmmm.
  19. Preparing yourself before doing something with a group is the polite thing to do, dude.
  20. We fail the purple phase on purpose. After orange phase we clean up the adds, kill one core and by that time one of this big adds comes - a Rectifier or something - we kill him and proceed to kill the second core. I don't really know now but I think we fail the yellow phase too, which is doable. We haven't done the fight in 2.0 (only the first boss) but yeah, the fight is difficult and requires a lot of coordination with your group. Usually it's easier to get the colour balls.. things.. during a round, but we couldn't deal with that and kill them before we start channeling, so we have less time on the cores, but it's still manageable.
  21. 25 players isn't very much. We are a pretty small guild - usually there are 10 to 20 people online and we have more than 400 members because of all the alts.
  22. I think the best thing are the fleet passes you can buy for 1k which have a 1 hour cooldown.
  23. I don't really think so. It's probably impossible to see how many times all of the lvl 55 characters have completed the weekly. The issue is gonna get fixed, but I don't think we're gonna comms added.
  24. I remember when it happened to me the first time while doing a daily - since it never happened before I complained on the general chat and most of the people thought I was crazy about complaining about that, since the quest objectives didn't belong to me. Well, I put the person on ignore and changed instance. If this happens in a fp I first ask what's going on and if there is no satisfying explanation it's ignore and a kick.
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