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Posts posted by Galdos

  1. Snip




    You make some good points. I do have to disagree with you on it though. I dont think the CIS was designed to lose. I think Palpatine wanted to throw the two sides against each other and see which side was actually stronger. If the people of the Republic showed they could defeat the CIS then he would transform the Republic to an Empire. If the CIS showed themselves to be stronger he would let Dooku transform the CIS into an Empire.


    It was a contest of the people of the Republic vs the people and the droids of the CIS. The Republic won, not because they were meant to, but because they had 2 aces. The army of Clone troopers which came into play earlier then they were suppose to, and how accomplished the Jedi were as Generals.


    I based that off how the novelizations of books like Revenge of the Sith and Labrinth of Evil describe Palpatine.


    That is just my personal take on Palpatine's plan. That he was legit interested in seeing who would prevail and he would take the stronger.


    Why did the Light Side choice include letting that BAlmorrean traitor go without having him to pay much for it ? He just could get away - according the Light Side choice - withouut having to pay anything at all for his treason ... He was not even arrested !

    Next time I'll use the dark side choice ...




    There is not Balmoran traitor in the Trooper class quest though. There is one on the planetary quest but the lightside option is to arrest him and have a trial for him down the road (you should never pick that lightside. Allied morale plummets if you do that. )


    On Taris there is an Imperial that has the results that you are asking and yes I agree, its smarter to go the Dark Side there. The logic is he has info he will trade you for his life and going light is honoring that deal. It is a terrible decision and I have no idea why they dont let you just arrest him so I shoot him


  3. Yes, it's a conversation. A companion quest is like that one with Vette where you go help get the Star of Rylon (or whatever it's called), or help Mako track down her "sisters." Those are the same regardless of player character gender.


    You can tell the difference between a quest and a conversation because quests are listed in the quest log and conversations are not (although I will grant that the indicator over the head of a companion ready to talk to is the same triangle as a quest triangle).


    Not correct at all actually. Now we do refer to them as companion conversations, the game actually DOES consider them quest.


    They give you experience and the quest have names and everything. Its just a quest you dont have to do anything for.


    Of course that is just a technicality. When referring to Companion quest people usually just mean your staring companions like you said. So in practice Companion Quest means the quest you actually travel for but technically they are both Companion Quest

  4. Contemplation in the context of a pseudo-religious order means deep reflection and/or mediation on issues. It is not an antonym to ignorance, though it can be a way to avoid ignorance. This can as was said above, being all Zen and simply meditating on the nature of the force or it can be the intense study of a problem. We saw where this got the Jedi Order in Episode III where if they would have not be virtually paralyzed by the need to contemplate how to address Palpatine the order may not have been destroyed.


    All "there is no contemplation, there is duty means" in the context of the 6th line means (in longer words) is that there comes a point when meditating on any practical matter amounts to inaction. The Jedi Order has a duty to protect the Republic and to accomplish that requires action, sometimes instinctively and without extensive deliberation meditating on every possible consequence regardless of how tangential it may be. In short... Yeah you should think about things but at some point you have to pull the trigger.


    Its no different than any other portions of the Jedi code. "There is no emotion, there is peace" and "there is no passion there is serenity" does NOT mean "you are the Star Wars version of a Vulcan, an emotionless biological computer." It means you do not allow those emotions and passions to control you, instead you control them.


    I think it would be more clear if the Jedi still used the original Jedi code and added the sixth line...


    Emotion, yet peace.

    Ignorance, yet knowledge.

    Passion, yet serenity.

    Chaos, yet harmony.

    Death, yet the Force.

    Contemplation, yet duty (action)


    When you remove the "nots" (added by Odan-Urr after the first great Sith War) it makes more sense I think


    I think this covers it great. I can easily see this order coming into existence in the universe. Now the Jedi we have encountered would not go for it but I can see an order being created


    Thing is whether legends continuity or new canon that's the way of it so how do you ignore it if you want to avoid fan fiction land?


    Easy, I live in fan fiction land. I have no problem grabbing stuff from legends and canon and bringing it together to make my personal canon. When discussing it I make sure I know about the proper canon but I prefer to enjoy my own little world because it allows me to take my favorite moments and stories of both places and run with it instead of dealing wih what I dont like.


    Being a fan of 40k really helps in this lol

  6. I figured it is very similar to Revan and his followers during the Mandalorian Wars. The Jedi Order was spending so much time thinking (about the threat behind the Mandos) that they were going to move too late to stop the Mandos.


    So these Jedi, like Revan's old followers, take an agreesive approach to defend the Republic with the focus of doing what it is needed to defeated the Empire so others wont have to. This means most of these Jedi will be more Grey are Dark aligned (so Jedi only in name as you said)


    Im a little confused on you topic Im sorry. Are you trying to promote discussion on how logical this order is? Or simply will Bioware do a good job at presenting them because if it is the 2nd option. I have to admit I think this may be a little difficult to pull off without either making the Republic/Jedi look evil for no reason or these characters just appear dumb.

  7. Read my post. He said that after the PT...then changed his mind and retconned it with Season III of TCW. Both the light and dark can corrupt the force. The force contains both the light and the dark side and so to much of either would destroy the Universe as the characters know it. In order to balance things the board had to be "reset" due to Sidious' actions. If Anakin had simply helped Mace kill Sidious the light would have corrupted the force. So Anakin had to first tear down the Jedi...then later kill Sidious to complete the prophesy and "reset" things.


    Oh he recently changed it? Damn. I thought that arc was dumb.


    Good thing I can choose to ignore it if I wanted lol.

  8. IIRC, the last "official" (i.e. the last time Lucas decided on what it meant) explanation was that the Sith had been steadily pushing the Force itself out of balance, and the Force responded with Jesus/Anakin Skywalker to restore the Force into balance.

    Lucas had also said the Dark Side was like a cancer in nature, and had to be destroyed. He changed his mind on lots of things about Star Wars over the decades.


    Last I check this is what I heard also.


    The number of Jedi and Sith have nothing to do with the "Balance" because the Force is its own living thing. The Sith and their use of the dark side would throw the Force out of balance and corrupt it like a cancer.


    So the Chosen One would be the one to remove the cancer letting the Force be at peace.



    That said, it would have been nice to get (instead of this Jaxo mission) one for female troopers with Balkar. Why should the guys get all the fun? It still disappoints me we couldn't get much with him, though I'll admit it is one of the more fun/entertaining side romances I've experienced in the game so far.


    I know what you mean. I always head canon it that My female and Balkar have a casual romance going on. It is active, just completely off screen.


    I was pretty disappointed when I first did this quest that Dorne didnt join the event.

  10. Forget Kashyyyk, it has been visited enough. What we need is Iridonia. I would love to explore the Zabrak homeworld. .


    I agree with this part of the post. Kashyyyk and Tatooine are the two planets I hate the most in Star Wars because they are ALWAYS showing up. The galaxy is filled with thousands of planets, why is it a requirement that every game contain Tatooine and every third have Kashyyyk.

  11. Reactor shafts never kill Star Wars characters, or any sort of fall for that matter. Just like Revan vanishing on the Foundry, it definitely seems like it was on purpose.


    But no one ever uses the reactor shaft. I started when the game first went F2P and I literally have only used that shaft ONCE. Everyone other time people just straight up kill him. If the only way to kill him was to kick him down the shaft the argument could be made, but because of the change, the idea of Malgus coming back from the dead is as likely as Killron coming back.


    Revan had the decency of disappearing leaving his fate up to debate. Malgus lies down in a[n imaginary] puddle of his own blood with 4 elite operatives staring at his corpse and capturing the station for further use.

  12. In reality I actually support a more ordered system and feel the Republic is a bit lacking.


    However in Star Wars I side with the Republic (and Rebellion) going WAYYYYY outside my norm because I DETEST the Sith and hate the way the Empire thinks in the Star Wars universe. Which is why main 2 characters (Vanguard and Guardian in order) are both Republic die-hards (My Jedi is more loyal to the Republic then the Jedi) and while all my Imperial characters are either anti-Sith with my main Imperial being an Agent who



  13. Once you have your achievements you need to "claim" your reward. Go into your achievements tab, find the achievement that gives a reward, then claim your reward. For decos, most you can claim 50 times



    and Edit. I found them.


    Thank you both for your assistance. I really appreciate it.

  14. Kuat Drives Yards is after you do so many of the flashpoints of Kuat Drives (check your flashpoints and it will tell you regarding that)


    Alderaan Civil War is an achievement for a certain amount of warzones for a specific warzone for Alderaan. You can check each of the pvp warzones achievment and it will tell you how many you need to do and any other information regarding that.


    Circular signs are given to you when you complete (Chapter 3) for each profession you have done.


    Then I have some serious problems.


    I have 100% of the achievements on Kuat, done more warzones then my friend, and I have completed every class story. So strange that I dont have it if that is the case

  15. So I was visiting a friend's Stronghold and I noticed he had several interesting decorations. (Pictures of Kuat Drive Yards, Alderaan Civil War, circular sign of his classes, etc... )He claimed he had 50 of each of them.


    I asked how he got them and he said he doesnt know and the description simply said "achievements." I found this weird as I dont have ANY of those items.


    Now my confusion is this, why wouldnt I have any of these things when I have all the same achievements he has? (and actually a lot more) How does one get these things?

  16. Couple of years ago some people proposed this idea but it didn't happen. Making new event just for one specific Class...This is EAWare, they're not gonna waste their time on one Class-specific Event just to make you or anyone else happy, instead they're gonna make another pile of crap for CM:)


    Asking for a class specific even is pretty demanding. It would probably be better for all people if they simply add more events (make previous events pretty much a once a year type event) or make changes to the event so the quest are slightly different, locations are mildly different. (as in redesign the areas, like maybe next Rakghoul event the tunnel starting bases are actually next to each other in the middle of the map with the quest spread out in a circle around the center like a wheel.

  17. That's where you're wrong actually. The huge fanbase backlash? The fan base liked the prequels actually. Its the minority of fans that probably grew up on the OT that was so quick to bash the prequels, either that or its the 30+ year old nerds that still live with mom at home in her cellar that can't deal with the fact that Darth Vader was human.


    You know, I would actually love to find statistics covering this. Everyone I know hates the prequels and the prequels are the but of even a lot of jokes on the media (Im pretty sure I heard John Stewart make fun of them like 2 weeks ago) but I dont know a lot of people greater then 5 years younger then me so they may feel differently. It would be interesting to feel what the vast opinion of them are beyond just a handful of people on forums saying what they feel

  18. I would actually like the opposite: More focus on the war itself. Feels like most of the content since launch has been around 3rd parties - Hutts, Revanites, etc. There's plenty of ancient history and mysteries of the force in the class stories, and I'm a little over the Rakata, tbh.


    Having said that, I'll take whatever story content I can get :)


    Agreed, What I would like to see are operations focusing on fighting the other faction, unique stories per faction.


    It doesnt need to be a unique fight though, make it like Assault on Tython/Korriban. They are the same quest with simply different looks.

  19. I am hoping this thread could be thoughts and ideas about new star wars games. Maybe some of them will actually be made!


    1. Kotor 3

    2. Star Wars Empire at War 3

    3. Star Wars Sandbox RPG


    1) KotOR3 is never going to get made because of this game unless they do what they did with this game and make canon stories for every character which would be stupid.


    2) Empire at War 2 was never made. Expansions do not equal sequels. I WOULD love to see an Empire at War 2 however. Especially considering how fun the space combat was.


    3) Never going to be made while this game exist. You dont want 2 MMO competing with each because then neither win and bother suffer









    Games I would love to see :

    Another strategy game, any new one would be great.

    Also a sequel to Republic Commando


    Those are the 2 games I really want, (sense Battlefront was already announced) After that another good Starfighter game would be amazing.

  20. So to prove me wrong, why don't you tell us what you did like about the PT and while at it; how you gonna have a chance liking a movie based on the Core Canon Lore you don't like and dismiss??

    I said I did not like the story of the prequels, sense when did this become some terrible sin? Not once did I mention craftsmanship, art style, music, CGI, lighting, or anything else. I mentioned I did like the story and you spazed out and posted several links to why the Prequels are great or something completely ignoring that none of that changes the fact I still dont like the story of the prequels. God forbid other people have different taste as other people.


    You just dismissed some Core Canon Lore, the major thing the the SW universe evolves around . . . so

    Dismissed? This is exactly why I said it seems like you didnt read my post. I never came even remotely close to saying I dismiss it, or ignore it, or anything like that. I said I DID NOT LIKE. I did not say I IGNORE.


    What did I like about the prequels? I think the actor for Obi-wan was good and... thats all that comes to the top of my mind. I dont think the actors did a bad job. I think the story prevented them from shinning properly.


    I never said "I refuse to acknowledge they exist" All I said was I disliked the direction they took the story in the prequels. And then you come out and act like I claimed that the prequels is an abomination that murdered my a small family of dogs and everyone should hate it. All I said was I do not care for the story in the prequels. In what universe does that mean that no one else is allowed to like the prequels or that must mean I hate all of Star Wars.


    Im not ignoring the prequels, I just said I did not like the story of the prequels.


    Me? I'm like a child before christmas . . . I really do looking forward to see what JJ and Disney gonna do for/to the SW universe . . .

    Why are you thinking this is any different from me? I havnt been this excited in a long time for Star Wars. Im really looking forward to the future of SW because I think it could be great. Im also excited GL is done with the series because I didnt like the direction he took it. Those two points are not exclusive.


    I also liked both Clone Wars shows, Even Rebels is growing on me, the games that occur in the era like Republic Commando, several books like Labrynth of Evil (which is an excellent book) So I dont dismiss it. That doesnt mean I have to like every single thing about the setting or the direction it went.




    So how about your turn? Why did you completely freak out and feel the need to post a series of links saying how the prequels are awesome when someone said "I dont like the same things as you do/I dont worship the prequels"

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