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Posts posted by Galdos

  1. Dearest Bioware, I love Kotor 1, and even Kotor 2, I enjoyed the class stories and end game content as you added it, but I noticed something. Nearly everything revolves around Revan and the Emperor in some way, to me in this timeline they are both important characters but, why this important? I was really excited for KOTFE because I thought you had came up with a new enemy, instead, you made it Vitiate again for no reason what so ever. Can we please just kill them both off already and move on to something new? I have this strange disturbed feeling, that 5.0 will be called Revan's Revival. over 10 years ago you made a great game, with a great story called Kotor, that was then. Please writers, you are better than this.


    The Emperor's story wasnt finished yet. In fact I would be more disappointed with Bioware if he wasnt the Emperor because that would make their TWO immortal Emperors running around. What they are doing now with the Emperor is actually pretty decent by the way because he has an actual character now.


    Revan I am pretty sure they are done with. They gave him a send off and I think they are done with them. I mean his entire goal was done by now (defeat the Emperor)

  2. Would be even cooler if they could be OUR characters. Maybe a system for importing them like in Mass Effect 2 would be too much for the devs to do but this is basically how my headcannon works.


    I wish they would do something like this. Like you could choose your canon characters.


    In the mean time I just headcanon my trooper is THE Outlander with my Knight and Agent working with the resistance.


    Hunter stopped working after the class story. Everyone else in Carbonite prison on Zakuul

  3. OP, your first mistake was thinking that being honest to a pug group was going to help you. No one needs to know you are a noob in Ops. Especially Story Mode. It targets you for the scape-goat upon a failure. Even if they check achievements you can claim you quit and started a new account. whatever.


    That is weird because in my experience I see the exact opposite. If Someone says they havnt done an ops before someone immediately speaks up and says he will explain everything for them. A lot of times Ill do it but ive seen plenty of other people do it.


    Meanwhile, if someone attempts to fake it and ****s up (say they assign the person a job and because he hasnt done the ops he doesnt know the job and fails it) people get pissed. Half the time, even on a success, it is an immediate vote kick after the fight unless the person types quickly "sorry, first time here" in which case the response is always "you should have said something, okay here is how this place works..."

  4. Yeah I think few doubt Raven is stronger then any of those 4 but I mean Arcann and Vaylinn are any of those 2 more powerful then Nox and have the same feats?


    Well considering I consider Nox to be the most likely to lose in a fight between the 4 main force users ya.


    Do try to realize everyone has different opinions on who is the strongest of the 4 force users.

  5. Will its the better experience in being a light side SW I wonder how is he still able to choke or crush the neck or heart of enemies with the force if he is light side. So does he draw power from all emotions like anger, hate, love, compassion, pain, happiness, lust not just anger or hate or pain?

    Like Kyle Katarn?


    The moves of the force (like choke) are not actually "Dark Side moves" as pointed out by Kyle Katarn. He mentions (and the movies imply it) that the Force is simply there and it is how you use it that the problems show up.


    So using choke in the middle of a fight isnt really an issue (we see Luke do it, and Kyle does it all the time) because when these characters are calm and collected when they use it.



    How I always took the Sith Warrior (sense my SW was basically a Jedi in all but name in disguise trying to bring down the Sith) that he is calm and collected. He simply puts on a show of using hate and rage to fuel himself, but if you were to read his emotions you would see there is not rage or anger. The LS SW takes a little head canon/role playing to make it work but rewards you when it does.

  6. Personally. I would hope you can actually decide her alignment before you even encounter her. Like a "We have a potential candidate for you, a companion of the recent Emperor's Wrath" (options) "Oh really? I heard his apprentice behaved very differently from most Sith, almost calm like." or "... Behaved just like all Sith, a brute."
  7. I think the big problem is that the Emperor was just a terrible villain.


    An all powerful being who wants to kill all life in the galaxy? Pretty boring. He was our enemy because he was evil for the sake of evil. Bioware realized he was a terrible villain (powerful, but terrible) and decided to retcon his character effectively with Valkorian and personally I am extremely thankful.


    Valkorian is actually interesting but had they left it as 2 separate characters, that means the entire time you are wasting with this Immortal Emperor on Zahkuul, there is STILL a SECOND Immortal Emperor running around even more dangerous. It is just tying up a lose end to help move the story along.

  8. So i propose to implement time delay before you can use Group Finder if you decline invites too often.


    1st decline - no penalty (misclick or some real life matters etc)

    2nd - 1min (here you go, you did it on purpose, chiil out for 1 min, not that much)

    3rd - 5 min (you declined 3 times in a row, you really need time to think if you WANT to get a group :D. so here you get 5 min to decide)

    4th decline - 30 min (you either trolling or trying to abuse the GF system - so get lost)



    p.s. I just got consequent 11 (yes, ELEVEN) GF declines in a row. And after a 2-3 minutes another 3 blinking GF invites when smbd declined almost immediately.



    Why? Your suggestion wouldnt fix this at all. If you decline the invite you are already removed from que meaning you have to reque and are put in the back of the line.


    This wouldnt effect you in any way if this was or was not implanted.


    Pointless idea

  9. Yeah I have not had a single romantic conversation with Kira since finishing the Knight storyline, the emails stopped a while ago and did not loose affection while kissing Lana even with Kira in the room while yes I understand I was cheating on her there was no issues with it at the time but she gets to call us out about it now! the time to have objected would have been when I was kissing Lana, can you really blame anyone for cheating thinking there were no consequences some people just like to see all the dialogue options available.


    If some people picked it just to see the dialogue options they got their wish, they are going to get additional dialogue options. If people actually cared about the story they shouldnt have done it and if there were or were not consequences it shouldnt have mattered.


    If you characters cheated they should get in trouble for it. If people dont want to get in trouble for it they shouldnt have done it. It really is that simple

  10. I think it is unfair to go back and add consequences to previous actions. I romanced Lana Beniko because I knew it would not affect my relationship with Kira Carsen. Now you are going back and making it so that our companions know about our indiscretions. I would not have done it in the first place if I knew this was going to happen. Please do not make me lose my character's relationship with Kira by doing this.


    I hope the break up is brutal.


    Your character was unfaithful and your character deserves to suffer the consequences.


    I mean just read what you wrote "I think it is unfair to ... add consequences. " (Others words omitted to make point clearer, but those words do not change what the statement means. With or without the sentence means the same thing)



    If you didnt want your relationship to suffer, you shouldnt have done it. If you want to roleplay, roleplay your character in which case your character would get what they deserve, if you dont want to roleplay this is a non-issue


    I'm hoping the romances work like they did in Mass Effect 3. When you rediscover your partner after a few years, you can decide to rekindle the romance or not. They may have thought you were dead and moved on, so they could use that mechanic as part of it.

    Probably what they will do as I doubt Bioware wants to suffer the fallout of "bah, my companion is upset at me because I cheated on them. How was I suppose to know that cheating on people is bad and would upset them?"


    It is a decent compromise actually and we know there is that 5 year time skip so characters have time to move on

  11. You are completely right and you are not the first person to notice this issue. Here is how I resolved said issue.


    The Agent was ordered to remain undercover for the long term plan. To maintain cover the Agent (once informed by Darth Marr) needs to go in and accomplish said task while being watched the entire time from Darth Marr's handpicked personal.


    After the operation is completed, the Agent would immediately inform Republic high command that the planet will not explode and what the Imperial Plan is. It is worth noting that AFTER Republic Makeb, if you pick up the weekly, you discover the Republic knows everything, that the planet was stabilized and the Empire is mining Isotope. The Republic characters are sent back in to get additional proof of this (providing the Agent cover) and leave a fleet in system to prevent the Empire from doing a mass mining effort. This means the Empire is forced to mine in secret.


    This explains why the Empire's secret weapon simply slowed the tide of the Republic instead of turning the war around, they simply cant mine fast enough.



    I hope that helps your headcanon

  12. Going from a stealthy melee DPS/healer to a ranged DPS isn't that big a change, right?


    Going from a stealthy melee tank/DPS to a ranged healer/DPS isn't that big a change, right?


    They're just COMPLETELY DIFFERENT play styles, but it's not that big of a change, right?



    These points will ultimately mean nothing as players get a free lvl 60 and the option to buy more.


    What people are saying is that they COULD get a new lvl 60 but the work they put into the character (like the story, companions, etc) would be gone.


    To make it clear I completely understand the developers not changing it. I would LIKE to have the ability to change, but it isnt a big deal to me. Im just pointing out that argument no longer has any meaning

  13. Altering of the Rakghoul Event tunnel network to better reflect the environment of the planet that the event is currently taking place. Consider variation in environment of planets, eg. Corellia, Alderaan, Tatooine etc.


    I straight up find this to be the most important thing.


    There is a huge issue right now that the Rakghoul (and the Gree, though not as bad) event is simply the same thing with no differences. The result is that players dont feel like doing it because it is not fun sense they have done it before and the rewards are not good.


    The best way to fix it in my eyes is change the events. Change the maps, change how some of the quest work. It doesnt need to be huge changes but some changes would go a long way to making it more enjoyable. I dont know anyone in my guild who has done even the last years worth of Rakghoul and Gree is usually everyone does it once when it comes and thats it.

  14. Yeah there is no way in hell I would ever have let Skadge bully himself onto my ship (I would have shot him as soon as he took his first step towards the ship.


    Not to mention some of the other dubious companion choices

    1) Quinn he should have not left that space station (or ship I cant remember) alive

    2) Kaylio I do like her but my agent would not trust her 1 bit

    3) actually its the same for vector, I don't know if his alligence is with the empire of the Kiliks

    4) Ashara has no place with my DS inquisitors plus dispite being DS she seems to think I am going to re-organise the empire

    5) Tanno Vik he got a dishonourable discharge already why would I have him on my team, yes he might be the best explosives expert in the republic but I would gladly take the second best choice.



    With the exception of Vector, Im pretty sure if polled, that would be the list of the 5 (replacing Vector with Skadge) most unacceptable forced companions.



    Vik has grown on me sense I finished his companion stories but if given a choice, I would have taken the 2nd best explosive expert instead

  15. My female Vanguard Trooper


    Unless they make the story obviously focused towards a certain class like a Jedi Knight Ill just be saying my trooper is the canon and run my Knight and Agent through at later dates just to see any differences. Im going to miss Kira lol

  16. That's because the people playing the beta were too stupid to be left with the option to kill companions. They killed them off then whined that the decision was final. I mean... WHAT THE **** PEOPLE?


    And sweet god do I hate the Beta players for that.


    Skadge, Quinn, Kaylio, and Xalek are the worse examples of this.


    Sadly enough it is simply to late to change it.

  17. So for the first time ever I played through the Knight story and I have to ask. How is this man not being tried for warcrimes, or crimes against the galaxy?


    How is he still in power?


    He built...4 superweapons, lost them all..and one resulted in the total destruction of a world. How is this man still leading the republic?


    Because he hasnt committed any warcrimes or crimes against the galaxy?


    Building superweapons is not a crime. Having your weapons stolen from you is not a crime. Having a weapon stolen from you and then modified so it CAN destroy a world is still not a crime of the original owner.


    You could debate incompetence but warcimes? Not even close..

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