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Everything posted by Mosh_Mosh_Mosh

  1. So basically you all had a 30 minute fight on novare where it took one side ages to cap node to make the score start moving? Numbers like that from EVERYONE makes you realize that was an overly long game
  2. Wow Ward, been a while O.O last time I saw you guys is when I helped you all get the +10 datacron lol
  3. Indeed. Now to just break 600k in high 40s range. Then onto ruining 50 pvp once coms are maxed
  4. Such an easy class to play. Had to bring it out to show how stupid funny it is http://i.imgur.com/6DV9N.jpg
  5. After a lot of thought, mine would have to be Steelclaw. Nothing better than having having guard on her and having massive amounts of ppl fail to kill us Plus she's the best
  6. Meh, can live without the sentinel, although combat specd sent would be nice for super speed and destroying tanks /healers(due to the 100% armor reduction ability they have) Dedicated tank? Hmm, although they are nice, it's rare to find one who won't be a burden. For example I can be full dps spec and put a guard on my healer and still manage good dps. So bringing a dedicated tank is something you have decide for yourself if its very wise with the current group of players you're running with.
  7. Because there are people who are good and there is people who think they're good despite what everyone else says about them. These people are ignorant and ruin the forums spewing their random garbage all over the place, polluting the community intelligence. 300ms handicap and I'm still slapping these idiots
  8. <3 Huttball you could just ask us to let you get your medals before we win? *shrug*
  9. If I gear out a toon, its not to raise my self esteem. If i gear out my toon its because I want to hit Max coms before I hit 50 as fast as possible. Once I hit max coms, BOOM!!!! I'll get 50 that day. If i want to stomp ppl, id play on my 50s not my twinks >.>
  10. the 12121212121212 spec too hard for ya? /spank
  11. idc who I play ranked with. If a team needs a fill in, I'll be the first person in MVP to go and join them, even if it means playing my own guild.
  12. Here's my thoughts Lowbie pvp is boring. I get bored after getting 2 levels in it and bolt straight to 50. For the ppl who go BIS pre-50 *shrug* enjoy it while its lasts cause im bending you over at 50 AXR, get on vent
  13. If you need a fill in, I'm your man
  14. Or you could just get good *shrug* Or join my Dojo. Sensei Mosh will show you the path to greatness.
  15. Well, this can't be me. I don't say GG
  16. Sure you and amvuse don't have something you wanna tell us?
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