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Everything posted by Lazaris

  1. Message either myself, davak or kenshihn in game and we can go from there
  2. I love how people in other countries, when unable to come up with a good comeback, bring up America and how terrible it is. Lol don't forget who brought you the Star Wars universe, Doritos, and twinkies.
  3. They really should have thought about this more thoroughly. Six months ago they have all you guys sanctity by making the AUS servers and such, now they are taking that away and giving you guys bad ping all over again. Doesn't seem fair and I have a feeling they will be losing a ton more customers because of this action.
  4. Cool story bro. Now go RP on another server.
  5. Hmmm pain train... So an all smash tournament bro?
  6. You forgot Justboobies in your sig bro.
  7. The only thing I can find possibly being better than being in Scoldseven is a slice of warm homemade apple pie with a scoop of vanilla ice cream.
  8. Lazaris

    Deft lol

    Honestly who sticks up for deft?
  9. Haha girlfriend is as kenshihn would say "8====D" time or talking over dinner. When she's doesn't get the D she's mad and we fight lol cuz I leave her for Star Wars.
  10. Our comp last night was really screwey. Couldn't find people and a good groove, I mean I of all people I had to node guard a couple games lol. But yeah I totally understand about getting on late sifu, it's just I don't really get off work till like 8 then there's always traffic in LA, then dinner, then girlfriend time, then SWTOR. Trust me I'd love to be on earlier.
  11. Lol alright I'm sure he's seen this thread.
  12. But seriously who's down for no bubbles and no smashies?
  13. Bro we all have jobs lol but Crescendo will be on tonight around 10pm for rateds. If everyone is down for no smash and no bubble stuns then let's do it. Actually makes it more competitive IMO.
  14. You're gonna really miss out man.
  15. If I were to join this guild on my imp I would be expecting some real thoughtful role playing. I mean I wanna come on and the guild chat is just full of imaginary things that I wish I had in my real life so I can escape my boring life and embrace this beautiful game we call Star Wars and engulf myself in it's grand universe!
  16. Try to get something going for Friday night yo
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