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Everything posted by Abominant

  1. I honestly hope he's not taking any heat for his comments. He seems like the type of guy who would get thrown under the bus for just trying to be honest. But if BioWare is "thinking" about going F2P, then the people paying for their game should know that. If more of their employees were this upfront with what's going on behind the curtains, maybe they wouldn't be in this mess.
  2. Emmanuel is one of the few honest people who has ever done an interview for this game. You can trace this back to before the game was launched. He tells it how he sees it, unlike the other puppets they normally have doing the interviews.
  3. To get multiple voice actors to go over the same classes' dialog would really be ALOT of unecessary work. But then again, since alot of it is the same one-liners, maybe not. Personally, I wished they had just gone the KotOR route and made our characters mute with more dialog response options. While I enjoyed the player character voiceovers at first, I began to look at my character as "someone else" instead of my own fantasy of being that character and I really never felt a connection with him.
  4. Ah, the stubborn Orange Pixel. I remember him. Back when I was a naive young lad with a positive outlook on this game's future.
  5. Here is an interesting article that may give us a glimpse at the future of SWTOR. Keep in mind that absolutely nothing is confirmed in the article, but this particular quote stands out: "So we are looking at free-to-play but I can’t tell you in much detail. We have to be flexible and adapt to what is going on" http://www.ign.com/articles/2012/06/15/bioware-looking-at-free-to-play-for-the-old-republic
  6. Here is an interesting article that may give us a glimpse at the future of SWTOR. Keep in mind that absolutely nothing is confirmed in the article, but this particular quote stands out: "So we are looking at free-to-play but I can’t tell you in much detail. We have to be flexible and adapt to what is going on" http://www.ign.com/articles/2012/06/15/bioware-looking-at-free-to-play-for-the-old-republic
  7. Body type 1 Sith Marauder is where it's at.
  8. Obviously, not everyone will take the option to transfer off their server. Maybe because they don't understand it, or they like playing by themselves or because they have unsubscribed but still have characters remaining on that server. Once this process is complete, what will happen to these leftover origin servers and the people still on them? Will there still be 200+ servers to choose from at the server selection screen and will new players be able to make characters on these origin servers, unknowing that the population is extremely low? Will you eventually force the remaining players off and shutdown any of these servers?
  9. What I don't understand, is why they are giving you the choice to transfer to a more highly populated server. Who in their right mind is going to decline that option? And what happens to the people who are left on these already dead servers? This would have had a much smoother outcome if they simply took a handful of dead servers and merged them together and repeated the process until they had several servers with healthy populations. Guilds and guild banks would have stayed in tact. The only thing people might have been forced to do was change their name or Legacy name, which will happen reguardless. Instead, they will have some high populated servers with 200+ breadcrumb servers that new players might accidentally roll on and by then, will have to PAY if they want to transfer off. BioWare will have absolutely no need for all current 217 servers ever again for the rest of this game's live. The dead servers should be shut down and removed from the server selection screen.
  10. I suppose we should give BioWare a break. Afterall, they obviously didn't expect their game to fall like the many before it and therefore didn't have this tech in place from the beginning. So instead, we have to wait even longer (months after more than half the servers were technically ghost towns) for a simple character transfer that we have no control over while they take baby steps with this new system that was obviously throw together in a hurry to save the declining population of this game. We wouldn't want them to overexert their precious, complicated system created from a decade old concept and have people losing their characters completely now would we?
  11. I could not have said this better myself.
  12. It's not about how the information was presented, it's how the service is being done. People have been waiting for server transfers for MONTHS and on the day where they were supposed to begin, out of the 208 servers that are permanently Light, they choose 10 servers. Ten. At this rate, we may be looking at over a week or longer for all the "available" servers to become eligible for transfer. PEOPLE ARE TIRED OF WAITING TO PLAY THE GAME! Why is it that every system that should have been ready by launch in this game drags out and feels so amateur? You had the information buried in a blog post that I know damn well half the people didn't bother to read. The current FAQ for server transfers holds information that everyone could have used before today. Nothing within it merits having waited to release it.
  13. One thing I would like to add to this is that an audio queue for when the LFG window pops up would be really nice for when you are alt-tabbed or AFK.
  14. Dang, for a second there I though there were refunds for the game.
  15. I'm keeping my spirits up for 1.3, but it really all comes down to what transfers actually do for this game. If transfers happen without a hitch, and servers are vibrant with people again and they remain that way, then I will definitely renew my subsciption because I REALLY want this game to succeed and I want to play it. However, if transfers happen and the servers, even after being repopulated, continue to decline and subscription numbers continue to drop, then I will most likely be bidding this game a regreftul farewell. I still can't believe it's come to this; the game I followed for years with the anticipation of a child on Christmas morning; barely 6 months in and I'm hanging on by a thread. Reguardless of whether I enjoy it or not, knowing a game is slowly dying and being uncertain of it's future just really takes the fun out of it.
  16. There's always that one person who thinks what's obvious to them should be obvious to everyone else. You'd be suprised how many people don't know their cardinal directions. Our education system seems to leave out the vital bits. Most of the confusion comes from not knowing whether the person calling it out is refering to the minimap, the world map or his position to the objective while waiting to respawn. I think objective lables, whether they be color-coded or worded would be a welcome addition to Voidstar especially. Snow/Grass seems to work rather well in Civil War and since there are only 3 bases that are named based on their position, Novare Coast doesn't seem to be too confusing for many people.
  17. Sadly, I think he's right. It really is a shame that one of the biggest things holding BioWare back, is their game engine. Ilum and the Fleets are a testament to that. Personally, I would love to see larger Warzones like 16v16 with an Arathi Basin-sized map where we can mount up. Or imagine an Alterac Valley-style Warzone where we fight to kill the other side's Commander/General or take over a keep in the world itself? That would be pretty epic. Warzones as they are now feel more like arenas. PvP in a box. Even with this patch they are still trying to optimize performance in Alderaan Civil War. I don't think we will be seeing epic-scale world pvp anytime soon.
  18. LMAO! Not until I read this did I ever make the connection between Cathar and the Thundercats. How did I not see it before?!
  19. Those were pretty interesting to read. Sounds alot like these forums lol. The only problem with those 2004 complaints, is that back then, there weren't alot of options in terms of an MMO. Nowadays, there's too much competition and people do not give games a second chance.
  20. As far as my character's actual physical appearance? I haven't seen anyone that looks like me, not even close. I spent hours and hours during Beta Test Weekends creating literally over a hundred characters with different looks and then testing them out in different lighting. It was so worth it!
  21. They already buffed Valor gained from Warzones by almost 250% in the 1.1.5 changes. Valor Rank is for the people who are going after the titles, it's prestigious. Getting to Valor Rank 70 will take you a few weeks at most, even if you are just doing the Daily/Weekly. It would take longer to farm all of the War Hero gear itself, which they removed the requirement to have Valor 70 anyways. If you want to wear your crafted "War Hero" gear, then go put in the work and actually become a War Hero. I promise you it won't kill you. The gear has the name for a reason.
  22. I don't use any macros (I'm assuming you guys are referring to keyboards that are macro-capable) but I can confirm after beating on a Training Dummy that the false GCD issue is indeed fixed. Well done, BioWare!
  23. This was amazing! I have completed the Jedi Knight story and it still gave me chills!
  24. You gathered this from the 5 secs they show the planet?
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