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Everything posted by Devilk

  1. So, they remove any type of choice we have in our specs, and now you want them to remove any type of choice we have in our gear? And you KNOW it's not just stats that are affecting class balance?Right? Riiiight? Things like defensives play a huge role that you seem to be forgetting. Some classes have flat out better defenses and utilities. Taking away stat choice won't change that. And it's not a step in the right direction. But yes, lets casualize the game even further. It's not like they aren't already heading in that direction. Bioware, don't do this.
  2. Devilk

    3.1 Patch Notes

    This will also fix DPS swapping to tank cell/form to throw a guard in solo ranked. They can just add the cell/form as a passive to each discipline it's tied to.
  3. Pepperidge farm remembers old madness sins.
  4. Did everyone suddenly forget that NOT having dot spread pre 3.0 wasn't even an issue?
  5. It's less than that,you can get by with 93% to 94%.
  6. Scaling nameplates. Turn the scaling off and FPS improves by a large margin, but the downside is you'll have huge red nameplates everywhere.
  7. Heh, i'd like 7 seconds of stun immunity on my PT.
  8. Devilk


    TTK has always been an issue here.
  9. This. Thread over. Bad sorcs still put out bad dps, make stupid mistakes, don't call for help, don't focus fire.
  10. It's not really that maras are bad, they aren't. Just everything else has better tools to deal with them, and they require babysitting. Obfuscate is only effecive vs like, 30% of the damage in this game. Not to mention if you obfuscate me i'm going to use something to nullify your dps.
  11. Wow, actually manned up and made a statement about it. Now fire the guy who thought the correct response was to delete the threads.
  12. This was common practice back before they limited medals. There is no reason for it to happen now other than you ran into a bunch of jerks.
  13. Exactly, bioware is quietly deleting them. That being said, it does not matter what quality part, just that the slots are filled. Gives about 300 health per piece and around 7 bonus damage and 5 bonus heals per piece.
  14. Rofl, no it's not the same thing. ED can be bursted through and nullified. Barrier cannot.
  15. Devilk


    Lol, look at all the DPS crying because a healer can actually survive you 1v1. If 1 person could shut you down, how are you beneficial to your team, what would be the point of playing heals? Just go be DPS like everyone else and make fights all dps verse all dps. Because that's super fun in a team game. Even in 3.0, no healer survives focus fire. What's with people trying to remove strategy and dumb down SWTOR's combat? The devs already do this themselves with the features they constantly remove and change. Entitled DPS are entitled. You aren't the only role in SWTOR, you aren't the most important role.
  16. I tend to go all power, it gives a bit more bonus damage that always applies to your damage instead of has a chance(crit).
  17. Orbital strike was nerfed because it was never intended to be so strong, force storm will go the way of that eventually.
  18. You are so wrong. Bastion bubble after barrier ends absorbs a huge amount of damage. Like 20k+
  19. Two of my AP friends said their shoulder cannon said missiles can be launched every .5 seconds. But mine says 1 second. Not really sure what is up there.
  20. Not using stealth scan properly, comes into PvP forums and complains about it. Anticipate your enemy, stealth scan is an amazing tool. If you're placing it randomly fishing for a stealth, you're using it wrong.
  21. Devilk


    Healer has to be stronger than a single dps. Dps to heals ratio is heavily in favor of dps, if a healer had the same output as a dps, they'd be worthless to a team as a single dps can shut them down completely. That said, just about any healer dies under focus and correct use of cc.
  22. Not sure why they thought removing an anti kiting ability and replacing it with a 2 gcd utility while at the same time giving ranged mobility updates was ever a good idea. Not like any other class has to spend 2 gcd's to get that effect.
  23. Rocket punch applies an armor debuff for AP.
  24. It's on a 1 minute cooldown.
  25. I agree with this. It's counterable by a stun anyways, unless the marauder is white barred in which case, you can thank your team mates.
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