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Everything posted by DewyMossEmpire

  1. But I couldn't quite get the most important part directly in the center, or large enough. Any advice? I scribbled out what I don't need in the picture below. https://s12.postimg.org/4w4syinb1/image.png
  2. They need to play more music from the Original Trilogy. It's better than the prequels & serverely underused. Instead, they beat certain tracks to death. I can't count how many times I've heard the theme from Obi-Wan landing on Kamino in SWTOR, it's played constantly & it's so annoying. There's plenty of material to work with, they just aren't working with it. They don't need more music. The last time they tried to create new music, like the OSTs heard in Shadow of Revan, they composed really awful half-assed synthesizer tracks that almost sounded like midis.
  3. Empress Shay'nra as requested! https://s2.postimg.org/phfgq7i5l/warrior-1.gif https://s2.postimg.org/60ur3on1l/WarriorKnife.gif
  4. It's a cash grab when they deliberately change the mechanic of giving gifts to be slower, & attach a microtransaction to speed it up. Cartel Market companions cannot run missions & do not participate in conversations, so that's irrelevant. If Player A wanted to increase the Influence on a CM Companion she unlocked for all her characters, she'd have to do it with Gifts only. If she wanted it to be faster, she'd have to pay three separate times on every single character. The idea is to simply make this a Global Unlock, so Player A can deal with less bullsh*t.
  5. It's 3 seconds for each gift. & CM companions do not contribute to conversations, & they cannot run missions. so those methods for increasing influence are irrelevant.
  6. It would be a great way to implement a New Game+ into SWTOR. Rather than rolling a new char, replaying the content that we actually know & love would be way better than the not-so-exciting KotFE & KotET. I'd also like to see Makeb made replayable.
  7. The speed of giving gifts to companions was significantly throttled back, at some point. You can increase it via Character Perks with Credits or CCs. I get that it's designed to be a really cynical cashgrab on the developer's part, but they could at least meet us halfway & make it a Global Unlock. Draining that many Credits from every single character &/or letting greed get in the way of integrity with microtransactions is overkill. My two cents. ..so to speak.
  8. Ha, I should have specified Empire. However, it would work just as well on the Republic side. I have chars on both ends. I'll find you on my Repubilc character! If anyone's interested on that side, message Shieldmaiden Tia.
  9. Changing the colors of the different chat options & creating channels to filter them out is all the difference you need. Adding bubbles would just put a bigger hit on performance. There's also the issue of them colliding with Nameplates, which most (I think) people keep activated during gameplay. I have channels that look like this: [General] with Gen, Trade, PvP, Say, Guild, Whisper, Group, Ops, etc. All different colors. [Off] Say, Guild, Whisper, Group, Ops Conversation, System Feedback. All different colors. [Clear] Say, Guild, Whisper, Group, Ops. All different colors. The differentiation is clear & easy to customize. Ya don't need no dirty bubbles, unless it's this one.
  10. Hey guys, Just got back into game after 17 months OCONUS. I have a character I transferred to Ebon Hawk named Shieldmaiden Dea, & I've had some ideas about creating an RP Guild that's inspired by both Mandalorian & real-life Norse history. It would be a warrior Guild that combines these aspects to create our own lore, our own RP, & our own culture. We could go so far as to writing & RPing stories & using PvE aspects in-game to help tell them. If anyone's interested, please message my char on EB! If I'm not online, just send her an email. It would be great to get back in-game & create some RP by meeting the talent throughout the server. Thanks for reading, Shieldmaiden.
  11. Hey guys, Just got back into game after 17 months OCONUS. I have a character I transferred to EB named Shieldmaiden Dea, Empire, & I've had some ideas about creating an RP Guild that's inspired by both Mandalorian & real-life Norse history. It would be a warrior Guild that combines these aspects to create our own lore, our own RP, & our own culture. We could go so far as to writing & RPing stories & using PvE aspects in-game to help tell them. If anyone's interested, please message my char on EB! If I'm not online, just send her an email. It would be great to get back in-game & create some RP by meeting the talent throughout the server. Thanks for reading, Shieldmaiden.
  12. Either that, or just fix the "100%" to "200%". "You are currently earning command experience at 200%." That would be way simpler than changing the entire sentence.
  13. lol swtiching the "1" to a "2" would be way easier xD
  14. Okay thanks. As long as it's working lol
  15. I see. The language is completely wrong, in that case. "You are currently earning command experience at 100% due to a server wide command experience gain event." By that grammar it is telling me that I am earning 100% of 100%, which would be the normal rate of....100%. It should say 200%.
  16. Would not getting 100% of the regular rate just be....normal? https://s18.postimg.org/6q18807xl/cxp.jpg What am I missing here
  17. lol yes that could work too. Thank you. Tbh sometimes I like to mix my own music while playing SWTOR from other Star Wars music soundtracks anyway.
  18. Not after hearing the same track ten times non-stop for hours. The music in SWTOR in general relies far too heavily on the OSTs from the Prequels. I can't even count how many times they spam the Kamino theme, when Obi-Wan first lands. It's obnoxious. The OG Trilogy has a superior soundtrack & is seldom used throughout SWTOR - which is, of course, a mistake.
  19. Ah yes I forgot that going to a SH starts the music for the respective planet. Thanks for the tips!
  20. Sometimes starting your Heroic Moment & ending it will stop the music. But the endless looping of the awful, grating Star Wars combat tunes can be infuriating to listen to. Any known fixes aside from restarting the game or muting the music?
  21. Ha yeah, you can find lots of cool stuff if you explore around
  22. For sure! I always smile when I see these set ups.
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