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Posts posted by Asaxor

  1. If you're not being hit (because you defended), you also won't receive a crit. The problem is that a lot of damage in PvP is yellow force/tech damage that can't be defended against anyway. Only white damage (melee/ranged) can be defended against.


    Speaking for PVP it's probably best to use the augment slots for fortitude augs. Since most DPS specs probably have around 50% critical hit chance (factoring in autocrits) it doesn't make much sense to have more than 50% shield chance either, a bit of absorb perhaps and all the rest in DPS stats like crit or alacrity.

  2. 1. I could not differentiate my HoTs from the other operatives, which made it a nightmare trying to maintain them

    You can use the interface editor, go to the target window and enable highlight your own buffs. if you do, when you target a person your own buffs on that person (hots etc) will be highlighted with a golden border. Again, if you want to know if someone has your hot on them you have to target them, then observe their entire buff bar, which, since the great buff / debuff inflation of 3.0, might consist of several dozen different buffs. If you managed to spot your own hot or not, you can then repeat this exiting process all over again with the next person. On the raid frame, however, you know, the thing healers use to heal a raid, there's no way to tell which stack of probes is your own - if you see any probes at all in the first place, because it seems the raid frame has to display more significant info first, like if a person has his jedi knight / consular buff on and other such important intel, which take priority over trivial matters such as hots. Why is it this way? Because software development is teh hard.


    You can use the hot overlay from Star Parse, it does work reasonably well even tho it has a 3s delay, but the need to readjust the overlay to different people makes it a hassle especially in pvp where ppl might leave and join and the position of ppl in the raid frame is less static. That too, would be easily solved if the game would include your raidframe position in the combat log, but again, software development is hard.

  3. Phasewalk was not a mobility cooldown, but a def cd. (which sins desperately need)

    And the BS about being "too mobile" was when we had 30s force speed cd and were significantly less mobile than now.

    The only reason I can possibly imagine having anything to do with mobility that needed to be nerfed were the phasewalk shenanigans PVE tanks could do to cheese boss mechanics.

  4. The orbs are worth more points than kills. You may not be able to grasp it but the players running the orbs are doing more for their team than if they just ignored them and looked for an enemy player to deathmatch. Of course you also need to thin out the enemy presence at mid to safely run the orbs, so damage output and kills matter as well.


    Smart play is not just killing the enemy players that show up at mid but creating some breathing room (preferably by pushing the enemy team out of mid) for your team to grab and run the orbs. You should be doing both and teams that don't do both often lose because of it.

    You may not be able to grasp it, but you're wrong.


    A kill is worth 1 point and an orb 2 points. Round one starts with a round modifier of x3.

    That means in round one a kill is worth 3 points (1 times the round modifier of 3) and an orb is worth 6 points (2x3).


    Now you think, but wait... isn't 6 more than 3? Yes. But there's additional intel to consider. Every subsequent round you will get those kill points again, each time with the current round modifier applied.

    That means, if you managed to score, say, 5 kills in round one, you gained 5x3 points. In round two (round modifier is now x4) - if you have the pylon at the end of the round - you will again get points for these kills, this time 5x4. And so on. So if the game would take 4 rounds, those five first round kills would amount to 5x3 + 5x4 + 5x5 + 5x6 = 90 points, which is way more than any orb points you could have collected in round 1.


    Of course, all additional kills you would have made from round 2 onward behave in exactly the same manner.

    As the astute reader will be able to effortlessly deduce: yes, that means kills are significantly more valuable than orbs and yes, those 2 or 3 clueless nabs that are running orbs while the rest of your team is getting farmed at mid, being permanently outnumbered, are directly causing your loss.


    Thanks for the attention, ladies and gentlemen, and ladies who want to become gentlemen, and have a nice day.

  5. The "interrupt immunity" for 4 seconds after rolling twice for operative healers must be some sort of joke, right?

    So when I really, really, really need to get a cast off, uninterrupted, I first have to roll around for 3 seconds, and then still get interrupted by a knock back or cc anyway??


    Why not make supercharged and polarity shift a 3 second cast as well, since it seems a healer has plenty of time to waste GCDs on non-healing stuff before he needs to cast uninterruptedly.


    Zero response to burst, zero procs for instant casts that don't use up energy, zero def cds that can be used while stunned, zero interrupt immunity and hots nerfed, nerfed, nerfed. And this is what you come up with??


    Again, some sort of sick joke, right? No developer with even a modicum of brain activity would come up with that "fix" unironically, right?

  6. Here's the Dulfy link



    All the info you allegedly can't find anywhere is there including a section on utilities and "what mods to use."

    If you for example read

    1719 Critical (5xE, 4xA, 1xC)

    it means you're supposed to get that 1719 critical rating from 5 enhancements, 4 augments and 1 weapon crystal.

    Stats you can gain from stims, crystals, augments, enhancements, enhancements include implants/earpieces because those have the same amount of tertiary stats like regular enhancements do.


    If you need it simpler: acquire 110% accuracy, around 760-800 alacrity, roughly 40/70 crit/surge and put the rest in power and/or mastery. How exactly you mix and match different mods to achieve this stat distribution doesn't matter.

  7. Force and tech attacks? Guess what. Not shieldable.


    Force and tech attacks are shieldable.

    The only non-shieldable attacks are those of internal and/or elemental damage type ( dots like Affliction or the burning dot from PTs or abilities like Force Breach) and of course all crits.


    For those who want to read up the basics:


    This is somewhat outdated though, it still mentions Force/Tech as not shieldable, something that was changed in 2.0


    Shield Improvements: We’ve changed the way shields work to allow them to absorb any incoming kinetic or energy damage regardless of the source (melee, ranged, Force, tech – doesn’t matter). This has significantly increased the importance of shields, and the game has been rebalanced to account for such a major adjustment.
  8. Fakt ist, dass es viel mehr Vodafone-Kunden als Telekom-Kunden betrifft. Und auch, dass es Vodafone viel viel häufiger betrifft, als anderen Abieter. Wahrscheinlich zahlt Vodafone einfahch nicht genug an Telia, die Telekom schon, sodass Telekom den Knotenpunkt stärker nutzen darf :D

    Vodafone ist laut meinem Ticket wohl aktuell in der Analyse, warum es dort solche Probleme gibt.

    Und was hamse gesagt oder wie lange wollnse das noch analysieren?


    Seit dem Patch vor 2 Wochen mit den neuen Servern, hab ich die Probleme auch, pünktlich 21 Uhr (manchmal auch schon früher) gehen die Lichter aus, disconnect und dann kommt man gar nicht mehr drauf, auf den Server. Leider ist Anbieterwechsel eben nicht für jeden eine Option. Bei Kabel hab ich 200 mbit DSL, bei Telekom nur DSL 3000, wenn die Telekom bei mir bessere Leitungen hätte, wär ich eh nie zu Kabel gewechselt.

    Um Abends spielen zu können hab ich mir Windscribe VPN installiert, die kostenlose Variante mit 10GB Volumen, was dicke reicht für nen Monat. So gegen 20 Uhr mach ich halt VPN an, kost nix und Spiel is spielbar. Ping wird paar ms schlechter und hat hin und wieder mal Spitzen bis zu 250ms, aber besser als permanenter disconnect.

  9. Sorry to say... but it doesn’t work for a vast majority of people

    You'll always have a certain minimum ping thanks to the distance alone, but with few enough hops you might get your ping down to 180-200 or so.

    For instance playing on Harb from Germany you could calculate with 300-350 ms with higher spikes now and then, yet with WTFast you could get it down to ~180.

  10. Somebody asked if there's a way to improve your ping after the relocation of the servers. If the reason for high ping is the long distance to the server and with it the number of server nodes your connection is being routed through then the only way to somewhat improve your ping is to reduce the number of hops (servers) you're being routed through. You can do that using a gamer vpn like WTFast or something similar, those have their own routing servers and can route you using fewer nodes which usually improves your ping a bit especially over long distances.
  11. Schatten aus, hilft vllt nochmal ein wenig. Ansonsten gibt es nix, was du dagegen tun kannst, die Engine is kacke, jeder hat dieser Probleme.

    Mit den alten dual-core Prozessoren die aktuell waren als das Spiel in der Entwicklung war, hatte man diese Probleme übrigens nicht. Die Engine unterstützt dual-core aber eben keine modernen 8-core CPUs, d.h. es werden immer nur 2 von deinen 8 verwendet und nur 2 sind eben bisschen schwach auf der Brust für dieses CPU-lastige Spiel, obwohl die CPU, wenn man alle 8 verwenden würde, natürlich mächtiger ist als die CPUs von vor 6-7 Jahren. Kannst im Taskmanager gucken, es gibt immer nur 2 swtor threads, die CPU war schon immer das bottleneck, hat mit gfx Karte nix zu tun. Ich hab zb dual GTX 980 Ti und das hilft auch nix:-)

  12. Vodafone hat keinen Einfluss auf Telia, genau wie Kabel Deutschland oder die Telekom da auch keinen Einfluss drauf haben. Die können denen auch nur sagen, dass es ein Problem gibt und warten, dass die es reparieren. Also Anbieter wechseln wird wahrscheinlich nix bringen. Ja, ja, jeder hat hin und wieder Probleme, egal welcher Anbieter und es ist immer Telia oder level3.


    VPN ist ne Alternative die funktioniert, da die eigenes Routing verwenden und daher meist nichts mit Telia zu tun haben.

    NordVPN soll gut sein, oder Windscribe, das ist billiger und hat auch ne kostenlose Option mit 10GB Traffic pro Monat. Das sollte ja die paar Tage reichen bis die normale Verbindung wieder funktioniert. Allerdings ist bei kostenlosen Angeboten meist der Ping kacke, wahrscheinlich mit Absicht. Ggf kann man ja nur 1 Monat die paar € bezahlen und dann kündigen wenn man das VPN nicht mehr braucht.

  13. Ich habe vor 5.0 regelmäßig gespielt:

    Jug Tank/DPS

    Sin DPS

    OP heals

    Merc DPS


    Mara (selten)

    Sorc heals (selten)


    Seitdem hab ich das begrenzt auf sin, merc, sniper und op heals. Hab mit keinem Rang 20 erreicht alle so zwischen 10 und 20 irgendwo. Ich hatte nichma besonders Pech bei den Kisten, Merc zB is vielleicht Rang 12 und hat 230er Mainhand, offhand und focused retribution relic bekommen, also eigentlich besser als so manch anderer.


    Trotzdem ist eins klar. Entweder man macht mit bei absolut degeneriertem Spielverhalten a la Jerba, stundenlang gold mobs grinden und am nächsten Tag wieder, und wieder, und wieder oder halt irgendeine andere bescheuerte Tätigkeit die mit Spaß nix zu tun hat aber halt grad die beste CXP/h bringt, wie endlos dieselben Uprisings grinden - oder man findet sich halt damit ab das CXP ein laaanger grind wird.


    Leider bin ich kein hirntoter Roboter, also ist mir für diese Art Spielerlebnis meine wertvolle Freizeit zu schade. Mit normalem Spielen jedenfalls, zB am Abend PvP dailies auf 2 oder 3 chars machen oder mal 1, 2 OPs puggen, werde ich auf keinem einzigen Char Rang 300 erreichen, auch nicht in 1 Jahr.


    Naja egal, Abo läuft morgen aus und fertig.

  14. Stimmt. Nur weil die zig Planeten zerstört mit Milliarden von Opfern pro Planet und auch regelmäßig ihre eigenen Leute umbringt zum Spaß muss man nicht gleich so große Geschütze auffahren. Da hätte ein verständnisvolles Gespräch bei Tee und Kuchen auch gereicht, sie hatte immerhin ne schwere Kindheit.
  15. Bereits vor 3.0 also Ende 2014 hat EA / Bioware sein Testverfahren umgestellt. Es wurden „Tester“ eingeladen die per Passwort bezw. gesondertem Link Zugang zum PTS erhielten.

    Anfangs waren auch deutsche Spieler dabei (aber scheinbar mit wenig Erfolg :) ).

    Bei dem Test vor 4.0 scheinbar nur noch Mitglieder von US-Gilden. Seitdem gibt es „Datamining“ und es fehlen teilweise die deutschen und französischen Texte (spielt scheinbar niemand es in den Sprachen durch, sonst müsste es ja auffallen). :rolleyes:

    Vermutlich waren auch bei 5.0 „eingeladene Tester“ am Werk.

    Die laden schon auch Deutsche ein. Ich hab zB die Einladung für 5.0 PTS von Musco bekommen, so richtig mit NDA bestätigen und so, lel. Hab halt nur keinen Bock für die Affen auch nur 1 min meiner Freizeit aufzuwenden, also abgelehnt.


    Eh alles Rille, Bioware weiß ganz genau was die Auswirkungen ihrer Verweigerung neuen Content zu produzieren sind - selbst der dümmste Trottel kann sich die ganzen toten Server angucken und seine Schlüsse ziehen. Nach 3.0 hat EA alle Resourcen gestrichen, alles danach is Maintenance mode und dient nur noch dazu die verbliebenen Spieler noch bissl mit CM auszusaugen. CXP boost sind da die erste Station, Gear direkt kaufen dann die nächste.

  16. Fight: 5 has only one significant mechanic: after a short while into the fight the boss will summon 2 adds behind him who will channel an ability on the boss which will make the boss immune to damage. You need to break this channel so you can continue to damage the boss. Different ways to do so:

    - kill adds

    - knock adds back, sorcs, snipers, sins, merc all have aoe knockbacks, just knock them back and the channel will break

    - stun them, those mobs are not cc immune, if you stun them their channel will get interrupted, since the adds are classified as "weak" even attacks like force sweep/smash (mara/jug) or vengeful slam (vengeance jug) will knock them down/stun them and you can continue to burn the boss

  17. I beg to differ. KOTFE for the purposes of being a "single player RPG" did a piss poor job. A story on rails, no quests, no meaningful interactions with the game world or its inhabitants, nothing to explore. Rehashed corridors with unavoidable weak mobs and a few minutes of cutscenes. "Choices matter." lel

    How does this even begin to compare to single player RPGs like Kotor, Bg2, Witcher? It's just crap with no redeeming qualities. The only good thing they did in the entire 4.0 cycle was Eternal Championship. Too bad they put it behind those mind-bogglingly boring 9 chapters.

  18. I tried it on a sniper but marksman is suboptimal, mainly for fight 6. Otherwise MM would be fine I guess. if you know how to play virulence tho, that would be a good choice. Unfortunately I never played that spec and was too lazy to learn the rotation just for this purpose. I tried dot spec shadow but it's squishy. Vigilance Guardian/Vengeance Jug is a good choice imo. I tried to get Sprint Champion on my Jug and succeeded at the 2nd try. (first try I died to Doom Droid).

    Jug is good because: Enraged defense, good def cds, great tool to get out of circles with mad dash, saber reflect for more dmg and avoiding dmg. Melee dot spread is of course great in fight 6 for instance. There are a few key aspects:


    - do it with DPS companion all the way thru, ranged dps is best except fight 6 where you switch to melee DPS companion, always point companion to attack the correct target etc

    - maximize usage of heroic moment and the hard hitting legacy abilities, e.g. in fight 1 immediately do legacy orb strike between left add and boss, kill left add then boss, speed back to terminal, start fight 2, unleash legacy abilities and your hardest hitters, kill boss, start fight 3 in time for the second legacy orb strike etc, that's the first 3 fights within one heroic moment

    - dps thru the first 5 fights with no kolto and try to not use more than 2 kolto station during fight 6, so you have something left for later



    I Had half 216 half 220 equip. Lana and HK51 were at lvl40 affection.

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