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Everything posted by znihilist

  1. In all fairness, those were not BW Austin games. I know it is easy to lump them together as they all share the name. But they don't have the same people, the same talent or the same expertise. However, we tend to forget that technically BW doesn't exist anymore. This is just EA using the name BioWare because that name was important enough to keep.
  2. They should just delete it at this point, it is not doing its supposed job, it is counter productive and there are other places to get the required information.
  3. I have to agree with you there, while the Witcher 3 might not be a perfect game (There are certain points you can criticize it with) but damn that storytelling is just magnificent.
  4. No one has access to what was going in your mind when you wrote that, but anyone reading it would very much safely understand that you are connecting DDOS and the security of the accounts. What you think =/= what you wrote.
  5. I like noodles, why are you badmouthing them ?
  6. Even if the 6pc is staying the same, please add more ways to proc it instead of just Saber Throw.
  7. Fair enough, I apologize for reading to much into it. I can't not speak for the raiding community since I personally do everything. But for me at least less than once (two new ops) per year.
  8. Then it was wrapped as if it was one. Listen I am not saying you are a bad person for it, or even lambasting you. But seriously, it looks very much like one.
  9. It was a loaded question in case you are wondering.
  10. I like to break the rules, don't tell me what to do man!
  11. Again: Opposing beliefs are not equivalent, just because you hold a certain belief it doesn't make a worthy one. People who believe Earth is flat are not on the same level as those who believe it is a spherical . You are confusing the freedom of have one, vs the worthiness of it.
  12. Opposing beliefs are not equivalent, just because you hold a certain belief it doesn't make a worthy one. People who believe Earth is flat are not on the same level as those who believe it is a spherical .
  13. More people subscribing to one idea doesn't mean they are correct, and just because your declare one reality correct doesn't make it so. Pointless discussion is pointless, I am not going to convince you and your are not going to convince me. Nice strawnman there, where did I ever say I wanted more operations ? I am actually quite happy about story content. As for hypocrisy and broken promises, well I am not a fan of it.\ Actually I have 5+ years experience in big data, and analyzing scientific data. My experience goes from programming MonteCarlo simulation software, data acquisition systems, online and offline data filtering software, and finally actual development of the software that will analyze the data. Not to mention I have 3 years experience working with grid engines. So yes I am completely clueless.
  14. I think the point is that people should have been informed when the decision to break this promise was made, not wait till now and drop it like this. So the core issue with this is honest communication, which is seem they are having a lot of problems with that.
  15. Hardly think it is the case, far more people are happy with the new direction than people not. And even with those who do not like the new direction not all are moving to something new. As I have been saying, this wouldn't be settled with an argument, or clever points, this needs time. Wait 6 month or a year then ask that question.
  16. So mental gymnastics again ? Seriously you are jumping over all these hoops just to make the sentence isn't what the sentence is. Anyway, this is way too mentally tiring, you win this discussion I am not going to continue.
  17. You do not get to call your own reality correct and that's the end of discussion, same goes for me.
  18. IF you were right, IF, and even at that point it is a promise that they failed to communicate that they will break, until it is too late of course. EDIT: Corrected.
  19. You know this can be played both ways, you chose to ignore one word and focus on the other. Even by your own definition they still promised something.
  20. That's a still a definition of a promise. E: not to mention they used the word ever, an absolute term.
  21. I am not misconstruction what he said. Seriously when you catch your son sneaking back after midnight and he tells you he will never "EVER" do that again. Tell me what was that declaration if it wasn't an implicit promise ? Seriously what is it ?
  22. Alright mental gymnastic it is. It didn't say: "We'll try not to", It didn't say: "Our plan is to attempt to deliver content in shorter periods". The sentence was very clear: It is something that they don’t want to ever do again [...]. "Ever" is an absolute term in time. The world "promise" doesn't need to be uttered for something to be a promise. But seriously, BW won't be the first or the last company to ever break a promise. Heck, it is already obvious that most don't even care. Oh sorry, was it a joke then ? Was Eric asking people a question, so what exactly was that ? A sarcastic remark ?
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