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Posts posted by chosonman

  1. It's worse for Sentinel than Shadow since Shadow has cleans and a disappear to fight another day. Sentinel force camouflage doens't break combat and only lasts a few seconds which is ok in situations when they're not chasing you but eventually you'll be CC and killed even after you pop FC.


    2 thing would help Sentinel post 2.7

    - Cleansing ability against DOT's with a long cooldown

    -Shorter cooldowns on some defensive skills

  2. Ever have a dream you're crossing a street and then all of a sudden you get flash banged stunned all the while a crap load of cars and trucks come screaming down your way and just as they're about to smash into you, you wake up?
  3. Why not have world objectives?


    Summary of Raid Event

    -Base raid events (like the bases on Tatooine but not limited to any particular planet)

    -Have strategic bases scattered all over the TOR universe

    -Each base/Strategic area will have Strategic objectives/Capture/defend points

    -Create a raid schedule (open time when the base is vulnerable to attack.). Players from each side can join (defender/attacker).

    -Based on the outcome of the even the base is either captured or successfully defended until the next raid event and belongs to the winning faction along with any perks that come with owning the base. (ie quick trasport shuttle, merchants, etc..)

    -The series of events can be on seasonal schedule where at the end of the season either Imp or Pub is declared the winner after a number of base captures

    -Add titles, comms, and rewards based raid participation, performance, and outcome

    -If lag is an issue. Add the raid schedule to a mission terminal and limit the number of players who can enter the raid.

  4. Here's my idea. (Please feel free to tweek my thoughts if you think they need work)

    Why not have world objectives?


    Summary of Raid Event

    -Base raid events (like the bases on Tatooine but not limited to any particular planet)

    -Have strategic bases scattered all over the TOR universe

    -Each base/Strategic area will have Strategic objectives/Capture/defend points

    -Create a raid schedule (open time when the base is vulnerable to attack.). Players from each side can join (defender/attacker).

    -Based on the outcome of the even the base is either captured or successfully defended until the next raid event and belongs to the winning faction along with any perks that come with owning the base. (ie quick trasport shuttle, merchants, etc..)

    -The series of events can be on seasonal schedule where at the end of the season either Imp or Pub is declared the winner after a number of base captures

    -Add titles, comms, and rewards based raid participation, performance, and outcome

    -If lag is an issue. Add the raid schedule to a mission terminal and limit the number of players who can enter the raid.

  5. I main Sniper, Scoundrel, Shadow, and Sentinel. All are fun to play. Each have their own mechanic. And all are viable in Warzones. It really depends on how competitive you want to get IMO. In more competitive WZ I notice Sorc/Sage are OP along with Scoundrel/Op for heals and survivability. Jugs/Guardians Sent/Marra, Sniper/Slingers are pretty much on the same playing field as far as I can tell. Each have their strengths. To be honest with you WZ aren't particularly fun playing just one class. You kinda got to play them all to really get a kick out of them at least that is the case for me.
  6. Add reputation points. At the end of the match you can vote up or down your teamates based on their performance.


    Reputation points + wins = reward/rank

  7. /signed


    I really hate huttball. Takes away from the whole Star Wars light vs dark, empire vs republic and makes it into a game. I mean seriously, are we expected to believe in the star wars universe Imperial and Republic forces would get together for a huttball match? Really stupid idea. We've all been Jay Wilson'd.

  8. Yea pretty much. The maps is way more fun as a death match map. Personally I think the map is really poorly designed. The objective is to bring it 3 levels high, but at the second level either team can gank the other to take it 1 lvl to get a score. I mean what's the point of even going for the ball in the first place when everyone will just wait at the lvl 2 ramps to gank the ball to their side. The map basically only has 2 choke points. Really bad design IMO.
  9. Based on how resolve works, as a Shadow, you have the ability to lock someone down entirely before they can get a cast off. That is your strength as a Shadow, not your damage because in all honestly your damage is mediocre.


    Ok got it :) I'll have to start practicing my new opener.

  10. How much Expertise do you have? Are you sure he wasn't being guarded or you weren't being taunted? Were you watching his life as you opened on him, are you sure there wasn't a healer above you? If you open on any sorc and they don't bubble, at least half their life should be gone in the first 3 hits. They get an instant 25% or so heal + WZ med pack which is 35%. So if he popped those then yea he could be back at full health after the opening, but that would leave him with only the force bubble and his force speed to save him. Make sure you interrupt Crushing Darkness, but otherwise you should win. The only thing I see that would make a difference, is a massive gap in gear.


    I have full conqueror gear except for my offhand which is trash. I started my shadow 2 weeks ago and I'm just getting into lvl 55 WZ with it. (I have 3 other 55's) I've been able to hold my own for the most part knowing my limitations but this was one of the few battles where I was just plain inferior and had no hope of winning regardless of the situation. I was pretty sure no one else was around him when I jumped him. I mean I could be wrong but I'm usually certain about things like being guarded or healed outside of the fight. He was probably in full Obrean gear but I don't think it should have made such a significant different.

  11. Did he beat you by creating a distance and force slowing you?


    Some push backs and slows, but I don't think those tricks were what stopped me since I was able speed back to him pretty quick for the most part. His HP just didn't seem to go down very fast compared to the others I played. I'm sure he probably had some buffs not sure which ones though. He wasn't guarded I think and he didn't have any shiny bubbles when we were fighting.

  12. Not sure if troll but for the sake of helping.


    Do not ever open with SK or Spike. Save it for re-openers. Use FP into Breach and Project, then (based on the situation) you can use LS or Force Stun. Playing against sorcs as a sin / shadow, you have to play very aggressive. Bounce between ranges to avoid bubble stun (if they're spec'd for it)


    Cool ideas I'll try them out. I think you may be right about re-opening with the spin kick. Kinda link not ever opening with force leap (with my sentinel) So you can reset the the match (which I often like to do if the fight is starting to slide away from me.) It's probably a better approach since I'd be less likely to white bar him after the opener.

  13. So I was playing the new Huttball last night (Really another Huttball Map? Like we really needed another one... :rolleyes:) And while our team was getting decimated left and right I tried to take on a Sorc 1v1. I'd open up in stealth with Spinning Kick, Force Potency, Backstab, Force Breach, low slash, backstab, stun, backstab, projcect, etc... etc.. which would only get him down mayb 1/3 of his max hp. I'm pretty sure he was solo without any guard... Well after a prolonged fight he smashed me with some jedi/sith magic and I'm dead it's not even close. He doesn't even have to bubble.


    So I die and go looking for him again.. I open up from stealth this time he's at about 3/4 hp at the start of the fight. I think to myself "Oh yea I got him now" . Results are the same. Mind you this is one of the better Sorc's i've seen play. Others usually melt away pretty quick. By the end of the match he was tops on the leaderboard and tops in dps.


    What are his tricks? What do I need to do to beat him? I want to know! I'm trying L2P!!!

  14. Here a link to my thread regarding this exploit.




    Basically a team of of 2 players can cap a nod in PVP while remaining stealthed. It looks like this bug/exploit has been around since at least 2012 and nothing has been done about it. I'm sure it's probably not as high priority as other bugs but the fact that this is still around for so long demands that it be given some attention.



    Here's a breakdown on how it is done. This was posted on another site that discussed exploits in games.

    Something aggravates me about people making threads in the exploit section without actually posting an exploit, so here goes.


    This requires two people, one of which must have group stealth. I personally use two stealth classes (Assassin/Operative) because it is easy to sneak up to a node to start this method. Steps are as follows:


    1. Both players use their personal stealth and sneak up to a door in voidstar.

    2. The class with group stealth ability then unstealths for a moment and activates his/her group stealth. This causes the player to become visible for a mere moment.

    3. The class without the group stealth ability can then interact with the door without popping out of group stealth.


    We've been using this method since release and it is bound to be fixed soon, so enjoy it while it lasts.

  15. How can you active group stealth if you come out of stealth first? I thought you had to be in stealth to activate group stealth. Is this a timing bug?


    It looks like the other guy has to have stealth also. So it looks like it is some kind of bug that has to do with using group stealth skill on a already stealthed player.

  16. After a quick 2 second google search I think I found the answer. This is pretty much exactly what I saw. I noticed the Op come out of stealth for a second and go back into stealth right before the stealth cap.




    Something aggravates me about people making threads in the exploit section without actually posting an exploit, so here goes.


    This requires two people, one of which must have group stealth. I personally use two stealth classes (Assassin/Operative) because it is easy to sneak up to a node to start this method. Steps are as follows:


    1. Both players use their personal stealth and sneak up to a door in voidstar.

    2. The class with group stealth ability then unstealths for a moment and activates his/her group stealth. This causes the player to become visible for a mere moment.

    3. The class without the group stealth ability can then interact with the door without popping out of group stealth.


    We've been using this method since release and it is bound to be fixed soon, so enjoy it while it lasts.


    Bioware if you are reading this please fix this exploit. It looks like it's been around for a while.

  17. Last night I saw an Op and a Sin stealth cap a pylon in the 2 pylon WZ and I was wondering how they did this. My first though was that it was a bug. Like when sometimes you see some toons turn invisible for no reason. But after watching these two play it looked obvious they knew what they were doing. They were playing as a tag team with the Sin guarding the Op.


    After some thought I'm thinking maybe the op used smuggle/infiltration while the sin capped the node? IDK I haven't tried ti but once the sin started capping shouldn't that have broken stealth? Otherwise maybe they used some sort of combination of techniques to remain invisible... Anyone else seen this before?

  18. For melee class you NEED instant burst, cuz only burst can kill. Rage have excellent instant burst; carnage have much worse chanelled burst, anni have not burst. No burst = no kill. No kill = no win.


    While I agree that watchman/annhilation may have slightly less burst it is by no mean a slouch build when it comes to pvp. You can still do high amounts of damage with overload saber + Merciless slash. In terms of pure DPSI think there almost comparable. But what makes watchman good it lets for you fight in traffic longer with the self heals from burns. What makes Combat/Rage more appealing is the extra roots and defensive cleans it provides on force camouflage and master strike. The root on Master Strike is pure DPS gold if you can chain it after they've used up the CC break. IMO Combat is more of a 1v1 build where as Watchman can spread out the it's DPS among many foes better.

  19. I just started playing around with a hybrid spec and it looks like it's not a bad option as opposed to going strictly Dirty Fighting as you can still put out a decent amount of DPS and heal as well. The downside is it's an energy hog and you won't be able sustain heals for a very long time before you start running out of resources.
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