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Posts posted by chosonman

  1. I really suck with my sentinel. I have all Conqueror gear with a few Obrean artifacts. But I'm super squishy without a healer behind me. Especially against an operative/scoundrel/assassin I get killed pretty quickly 1v1. I usually get hit from behind and try to pop up Defensive Skills like Rebuke and Saber Ward and pacify (by that time I'm already 1/2 down. I'm able to land a few offensive shots and maybe get 1/5 of his health down. I get CC again pop guarded by the force, fight chase after the other guy and eventually die. What do I need to do to get better results?


    BTW I'm combat build

  2. I really suck with my sentinel. I have all Conqueror gear with a few Obrean artifacts. But I'm super squishy without a healer behind me. Especially against an operative/scoundrel/assassin I get killed pretty quickly 1v1. I usually get hit from behind and try to pop up Defensive Skills like Rebuke and Saber Ward and pacify (by that time I'm already 1/2 down. I'm able to land a few offensive shots and maybe get 1/5 of his health down. I get CC again pop guarded by the force, fight chase after the other guy and eventually die. What do I need to do to get better results?


    I'm Combat build

  3. Please add some more end game content that would let a player "Redeem" themselves or "Fall" to the Dark side. That would be interesting. You could have a whole new set of quests for each scenario and make them repeatable if they decide to go back. What's more if you could make the Dark and Light tied to faction affiliation that would be great. I hate seeing Jedi with dark sinister faces and dark side corruption on the republic side. Since faction classes are basically mirrors why not start beginners off as neutral and let them "fall" to the dark side or choose the path of "light". It would add to the Role playing experience and enable serious Star Wars fans to experience the Temptation/Redemption aspect of the Star Wars story line.
  4. Sure, the alignment system is a little pointless, but I am glad it isn't tied to factions, so that one can play a Jedi commiting horrible things in the name of the republic or an Agent who does good but still is a loyal member of the empire.


    A Jedi commiting horrible acts runs counter to SW lore. Jedis do not commit horrible acts and stay a jedi. That is whats so whack about this game.

  5. How about....you know... silly thing.... Role Play your character? You talk a lot about RP aspect in SWG. You realize that main source of character role play is a player? Not systems, not game engines...but this thing between monitor screen and chair - player.


    If you need a reward to chose LS or DS then sorry but I suppose you don't get the idea.


    I rolled Sith, wanted to play a cruel guy. No chances. I removed Vette's collar straight away.... damn :/ So you really need that reward from devs? Perhaps do it for yourself?


    I guess you dont get the idea of having a character change from good to evil or visa versa. That is what star wars is all about, redemption and temptation.

  6. On a related note Sith supposed to be purely devoted to the Dark side. Any remnants of light sided Sith were purged long ago.


    The Sith Order was a sect of Force-sensitives who utilized the dark side of the Force. The term "Sith" originally referred to a species of aliens native to the planets Korriban and Ziost, who were later enslaved and ruled by exiled Dark Jedi from the Galactic Republic. These Dark Jedi had once been members of the Jedi Order, a monastic Force religion dedicated to peace through the use of the light side of the Force. The Dark Jedi, who refused to rely exclusively on the light side, challenged the Jedi by giving in to the dark side, which started the Hundred-Year Darkness. However, they had been defeated and subsequently exiled from known space, which led to their discovery of the Sith species. Following centuries of interbreeding and mixing of cultures between the aliens and the exiles, the Sith would no longer be identified by their race, but by their dedication to the ancient Sith philosophy. This religious order would survive in many different incarnations throughout galactic history. The rise of a new leader, or Dark Lord, would often cause drastic reorganizations in the cult, however the Sith would always be characterized by their lust for power and their desire to destroy the Jedi Order.


    The Sith were the most infamous of all dark side religions, and the members of the cult were often seen as the pinnacle of power within the dark side. Throughout their long history, the Sith commanded several Empires and initiated many galactic wars. With such great influence, the Sith religion inspired many cults that weren't technically part of the Sith Order, nor did they consist of actual Sith. Instead, they were founded and made up of Sith devotees and other Force-sensitives dedicated to prolonging the teachings and the memory of the Sith. Such cults included the Naddists, the Disciples of Ragnos, and the Krath.



  7. Sorry I don't know where you get you definitions but based on SW canon:


    Dark Jedi, also known as "Fallen" Jedi, were Force-sensitives, frequently former Jedi, who chose to deny the light side of the Force or follow the dark side. Although "Dark Jedi" originally referred to a Jedi who had fallen to the dark side, it could also refer to uninitiated Force-sensitives who received no Jedi training but began their careers under another Dark Jedi. Others were simply dark-side users who did not follow the teachings of the Sith or other dark side organizations. In some cases, Dark Jedi also included "artificial" Force-sensitives who served the dark side, such as the Reborn and the Shadowtroopers. The first Dark Jedi was believed to be Xendor, who was the first member of the Jedi Order to fall. Other forerunners included Ajunta Pall and others who, after the Hundred-Year Darkness, were exiled from Galactic Republic space and became the ancient progenitors of the Sith Lords. Ultimately, the title became something of a blanket term for darksiders who could not be classified as belonging to any specific dark side organization.


    Dark Jedi also became a term of note during the Great Sith War and the Jedi Civil War, where fallen Jedi served under the banners of Exar Kun and the duo of Darth Revan and Darth Malak, respectively. Thousands of years later, Sith Lords such as Palpatine would resurrect the term, with agents serving under him bearing the title. Those whom the Miraluka Jerec controlled came to be known as the Seven Dark Jedi.



  8. Yes it has always been pointless for dark/Light in this game. SWG had so much more cool stuff within the game then I think swtor will ever have. This game has gone way of the cash cow shop(CM) and once in awhile they throw us a bone but really dont improve much within the game. You cant compair SWG to This game anymore, this game will never have the mechanics SWG did, SWG was so far ahead of the game way back when its crazy. We could go on and on about it but there is no point anymore. Best to see how The Repopulation turns out and Sony with their next big thing.


    You are right. There are times I just sit and think about all the stuff there was to do in that game especially before first combat change and before the Jedi infusion. It was just a really fun game. At times I think Sony did a little too much tinkering on a good thing which caused a lot of havoc on the population. It only goes to show you that devs shouldn't act on everything they read in the forums and should never make any major changes without careful consideration. But in this case I think the change is needed and welcome.

  9. I wanted to bring this out because it is something that has been bothering me awhile about this game. What is the point of having a choosing a Dark Path vs. Choosing the Path of Light in this game when it serves basically no purpose what so ever besides enabling the use of some affinity attuned gear? And seriously, if you're a lvl V Dark Jedi what are you still doing in the Republic? Vs Versa with a Level V sith Juggernaut. It doesn't make any sense as a role player and seem more like a joke when I'm in group play and an honorable Jedi chooses to blow up a population of people while the rest of us are trying to save them.... sigh...


    I played SWG (Star Wars Galaxies) for those of you who never played basically depending on which side you choose (Dark or LIght) you could gain faction points and eventually join the appropriate faction (ie, a lvl V dark warrior could not join the Republic visa versa) This makes more sense to me. I mean it would also make sense in this game since the classes are all mirrors of each other anyways. Why not start of Neutral and work your way up to a faction ranking?


    I think think this would also help immensely with the role play possibilities. I remember in SWG I started off on the Republic and played for a while and later turned to the dark side. I even updated my in game bio to reflect the change and wrote a whole essay about my story which was fun. Being locked into a factions kind of sucks too if you want to play with some friends and decide to change from one to the other. Yea it probably means starting a new character which is probably what Bio/EA would like so you would have to spend more time grinding.. But BIO/EA could still make it a grind to change factions.... I don't know but this is something I'm pretty sure I would like to see and I think would make a huge positive impact on the game as a whole.

  10. Hello,


    Ive recently started playing again and i need help with acronyms.. H OT's, RN the list is too big...


    can someone help me out and point me to a list of acronyms, or just list the main ones for operative please.




    HOT = Heal Over Time (As opposed to DOT = Damage over Time) example : Kolto Probes that dispense healing over time




    I'm not sure what RN means tho.

  11. Let's see, you criticize me for not knowing how to play sniper yet you don't even know which companion to pick when farming? Are you serious???????




    @ OP,


    So you suck at playing a sniper and you want the devs to make snipers idiot proof. How wonderful for you. Healing, stealth capability…why not just add flying, extra damage, and extra mitigation with that.


    I don’t think SWTOR is for you. Your skill set is more geared towards Tic-Tac-Toe or maybe Candyland.



    Yea I farm them daily and even finished the heriocs on Oricon solo.

  12. So I was playing Huttball today, a map that always seems to glitch my movements (especially leaps/rolls) more than any other but I got stunned by an assassin, and the stun didn't end. I was rooted all the way from 80%-0% health, which isn't a big deal sins are burst, he was probably better blah-blah-blah. But after re-spawning I still couldn't move to leave the safe area. It wasn't my keyboard as I could still type and was sending/receiving messages from group mates. Fortunately the game ended before I could be kicked, but was wondering if this was a common issue? Or it was simply my connection? I just want to know if there's a way to prevent it so I don't get kicked for not leaving spawn in the future.


    I ran into the exact same issue numerous times. Not just once. After sending in a ticket they replied back to me with some resolution to fix my computer. It was not an issue with my computer it's a bug.

  13. @ OP,

    Horrible, Horrible post.

    This is not said lightly: you have absolutely no idea what you’re talking about.

    You don’t feel like playing the sniper? Fine, don’t. While you’re at it you can possibly stop spamming posts like this.


    You work for EA/Bio? Why should you tell me what and what I can or can't post? If you don't like what I write it's up to you to read it. If I'm violating forum rules I'm sure EA/BIO will let me know and take appropriate action. Otherwise you can choose to go on about your business.

  14. Ahh yet again you don't read well enough into things. Here's what happens when you actually test things before complaining on the forums:





    Spotter skill is a LOT stronger than most people realize.


    I probably learned a thing or two from reading your post. I will try out the OS strike trick next time. I even took your advice and used evasion to remove DoT's works like a charm.... Until I get hit with 3 more right after. It works but the cool down is just awful. I just stick use my smugger's cleans which is up all the time with no cool down. As for sniper l I find the easiest way to deal with them is to just keep dropping DoT's on them until they just melt away you don't even have to attack them, Drop some DoT's and wait till they get low and wait for a Mara or Sent to finish them off.

  15. Really? You have to troll in 2 forums?


    If you really want to see what a troll looks like take a look in the mirror. I don't follow your posts around just to make derogatory comments. Why are you following me around?


    edit: Oh wait i know why... here's what you're going to say "b.. b.. b.. because you made made a dum comment and I is smarter that you... You should know better than to make any comments that I disagree with. And because this is the interweb and since no one can see me in person I can say whatever the hell I want to anyone without fear of any repercussion... " Sound like it?


    I could go on. You trolls are so predicable.

  16. Add stealth to Sniper Cover


    - Stealth detect is broken. Why? Because stealthers will just walk around to our back to avoid being detected.

    -True snipers have the element of surprise. Snipers aren't supposed to just sit there out in the open and wait for someone to attack them.

    -Will help snipers more tactically useful in War Zones and PVP play.


    Give the ability to sneak past mobs in PVE

    -Aren't snipers supposed to be the masters of sneak? I understand there would be some overlap between operative but it could be a short duration sneak like the Sentinal/Jug force camouflage. As a sniper you pretty much have to fight every single mob in all the quests. While other classes can just walk by them.


    As it stands right now I don't feel playing sniper is really snipering it's more like carrying a big gun and being able to shoot from farther away but aside from that there isn't much snipering to being a sniper.

  17. Your type of people (claiming their class is bad, they need buffs, not knowing anything about their class in the meanwhile, not looking anything up for themselves) pop up alot on these forums. They don't listen when you talk to them nicely. Tried and failed. Look at the amount of times I had to repeat myself before you believed me.


    Snipers are fine, and are yet getting a huge defensive buff. It's been the majority of threads on this forum the last week that they will be OP, they are GODMODE, and serious nerfs are needed.

    Reading before you post doesn't hurt....


    And if you don't want to be talked down to then don't dismiss what people are saying as wrong while you don't know yourself and refuse to believe it while these people know what they're talking about...


    Sorry but a lot of us don't have all day to (troll) there forums. The whole public forum concept it distasteful at best with you regulars thinking that everyone who joins has the vast catalog of knowledge you have amassed over the months you've spent camping this site. Constructive vs Destructive but you can't help being part of the crowd I guess.

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