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Everything posted by Mosh_Mosh_Mosh

  1. Stop stop stop You're dececrating the best tree in swtor and speaking blasphemy. I will not stand for it >:I Don't ever violate shien with singularity ideas again! >:I
  2. QQ bubble spec is a pos See you scrubs in 2 weeks, hopefully earlier if my computer gets here Enjoying getting slapped harder than you already are Gonna write some guides while I'm out
  3. Moshelle is dead. Ripped the gear off it and put it on my guardian. Unfortunately this is the same time my computer died leaving me to play on a piece of junk so I can't enjoy my guard atm If heals was allowed I'd bring steel. If it was two dps I'd bring Aznpower 2 vigilance guardians = gg
  4. That's why we flow so well together. MVP is like a little family. You just don't **** with family That and a lot of our dps like to 1v1 so we just end up dueling hours at a time sometimes to improve each others abilities and turns us into efficient killing machines. dueling isn't only for 1v1s. Learning to smack down classes efficiently helps you out against the ppl who don't just stand still and take it up the butt.(which I don't personally mind doing myself somtimes *wink* *wink* That aside, enjoy getting railed by 6k lul sweeps while my computer sucks. Lul sweep spec is good for playing bads while vigi is for playing good. Easy right?! Luckily so many bads out and about I can play aoe spec and wreck since it doesn't require fast paced movement that my computer can't handle to play. Actually learned a lot about aoe spec from Kramer by watching him months back since he was the only amazing aoe spec player I knew
  5. Who were you rolling again? And who were you again?
  6. *rubs face* my must you do this to me? Was gonna write something long on how stupid this is but decided to keep it short, rude and simple Being the number one complainer on this game with raged fueled first by 300ms connection and now a computer that gets 5-10 fps a wz forcing me to go into Rage/Focus spec because vigilance/vengeance is too hard to play on this pos cuz its way too much game lag and players skipping around making me dizzy and you can't play vigilance on a game lagging pos computer efficiently event though it seems like it cuz I'm playing better than you, cuz you suck >:I So being the number one complainer I like to tear apart anything that needs to get nerfed. Atm the only thing I want nerfed is the scoundrel crouch. That's it, my only complaint and it's one of the few reasons I quit my sentinel cuz of the immunity to charge while theyre crouched. That aside, Hold the **** up. Are you serious?!??! We're complaining about a damn blind bubble? Lmao, when Labby was playing for you I nvr in my life complained about that thing. The blind bubble is a complete joke The master of the damn blind bubble is the sorceror from NS who returned recently and I'm having a brain fart on his name. When I first played the spec on my guardian he was squish and actually fun to try and kill. Only till I played him on my sentinel did I really realize he wasn't only good but he was a beaaaaaaast due to losing a lot of abilities that my guardian had. Now that he's back and I'm playing my guardian I can't kill him anymore cuz my computer is too crappy and it makes me sad cuz he was actually a challenge and I enjoyed playing him. If youre reading this computer will come in mail soon and we can enjoy our confrontations again but atm enjoy easily kiting me . Anyways, why don't you just grab him(his name will pop up in here soon I'm sure) and do ranked with him orrrrr we'll just play without Labby. Either or, we win, like always. Everyone's been getting along lately but now with this crap that you've gone and put? Basing our slaughterings on blind bubbles? Screw that. We don't even get on vent for ranked anymore cuz everyone is a complete joke and takes no effort to beat. QQ 2 second stun on a 20 second cd that can be ranged down if not, obliterated through. You act like shes standing on 3 different sections of a map at a time. I'm sorry she's not casting the bubble on 8 ppl every 20 seconds cuz were split up through the map. That would just be you getting wrecked without bubbles and complain about the one that happened to stun you in the entire game. "don't worry guys, if they didn't have blind bubbles we wouldn't have gotten 3 capped like that an entire game. As soon as blind bubbles get nerfed, we'll easily beat em" ^^^ is that the kind of crap you tell yourselves? ***** ridiculous and embarrassing Whoops guess it did turn into something long on how stupid this is
  7. And wth is this thread I stumbled upon? Well, time to put up an essay
  8. Currently have every item in the game except for the throne mount. Only taking money for items, no trade. So I'll take credits for the pistol if you can't find one
  9. I just couldn't do it anymore, I refuse to play on a ****** net with a ****** computer Finally got tempted into buying a beast i7-3840QM with dual 4GB Gtx 680m's. Should be in mail by next week. No more game lag when it comes in the mail, only net lag. I'm Fkn excited to play on a stupid overly powered computer for once
  10. Buts it's so much more fun not playing on 300ms and sleeping
  11. ****gggg what have I done?! Remove all posts! Can't help ppl kill us easier
  12. She's already having my babies You can have Labby....
  13. Correction to your last statement Jwalsh will never pay him the money to do that again haha Poor begging bastard lol
  14. Avmuse let's talk about OP,but first 1. Solution to cc bubble? Range it down with blade storm or play vigilance and just lul as you resist all stuns on charge. 2. They die Now let's talk about OP. Scoundrels/Operatives You cant be charged while crouching and still able to use all your healing abilities? ***?! Stun Bubble < inability to charge a healer cuz its crouched Also what makes scoundrels impossible as a marauder/sent to kill if you're worth a **** Rotation- Removed rotation helper because I like idiots that don't know how to play their class <3
  15. I wish I had bis on one of my toons
  16. No, actually I was was bored cleaning all day lol
  17. Oh you're getting emoted so hard when I get my swtor back up and running
  18. You must've not have played Varlan yet O.O
  19. You can use keyboard in Skype. Dont have to use cameras to talk on Skype lol
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