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Posts posted by Asaxor

  1. You do know we had a silent nerf when caps were lengthened right?

    Sleepdart is a 6 second stun, flash bang is a 6 second stun. Capping nodes take 8 seconds. They used to be 6 seconds. I would sleepdart and cap. If broken I would flash bang and continue the cap. That all changed with 4.0 when capture time was extended 2 more seconds.


    I would sap cap often before 4.0 now it's about positioning. It's still doable but it's much more difficult. Now it's taking 2 to pull it off effectively.

    Trolling or clueless?

    Sleep dart is a 8 sec mezz. Flashbang is a 8 sec mezz. Capping is 6 sec in hypergates and 8 sec ellewhere except Novare where it's longer. Nothing has changed with the stun or cap durations in 4.0.


    Sap capping still works as easily as always.

  2. How many years is it that when civil war gets shutdown early your daily/weekly won't advance regardless if it's a win or loss? Has it been fixed yet? No?


    Pretty sure they will put this urgent issue right on top of the to-do list directly above random cartel market concerns.

  3. Das kann ich nur bestätigen, 2.x deception/infiltration war extrem schwer und nur die Besten der Besten waren in der Lage Gegner ezmode platzen zu lassen mit Zeug wie reck+breach (7k) + grosser stein(10k mit doppel proc) + maul (12k) + assassinate (8k) zu Zeiten wo die Gegner 32k HP hatten.
  4. Whether you're stacking crit/power or acc/power differs not in terms of bonus damage/melee damage etc. You're merely trading crit (critical chance+surge) for accuracy, the amount of power remains the same. Your data is bull.


    Lots of clueless nabs are stacking accuracy for PvP though, so why wouldn't you? You also should add some alacrity for good measure, every PvE dummy parse hero can tell you how awesome alacrity is.

  5. P

    I"ve been leveling a dps assassin, inflitration spec. It's weird, because it's ALMOST like having the tank spec (in the level 20s anyway), but the procs are a bit different so it's a pain going back-n-forth between them.

    Infiltration is not worth playing before lvl42 when you get low slash. Even then you're playing a burst spec, except without any burst. Damage in lowbies/midbies is abysmal compared to Serenity.

  6. Humans go the way of least resistance and will only learn when it's necessary. If you design your game so that it's necessary to use all your tools to defeat the endboss of your story chapter, deal proper damage, use defensive cooldowns, interrupt the big hitters of the boss and the like then players will learn because they have to. If you otoh continously dumb the game down over the years to the point when you can reach endgame without doing anything but watching your companion defeat the mobs for you then you'll grow a playerbase of braindead twits incapable of handling their class at even the most basic level. It's the logical conclusion of BioWare's quest for casual "mass appeal" and the "bigger audience".
  7. 1) Using your "defensive cooldowns" means using your defensive abilities, such as Endure Pain, Saberward, warzone adrenal, warzone medpack and saber reflect.


    2) First of all, you can reset your utility set-up at any time and try something different (see that button at the bottom) You even can reset your spec at any time and try another one if you unlock that in your legacy, costs like 200k credits if memory serves.

    There's a section on utilities here: http://dulfy.net/2015/11/23/swtor-4-0-vengeance-juggernaut-pvp-guide-by-zetsuma/

    it's a PvP focused guide though. For now you could take "unstoppable". For PvP Overwhelm is good, or that other utility that gives 4 rage everytime you're knockbacked, stunned etc. Just read through the utilities and try them out.


    3) While leveling up your stat budget for tertiary stats is so small that it doesn't really matter anyway. Just avoid tank gear if you're DPS specced. Thinking about it, you can avoid tank gear even when tank specced while leveling up.

    Just using that blue gear that the heroics give is perfectly fine. As for PvP, unfortunately only practice will improve your play, and practicing while leveling up is preferable than to hop into endgame PvP with no clue nor equip. Additionally, just doing the PvP daily every day will give you plenty of PvP commendations and you can immediately get a full set of PvP gear when you hit 65.


    4) Just google something like "swtor juggernaut pvp video", you'll probably find some inspiration on how to set up keybinds and your interface. Even the first one in the google results I briefly looked at already shows a pretty slick interface set up:

    By the way, watching good players playing PvP can help you a lot and perhaps you won't have to run around like a headless chicken anymore xD
  8. For group pvp (with a healer), Carnage/Combat has higher burst and better sustained damage. Anni/Watch can put a lot of sustained dps pressure on an opposing healer.

    How much burst does Carnage have? I only play fury mara (never played this class before so I don't know the other specs yet) and burst seems good with for instance 10k obliterate + 17k slice + 15k burst. Delivery time: 3s. 40-42k dmg in that timeframe seems like pretty good burst, especially because you're going to repeat that a few seconds later.

  9. 1) improve the raidframe for healers, either by sorting the buffs so your own buffs on those players (hots, kolto shell) etc are first in line and always visible or by introducing a "show only relevant info" option that makes it so only relevant buff icons are shown, same with debuffs, the force armor debuff for instance is relevant info even if it's not cleansable


    2) remove the positional requirements from backstab for operatives and maul for sins. A positional requirement for these kind of moves was appropriate when said moves were still powerful enough to warrant such a measure but these days maul/backstab just don't hit hard enough. Other classes, snipers, merc, PTs, maras, even juggs have moves hitting way harder that aren't hindered that way.

  10. This is how I have equipped my operatives/scoundrels, I did so to minimize required coms (don't have to switch out enhancements, except 2 accuracy ones) and redundancy for DPS and heal equip, i.e. I only have to switch the right side (from head to feet) to switch from DPS to heal equip:


    - alacrity earpiece (+ alacrity augment)

    - healer offhand which has also alacrity (+alacrity augment)


    That way you'll have almost 5% alacrity even in the DPS equip. You could replace that with crit but imo having 5% alacrity feels better even on concealment than having none, gives a bit of bonus energy regen and again: makes for easier switch to heals.


    - 2 crit implants, mastery and power relics all augmented with power augs

    - healer mainhand (crit) + crit augment

    - belt and bracers with crit augments

    - all other armor pieces with power augs


    This means 2 alacrity augs, 3 crit ones and 9 power augs resulting in ~5% alacrity, 37-38% (68%) crit/surge and good bonus damage.


    To complete your healing equip you now only have to get the 6 right side armor pieces (from head to feet), get those healing pieces as they are no changes necessary and augment them with 6x crit. That puts you at 38/68 % crit/surge and almost 9% alacrity. If you're happy with slightly less crit, reduce the number of crit augs and add power augs in their stead.

  11. nah the game already shows you great info on the raid frame like that people have their jedi knight/consular/soldier/smuggler buffs up. This is extremely important intel and should take precedence over trivial details like hot stacks/ remaining duration.


    on a serious note, it will never happen for two reasons. 1) it would require a modicum of programming effort to implement and BioWare hasn't even enough competence left on their staff to correctly activate an event these days and 2) the idea is not retarded enough for them to consider it in the first place. You would have more luck suggesting that hot-spread idea which definitively meets the requirements of being retarded enough to be seriously considered by BioWare.

  12. As long as the warzones are filled with people so incredibly dumb that you start developing doubts whether they're real human players or merely bots I reserve my right to leave whenever I want.
  13. 1) Remove the positional requirements from Maul/Shadowstrike and Backblast/Backstab

    Reasoning is as follows:

    - it's annoying fighting PVE mobs that are cc immune and losing a move like backstab+acid blade is really irritating on an operative, remember this is a solo game now and tank companions can't really tank in the first place

    - the engine is kinda bad and often you do stand right behind an enemy yet can't use the move anyway because apparently the position of the mob is shown wrongly, you didn't fix these syncing errors in 4 years, so why not just remove the neccessity to be "behind" the target instead

    - there are lots of moves on other classes that have no restrictions and hit way harder so really what is the point?


    2) Improve working with the raidframe for healers, for healers are the ones who actually use the raidframe most. What I mean is as a healer I don't require important intel like if those guys have their jedi knight / consular buffs up or similar worthless information. What I do need to know instead is the stacks of kolto shell / slow release medpack. If you can't filter the buffs to show only relevant info at least make it so you sort the buffs so that your own buffs on a target are always shown first. Additionally, even though "show only dispellable debuffs" is a good thing, a sorc healer would still need to see the force armor debuff even though it is undispellable.

  14. I've played a Shassin for a whole week now and upon being nerfed on my level 33 Ser/Hat have not noticed any changes to my erm... performance! From that incredibly accurate and exhaustive dataset I conclude that I can continue to play Ser/Hat.


    True story.

    The main nerf concerns a surge buff to some of your abilities that you got at lvl 59. Of course you don't notice that on a lvl 33 character.

  15. 1) The 3.0 guide is still valid (except gearing due to stat changes, refer to Hotties guide for that, imo though you should strife for 40% crit, 70% surge, rest in alacrity which will be 10% or more depending on gear level)



    2) sounds like you need more practice


    3) no procs for scoundrel heals, the only thing you might want to track is the availability of the auto-crit for underworld med (granted by the armor set bonus) in your buff bar


    4) lots of alacrity, if however your hard casts amount to 3-4k heals, might I ask what level you are? Should do more on max lvl at least provided you're properly equipped


    5) read in http://dulfy.net/2015/02/02/swtor-3-0-scoundrel-sawbones-healing-guide-by-orderken/

    the "Maximizing Your Healing Performance" part

    You can use the interface editor to adjust your interface to your liking. You should perhaps take inspiration from healers known to have played on a very high level in this game and look how they set up their interface/keybinds.

    Couple examples from Zorz, Suckafish:


    meh, I've setup my interface exactly how I like it but from those links I like the interface of Maebeebuzz best (would change a couple of things though)

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