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Everything posted by sstanks

  1. combat might have been better but I don't see it as being a better overall game. Story is a strong part of Star Wars. While I like Rift it's story isn't its strong part.
  2. I imagine their cost has a lot to do with the fact that they give so many cartel coins out. I get 700 a month for example. What they don't want is people being able to buy the things they want with just the free cartel coins. That would obviously be lost money. But if they give you just enough cc where you have to spend some real money to buy what you want then they hit the sweet spot.
  3. i think its about 43 but you want the Commandos maelstrom armor. You get it from the robot on Taral V i believe http://tor.zamimg.com/torhead/uploads/screenshots/12386.jpg http://www.torhead.com/item/52Y995T/commandos-maelstrom-chestplate edit: yeah it's level 33 but its modable.
  4. yup the questing system. I saw the videos and thought whatever that can't be that cool these guys are way too excited about conversations. Then I played the beta and loved it. I haven't had this much fun in a MMO since well ever. As for stuff after launch I would say Terror From Beyond blew me away. I did EV, KP, and EC, i enjoyed all of them but they seemed like standard MMO raids. I heard them hype up TFB and thought wow that does look cool. I then played it and it blew my expectations out the door. TFB is one of my top 3 raids of all time. It is a perfect raid it's what all raids should aspire to be.
  5. you forgot they shipped with on rail shooter.
  6. yeah... not a co op on rails shooter. We know that much. What it actually is we are not sure.
  7. nope it is still in the works we know that for a fact.
  8. http://www.pcgamer.com/2011/12/13/star-wars-the-old-republic-to-get-guild-capital-ships-more-pvp-expanded-space-combat/ yes in fact we have known since beta that the current space combat system was just a place holder until the real space combat what ever that might be gets made. Now we don't know how different it is. It could be full Jump To Light Speed or it could be more of like a Battlefront 2 instanced warzone match. Either way they are working on it. In fact in the last live podcast thing they do they said that they got to play the demo of it and implied it was multiplayer. edit here is the latest mention from the Live Stream on Nov 29th 2012 http://www.darthhater.com/articles/swtor-news/22517-bioware-livestream-q-a-coverage
  9. which is why Bioware started theirs before SWTOR went live as well.
  10. except there is more to it then that. There is expectations. No one expected anything out of Rift so it had no standards to live up to. Rifts launch features were on par and in some cases worst then SWTORs but it got a pass because non one was expecting anything. SWTOR however people came up with ridiculous expectations. People expected it to be the messiah of MMOs. People were taking quotes out of context my favorite is this one. "One of the problems of other MMOs combat is that you often have scenarios where you have multiple heroes beating on a single enemy. That just isn't very Heroic" James Olen That's not the whole quote People took that to mean all sorts of crazy things but what he actually said was "One of the problems of other MMOs combat is that you often have scenarios where you have multiple heroes beating on a single enemy. That just isn't very Heroic. What is heroic is a Hero fighting through multiple enemies and barely making his way through the encounter." And that is 100% what we got. If you watch the video you see he is talking about regular mobs. In other MMOs you get one guy vs 1 guy in PVE. In SWTOR it's you and your companion vs groups of 3 or more with different types of enemies. Watch the video and see what they are talking about. When he says that they aren't talking about boss encounters they are talking about just regular mobs and so fourth. People began to get these unrealistic expectations and when the game came out of course they were disappointed and they felt betrayed (which is really weird when you think about it) So that became rage and people made all those tortanic videos. There was no way this game could have ever lived up to the hype people built up in their own minds about this game when it came out. Which if you talk to people in game now they seem to really enjoy it now. Perhaps because all those hopes are gone now and they are able to take a second look at it with fresh eyes and no expectations.
  11. yes it is. You said that those items are not attainable in game. he just proved you wrong by shwoing you can get them in game with out spending real money.
  12. hey thanks for letting me know you don't know what you are talking about. Good to know.
  13. i've noticed that a lot of people who have left and come back are really enjoying the game. Just goes to show that this is how the game should have been at launch. But glad to see people are enjoying it. Welcome back and have fun.
  14. sort of. Player housing would be great for the cash shop. It would help keep more long term subscribers. Not sure about it getting new subscribers. Some type of space combat would still be best for the game. Either Battlefront 2 style space combat battlegrounds or SWG completely open space combat. That would be the best thing for this game right now.
  15. I teach AP High school Physics. Nice on your double major, yeah I love it too. As for your computer I would go with the i7 and if you can get a good SSD with a SATA 3 connection it makes a huge difference. in fact just go with the i7 it should last you a long time and really everything else in your computer you can upgrade later.
  16. i feel like such a nerd knowing that. Empire Strikes back. When C-3po sees another protocal droid he says hi and the droid responds with "e-choo-ta" to which 3po responds with "how rude" I would say Adventure
  17. if you like to multi task like me then go with the i7. i have been able to run duel monitors, play swtor, stream, and render a video in after efects and still not push the processor above 50%. the 2600k is a beast.
  18. i loved balmora. Its Taris i didn't like
  19. ^^^^^ This they also hinted we shoudl be having a new event with the relaunch of Ilum some time soon. They have also hinted in inteviews that they are going to try to make the events more PVP focused.
  20. it started with the second live event, then patch 1.4, then 1.5 and now 1.6 that's 4 updates in 5 months. That is the 6 week content cycle. Yes before august they were slow with patches no one is denying that. I'm saying since in August when they made the announcement that they would do 6 week content patches they have managed to keep that. http://www.g4tv.com/thefeed/blog/post/727836/star-wars-the-old-republic-to-receive-content-updates-every-six-weeks/
  21. yes since August when they announced they were moving to a 6 week content cycle they have kept up with that.
  22. for the most part yes. But some aren't bad. I really liked X-wing Mercy Kill but that takes place long after the Vong war and is more like an action movie.
  23. was SWTOR sponsering them? I've only seen a few episodes but I remember watching an epsiode around launch and he was still really critical of the game. Not that is wrong but I can't imagine he has ever praised SWTOR on any other show.
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