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Everything posted by Gaudrath

  1. OP, so what if you have more unlocks? It's a twitch game, it's 90% skill. You could have a player with all ships, gear and upgrades unlocked and he is still perfectly killable by someone who is flying a starter setup but is a better player. If they sold overpowered stuff through the CM... but they're not. You can't buy something which will give you an edge only those who pay themselves can match. That would be pay to win.
  2. I personally prefer to fly the S-13 Sting geared for dogfighting and when I see a gunship sitting somewhere - free kill. It's really easy to just switch power to engines, burn around them, switch to weapons and blow them up. Gunships are, maybe, useful for team which have one or two of them max, and the rest strike fighters or scouts to keep the enemy busy. They're totally a support unit, and ineffective at anything else.
  3. Gunships are not a problem at all. Just don't fly at them head on. I had a match where about 60-70% of the enemy team picked gunships. They lost horribly, of course, couldn't hold a single point and were getting picked off left and right since we were not busy with their dogfighters - we went for them instead. And once even a remotely competent dogfighter gets in range a gunship is toast.
  4. If he was successful at stalking his chosen "victim" he wouldn't be asking which class is best for such activities on the forums! I think people are just getting hooked into the discussion because OP kinda paints the picture of the archetypal "hurr durr" player who is not actually interested in team play in a team based PvP game, and there are lots of those - which in turn means there are lots of players who had to endure losing streaks because their team is composed of, how did that poster put it, "epileptic fish flagellating their double lightphalluses".
  5. Yeah and I owned a successful weapon dealership in SWG and hunted big game with my Trandoshan fists of fury. Wait, are we still talking about SWTOR PvP? You know, the kind which makes you lose the whole fight if you chase a single guy all over the map to kill over and over again and forget about the objectives? Please. This has nothing to do with PvP. You get butthurt when someone wipes the floor with you and have a tendency to focus on that player like it's a personal vendetta. In that you are being a poor PvPer - you are chasing a kill, which most often results in you not doing anything except running around solo and getting killed (again) in the process. You're not stacking kills, you're not doing objectives, you might as well just stand in the corner and pout. So basically, those guys who run off after kills in Voidstar and forget about the doors? You're worse than them, at least they'll chase after anyone, you just want to stalk that one guy. You're not even harassing a healer. Hey, I prefer blasting players over guarding nodes too. Only I do it where it counts. And in the time you took to repeatedly hunt down the "offender" I stacked ten, twenty kills AND supported my team. So let's not talk about "good old PvP". Plenty of FFA deathmatch games out there. SWTOR is not one of them. Go bug Bioware to add a FFA mode in warzones, but don't pretend what you're doing has merit in the context of the game as it is.
  6. My comment was about warzones - not sure why anyone is bothering with ranked arenas at the moment, especially if they can't squeeze fun out of them. In warzones, sorcerers frequently top the charts. And there you have plenty of ways to avoid being ganked. Arenas are too small for the kind of playstyle that favor the sorcerer. If they were made more complex, with multiple levels and/or methods of employing more complex team tactics, then yeah. But basically right now they're just fighting pits. Definitely not a place for a glass cannon archetype.
  7. Who said that? Wrath procs are awesome. With zero cooldown on Force Lightning + pushback protection, you can pretty much keep up a huge pressure on a single target. Shuts those cast/channel healers and DPS right up. When Wrath procs, just immediately cast Strike or Crushing Darkness, then resume frying. When you're lucky, you can have your instant Strike proc instant Chain Lightning too. Not to mention that extra 20% damage is a nice bonus. It does require you to turret up as opportunity allows, but honestly, that's a whole other issue with arenas. I find that running around just trying to stay alive accomplishes little... sorcerers need support in Arenas, or else they die one way or another, you can't run away from the whole team gunning for you. And if you have support, you can afford to turret up.
  8. On the other hand, a (DPS) Jugg is terrible compared to a Sorc in warzones. Even in 1vs1. But arenas... just the other day I had an enemy team ignore me, so I killed their healer pretty much solo and then helped nuke the rest. Next round they remembered to focus me first... wen't down like a log.
  9. Just keep in mind that they have an enrage timer. If you don't kill them in a certain amount of time, they'll get enraged and start hitting really hard. For some, not a problem - for others, they get smeared across the terrain. Oh and, not sure if it's all of them, but those I've seen have a "terror" buff - makes your companion cower in fear and be basically useless.
  10. Quinn doesn't have a backbone. Go after Pierce now, make Quinn cry softly in his regulations manual.
  11. Bollocks. The team must stick together. The only excuse for an arena team member to break off the pack is if they have stealth and want to get better positioning before the opening attack. No healer should be expected to run around the entire arena trying to heal team mates who are each doing their own thing. Not only is that not efficient, the team that is so spread out will be focused down one by one without scoring a single kill themselves, forget about winning the round.
  12. I just love this post. "Flagellating his double lightphalluses". "Being baited like an epileptic fish". "Dingleberries". Heh heh.
  13. I agree that warrior should get more force powers. Inquisitors, Sorcerers especially, should get more effective lightsaber moves. There is literally zero reasons to use your lightsaber as a sorc. Some people have those two moves off their hotbars entirely. Comes to the point where I'd prefer not to have a weapon out as a Sorc when fighting - looks stupid to just hold that saber in your hands like a glowstick.
  14. To be honest, playing any ranged class against premades is more enjoyable than going melee. If you think playing a sorc against premades is a pain - try a Veng Jugg. That leap sure lights you up as a target while conveniently putting you right in front of the pain train.
  15. Whoops sorry, mistype. It's WHITE/Black! *edit Actually, White/Deep red. Been a while since I used it. Perfect for a Trooper though, if it's the same on Republic.
  16. You can make a couple of million just by casual endgame play within a week. If you play the GTN, you can make that in a day. I got nothing against cash-for-dyes schemes, but EA overdid it by making dyes one-time use. GW2 also has a cash-for-dyes RNG scheme, but there you at least have per-character dye library you can use on all your armor pieces indefinitely and in whatever combo you want once you got them.
  17. Well, yeah, but there are much cheaper role friendly options! If you play Empire, you have Red/Black and Red/Light Red for the Imperial Guard, or Black/Red for general Sith fashionistas. Agents, being imperial officers, are suitably dressed in shades of grey, or even a Black/White dye you can get from the security key vendor. Bounty hunters, if you're more of a Mandalorian type, Primary Light blue will do nicely. Many "mandalorian" chestpieces already have the appropriate color set. If you're just a merc, Gray primary with any color secondary will do. For the republic, there is no shortage of Brown combinations. Works for both Jedi and leather-slappin' Smugglers (maybe with a pinch of black). Troopers -> White primary / any secondary. Black/Black is cliche. Oh and Bioware? Look at GW2. That's how you do a dye system. It's not just about the color. It's the material. Metal, leather, cloth. Specular/gloss maps are your friends. Make it so.
  18. You can also pop the barrier and moon them. Until it fizzles out and they gut you.
  19. I personally use a hybrid Lightning/Madness build that has served me quite well so far. Thundering Clap is nice when you pull it off, but as you said - it requires you to stand still a lot. Base damage-wise, it is actually a bit lower than Death Field, although if you factor crit on demand this isn't so for single target. Then again, Death field may not be crit on demand, but it's instant AoE - in my opinion actually better than TC. Since there's quite a bit of synergy between Madness and Lightning, I think a hybrid madness/lightning is a better choice for Warzones than going either tree to the max. Such a build isn't so focused on single target damage as it is on blasting whole clumps of enemies with AoE, which I think is sorc's biggest strength.
  20. Actually, I haven't seen one on GTN for a while now, might be different on your server.
  21. It's not just that sorcerers need to be left alone to do their thing to full potential, you're getting focused because if a sorcerer IS left alone to do their thing, they'll nuke the entire opposing team. Which is why arenas are so tough on a sorcerer. Nowhere to run, no one to hide behind, and sticks out like a sore thumb. Attached to a hand. Holding a thermal detonator.
  22. And how often that happens? Besides, if someone is deliberately dancing in place without doing anything else, there is the kick option, no? Never heard of an AFK report system that doesn't actually check if the user is afk. OP got trolled. Actually, some to think of it, never heard of a manual AFK report system period. Any computer game system is perfectly capable of detecting if a user is afk by the lack of specific input commands during a certain time period.
  23. Wait wait... Bioware coded a system where someone can be reported as AFK, but the system doesn't check their activity (i.e. if they're frikkin' moving) to see if they're actually AFK? Lol, nice one Bioware.
  24. If by "endgame PvE" you mean "waiting for my turn for the RNG gods and greedy players to let me have X piece of loot", then yeah, SWTOR has that covered. Loot rolls have NOTHING to do with the quality of endgame PvE. That system is totally outdated and insufficient. It creates frustration among players and is a poor excuse even for a time sink. Not to mention Bioware knows this, they just wanted to sit on two chairs at the same time, and as usual ended up falling on their arse.
  25. Do I see people complaining about ninja looting? Why yes, yes I do! Guess Bioware biofailed again. Happens when you can't decide on what your game should be. Throw out item drops from bosses altogether. Make ops bosses and rewards provide ops specific tokens ONLY, to all players equally. Place ops specific vendors with ops specific gear in the game. That's a token system, not this mutated thing they have now.
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