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Everything posted by Nebdar

  1. thanks for tips... i just haven't seen it in 30-54 warzones so i ust wondered about it....Any other tips when not use it when some characters have their ability tur on.. i only have limited experience with Mercenary and Sniper in PvP
  2. I haven't seen much of fellow lvl51 and above mercenary to use that thing.. i just got lvl 51 and tried it on Huttball and i must say i am not impressed by the results..nor the cooldown lets you use it often sooo it seems an useless PvP ability or am i wrong?
  3. honestly i feel the change in my Mercenary PvP WZ matches survivability after 2.0 these i can remember because they were my personal things i cared to see the changes.... I know that the were numerous suggestion but i mainly play not read the forum so somebody could have their request listened and fulfilled to The Bolster also made big change in WZ accessibility for lower lvls
  4. My thoughts exactly the price is too high for the results and the difference they put in actual game
  5. hey they did change increased the commendations limit ... because many of us were writing about it on on forums... so they do listen .. but many complaints are checked with their in game statistics and knowledge... so only the major problem are fixed right away, the medium ones goes to known issues and those that happen to minority they are just ignored if they can't be fixed in easy way
  6. sorry for noobiness OP means Original Poster whats L2P?
  7. so if it is specific color i won't buy it wanna make my own color
  8. i have question about the dyes for armor ... do you have to buy specific colors or just pay after you choose from all colors of the world?
  9. you all know that activating combat log is far much better proof than video in you tube. In combat log you see everything whats going on in combat
  10. i hope that type of informing isn't going to be an new habit......because i red the forums yesterday and the day before and i didn't catch that info.... The good thing could be also informing player before he exits the game not when he happily thinks that he will be playing for 1-2hrs and then sees bump oh maintenance...
  11. LOL Bolster LOL Locked or maybe not Next to come Star LOL The OLD LOL Republic LOL
  12. the future add ons will lay so heavy burden that no work around will o....
  13. Te worse thing i that this isn't just put all right folders, it also means changing all the commends so the program will know where to look
  14. We found your bug EA Bioware now you can start working on repairing this feature:D
  15. they are promising the rename character/legacy/guild option in upcoming patch http://www.swtor.com/gameupdates so this lets me think that the character transfer maybe in this year. i think that major test for character transfer will be the merging of Asian Pacific Servers with US servers. If that event will be without any Big Bugs we can hope for it to come as common feature
  16. it would be nice info from developers if they just said that this creature exist or not....
  17. i reported a bug tiket about this one there is also
  18. So few days have passed anybody seen.. my.. ba.. Swoopstriker
  19. yes i was thinning about the same creature i also tried to kill him it looks like there is maybe another in different part or simply bugged....glad to see that i am not the only one... or maybe they mixed it up with Republic side creatures
  20. Have anybody seen Swoopstriker on Balmorra that you have to kill to earn the Tyrant of Balmorra Achievement?? I am currently playing an Imperial character maybe it is on Republic version of Balmorra?
  21. hey there is Real Life in my world not just the Game and forums..if there are major changes that will influence something i earned we should be automatically protected to harmful changes... i Wrote a ticket about it and they explain that hey are sorry that every commendation above 50 limit will be lost and will not be refunded and every commendation above 100 one time limit because of launch of the patch 2.0 will be lost permanently ... if they implemented auto warning about that an week before that would pop in game i would done something about that.. on the other hand what to do with Hutta Korriban, Tython or Ord Mantel Commendations ..by then???
  22. The limit of 50 Planetary Commendations is a joke.. not to mention that when the change have taken effect i have lost at least 50 commendations per char.... and of course when you reach your cap and you will forget about that you will lose permanently the chosen commendation as a reward without notice.. there should be at least 100 commendation cap
  23. what does it mean "quality of life" improvements??.... They are improving their "quality of life" with our cash... but WHAT ABOUT US?
  24. Where are th Solar Panels in Dune Sea??
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