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Posts posted by Asaxor

  1. You could roll to cover or take cover where you stand (like snipers). It enabled skills that were only only usable from cover like snipe, explosive probe, orbital strike. Yes, op healers had these things. It didn't give you interrupt immunity, unlike snipers, but you were immune to leaps, just like snipers.
  2. Fact: OWPVP without companions will only benefit superior 1v1 clases. (Con op vs PT)

    This is wrong. This example would benefit the PT. As of now the companion of the PT would just get sapped, so it would be Op+comp vs PT. If all companions would be inactive in PvP situations at least it actually would be a 1v1, even though the chances of the PT would be small.

  3. I also have 2 cents:

    - the amount of new content will be pathetic, especially compared to other MMOs' expansions

    - the content itself will be bugged to hell and back

    - BW will take a long time to fix the most egregious bugs and not bother fixing others at all

    - desync, lag, stuttering will get worse

    - class imbalances will be so hilarious you will start to suspect that those devs are on drugs 24/7 , only to then remain like that for the next 4 years or until they switch off the servers

    - after having "learned their lesson" that players hate rng grind, 6.0 will bring you one grind that will make all that other grind you've already brought behind you seem like child's play

    - the servers will get emptier after a short resurgence to the point that both the NA servers and the 3 EU servers need to be merged to keep up any pretense of having an alive game

  4. Actually I have had that happen, and they didn't win. I've even done it to other people using my scoundrel and shadow. But when done to me they haven't been able to defeat me before my companion wakes up. I can still interrupt, stun and delay them long enough for my companion to get in the fight. If they put their rank 50 companion on damage and then mez mine, then yes I would concede I should go down pretty quickly. But I guess all the ones that have tried it so far have still had their comp on healing, which means I'm effectively still going 1v1 and just need to stay alive long enough for comp to revive. Easy.

    Except they could just re-mezz your companion. Did you know the merc/sorc mezzes run for a minute, yet have only a ~52s (with alacrity) cd? Yes, that means they can mezz your companion permanently and your skank tank can do nothing about it.

  5. I assume the server is clogged by having to calculate conquest XP every time a player receives XP. With lots of players killing lots of adds that might cause a problem. Perhaps they should calculate conquest XP gain only when a character makes a command rank and gets a command crate. That way the server has to work only once in a while instead of all the time.
  6. So back to the old 109.99 set up.


    Using your acc augs until you upgraded feet and gloves to 258 is not a bad idea if you can't live with 109.7% acc or whatever item lvl 252 gets you. Farming healer items to get crit enhancements is definitely not worth the trouble, especially farming the 258 ones, I made that error at first (regretting it). Since everything is slot bound now, make sure to keep 252er mods/enhancements when you upgrade to 258 in case you ever want to build a skank tank set.

  7. All DPS sets have accuracy enhancements in the gloves and feet. These 2 enhancements + the accuracy stim will put you exactly where you need to be. If you are on a class that doesn't want to have acc in PvP like sorc or op you will need to replace those 2 armor pieces, eg by having a second item where you replaced the acc enhancement with a crit one from the healer set.
  8. You can miss with yellow damage attacks (even dots) when your accuracy is debuffed by PT tank oil puddle or sniper diversion for instance, those accuracy debuffs work on all damage types. Snipers could also roll damage I guess.

    Juggs only get +5% resist chance in the tank tree when they use retaliation. PT tanks get 35% defense/resist chance when they use explosive fuel. Obfuscate only works on white damage, i.e. your dots won't miss but might hardly do dmg if the mara has ruthless agressor.

  9. Either wait for second round to start until a 4th player is filled in or immediately finish the arena. Count a win for the winning team, but don't punish the other team for the ragequitter.

    You cannot give the winning team ELO while at the same time not subtracting this ELO from the losing team. An ELO pool doesn't work this way, this would conjure rating points out of thin air, leading to ELO inflation.

  10. The things that killed sin dps in PVP are:

    Grand Theft Phasewalk

    Removal of 30% Stun DR

    Overnerfing of burst capability


    Whether or not jugs have an ED that isn't effing useless has nothing to do with it.

    Make sin dps great again:

    give back stun DR, give back phasewalk, give back extra duplicity on low slash. Fixed.

  11. Since the patch if you roll against a wall, for instance when dummy parsing to get the scatter bombs, you'll end up out of cover. Even worse, you can't re-enter cover either and get a message "can't be used while in the air". In fact, you can't go into cover anywhere near a wall, even if 20-30cm away you'll still get that message.


    I sincerely hope that this is a bug you're going to fix, because if it's intentional...


    Desync has always been there but yes, it's gotten worse. I think when they merged the servers they actually got weaker & cheaper hardware and de-sync became a much bigger problem.
  12. The sniper heal in cover is 2% every 3s, which amounts to circa 2700 HP per 3 seconds, i.e. ~900 HPS passively just for sitting in cover. Add to that the 10% heal on roll and you're sitting at ~1200 HPS just for being in cover and hitting roll in somewhat regular intervals. In the fire spec roll is also CC and damage, so... you don't even lose a GCD on healing so to speak.
  13. We had this already in the past that PvP dailies/weeklies would only progress with wins. It was removed because it would often be very hard or even close to impossible for the weaker faction on a few servers to finish their quests. Especially for those not playing in tryhard premades.


    Rep side DM doesn't deserve to be able to complete the weekly within an appropriate time frame? If you honestly think that this is a good idea and will improve the PvP experience all I can suggest is to get a brain so you can start thinking instead of *feeling*.

  14. 1. I would need to run the program continously to catch a random person doing something. Which is unreasonable when you consider how many hours I play at a time (3-12 hour or longer sessions). This would ruin my solid state hard drives as they aren’t designed to be used that way.

    Pretty much any program can be setup to start/stop recording with a mere key combination.


    2. While my system is very good, running any app or background program will still affect (even minutely) a highend system.

    Using Shadowplay or setting up OBS to use the processor of your graphics card for recording and processing the video will have zero noticeable effect on your in-game experience.


    This isn’t such a problem if you have 30-100ms Ping because you just wouldn’t notice it.

    Ping has nothing to do with it. Recording a video doesn't add ping.


    But let’s say I could provide proof. If I post it on the forums, I’m the one that gets banned.

    Why would you get banned for posting proof? Was anyone ever banned for that? I've posted an fairly obvious video not long ago and wasn't banned.


    Regarding desync;

    Your client can never exactly know the position and movement vectors of all other players. That would require to relay your position all the time to the server which then would have to propagate it to all involved clients. This would kill network traffic quickly, hence positional updates are only made in certain intervals or after certain actions.

    It boils down to your client having to show you the animation for a high mobility action without having the accurate position/direction of the subject which will be corrected only later. That's why a targeted ability like force jump doesn't suffer as much from this, your client doesn't only get the info Jug XY has activated force jump, it also gets the target of the ability and is therefor able to show a fairly accurate movement animation from A to B.


    With an ability like op roll the server would not only have to relay 'operative xy has activated roll' but also the start and end coordinates (incl. z axis) for your client to show you an accurate animation. I'm certain this info isn't relayed, instead your client uses the latest positional data it has and just displays a 'rolling forward' animation. With an ability like force speed it'd be impossible to relay any end coordinates anyway because nothing stops you from changing direction in the middle of force speed.


    Long story short: As long as untargeted high mobility actions exist you'll have those desync problems.

  15. Applying permanent hinder-effect to the ball carrier in huttball will turn that warzone into a complete crapshow.

    For what? To encourage passing? Passing is not a desirable action in Huttball. Everybody who's around long enough to have played 8-men ranked HB knows that. Every pass means imminent danger of losing the ball and if up against competent opponents you'll lose the ball more often than not. What a remarkably stupid idea.


    Don't ruin HB, I propose a single change:

    - 1st ball is free for all, after the first goal only the team who didn't score can pick up the ball (like in real football type sports), if they don't pick the ball up, make it free for all again after some time, say 30s

  16. It's not my video, but you can adjust the quality to 720 (source quality). When that Tardatt guy follows Trixxie into the tunnel he has him targetted, so you can see the name and portrait very well. Already sent it to Eric Musco.
  17. you assume he is correct... cept tanks resist damage regularly in pve


    Every player has a resist chance. It works in the same manner for completely avoiding yellow damage or force/tech based CC as defense rating works on white damage or CC (sniper root or hardstun f.e.).


    The reason why this might not be known to some is probably 1) it isn't shown on the character sheet and 2) it sits firmly at 0% for most specs.


    Tank specs however do get some resist chance. Shadow/Sin tanks for instance have permanently 2% resist chance. Jug tanks have some proc that gives them a few %. Furious Strike on Fury mara procs resist/defense %. Most "resisting" will, however, be the result of different cooldowns. Either those that debuff accuracy (of not only white dmg attacks but also yellow dmg attacks) or those that increase resist/def chance.

    AP PT mass taunt, merc chaff flare, PT tank debuff puddle and explosive fuel, force shroud/resilience, mad dash, concealment roll and so on and so forth.



  18. 2c


    - guard damage will be mitigated by tank stats

    (it works like this: damage on the guarded target will be reduced by 5% then split in half between the guarded and the guardee, afterwards crits will be rolled for separately and each player applies his own mitigation to the received dmg including defense, ie. avoid entirely, shield and aborb or DR cooldowns)

    - alacrity does not decrease the resource cost of abilities; it does speed up resource regeneration, though depending on the spec you play that bonus regen might be insufficient to make up for the increased cost due to higher APM; see this example

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