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Everything posted by omaan

  1. If you mean few persons like memevejek and JediMasterAlex who really cried about mats in team ranked you can't call that "player base". Only 2-3 people cried on forum about mats while others were pretty happy and that's a big problem because developers are often listening to small groups of players whose opinion goes against majority of players. Listening often to minority and doing what they ask causes too much problems and ruins the game. Imagine that 3 players will come on forum tomorrow and ask to remove snipers from the game or remove solo ranked entirely. Oh wait....
  2. Bladech comparison of pve toxicity in wow and swtor is pretty considerable because the harder content is the more toxic players become. When i played wow classic few months ago the opening of the gates of ahn'qiraj (time closed event which can be completed only by those who does it first) i saw so much toxicity among guilds which literally burned each other to get this event completed...toxicity i faced then was more than all toxicity i saw in swtor for 3 years. It is not about type of content but about its difficulty. Pve in swtor is relatively easy, hence - not toxic. Regarding players not making groups for ranked. Welp you are wrong here too. You know why before 5.0 patch was implemented hard mode flash points were nearly dead while NiM ops and team ranked were alive? Because both team ranked and ops provided proper incentives for players to play. Charged matter catalyst or what was its name incentivised players to play it while hard mode flashpoints provided nearly nothing and, therefore weren't popping much. But with 5.0 hard mode flashpoints became a main source of gearing and what a surprise they pop almost 24/7. As i said numerous times before it is all about incentives (rewards) which decides what players will play and what will go to abyss
  3. Geting mats in both pve and pvp takes ages considering how many of them are required. No one will step foot into this if they won't see results soon. Farming ranked which requires only wins and running ops tonnes of times to make a single augment is a joke. You have big problems with calculations.
  4. While i agree that end game content needs more incentives because team ranked pops and NiM ops runs are falling down and soon players who likes pvp and pve won't have much to do in swtor, iam confident that special treatment around dxun is made because they need statistic for EA to show that swtor is alive and played so they finally could provide some funding
  5. Play what you want policy ended when they started to force pvp players to play dxun for getting certain set bonuses which drop only in dxun. Now they need to save nearly a dead game by proper incentives since NiM ops and team ranked can't remain dead
  6. This person is right, no one will even try to play team ranked if losses won't count. Devs should make quests to work as in ranked season 10
  7. You need to make team ranked quests count for losses too or new or bad players won't even try to get these mats and become better. They will be happy at start that team ranked pops will be revived but with no proper incentives to queue it and become good they will drop it pretty fast. So please change quests as they were in ranked season 10 and i personally guarantee that ranked will be revived and you will see many old subscribers coming back to play an alive content
  8. To be honest I don't think it will help much. The abuse of guard in pvp is about forcing enemy team to split dps which helps cross-guarding team to survive longer because instead of zerging one target with lower hp, the enemy team is forced to switch on another target while the guarding team continues to focus one guy in a team with no double guard. Your changes won't fix the problem because cross-guarding dps are dropping and using guard fast enough when they see that the enemy team switched on them instead of focusing the guarded target. This means that 50% damage debuff won't remain on the guy who guards because he drops guard since he becomes a new target and will require guard himself. I strongly recommend you to consider other variants of fixing cross-guard domination in pvp
  9. I have top 3 marauder and top 3 sent from season 10 solo ranked and many other gold sentinels/marauders and i can say that having FB for marauders in addition to saber ward, guarded by the force, cloak of pain and camouflages we can reset when using predation is way too overpowered. Not only players spend tonnes of time chasing mara after all his camouflages and trying to kill him without stuns (most of the time mara can't be stunned due to vortex immunity and saber ward utility), they also have to deal with 6 sec mezz and then few seconds of 70% ability misses. This too insane for a dps spec, it is easier to kill a merc or sorc or even tank tunnel than killing marauder. Also don't forget that marauders using fb not only to save themselves but to save their team mates. So literally they say "you can't go me but i also won't let you kill my team mate so give up, you lost". If i had force bound long back to season 10 i would not had to tryhard all season to get my top spots lol. So easy and overpowered
  10. Some of them aren't TAKING IT. THEY REFUSE LOL. Besides that some of them are on opposite faction and game isn't allowing me to trade with them
  11. Are you blind or something? I queue solo ranked every day and not only i get noobs/newbies who ruin my games all the time but now in addition to this i also get ignorant decent players or same bad players who causing my team to lose because they are deseased and constantly getting stunned or infecting others in my group or dying because of desease AND HAVING A VACCINE ON ME ISN'T SAVING ME FROM A LOSE
  12. Did you even read what i written? I have a vaccine but what about incompetent ignorant bads in my team who refuse to buy it and ruining my solo ranked matches? Why should i suffer because of it.
  13. Oh no losing rating in solo ranked not only because there are tonnes of noobs/throwers queuing but also due to anti-vaccinators is intolerable. We are talking here about ranked where geting rating is super hard because of stupid matchmaking and many incompetences and now we get stunned/blowing players in it. Having vaccine on me doesn't save me from those who refuses to take it because they are always stunned or blowing in my team even if we supposed to win
  14. It is not about me! My characters have vaccine but what about others in solo ranked? I get in a team thanks to a random matchmaker with 2 deseased who are getting stunned all the time or blow which results in a lose. If you know how bad and hard solo ranked already is for those who are actually trying you would understand that any additional inch will make it much worse.
  15. Ranked arenas are already BAD because of bad players having no idea what to do. Raghoul desease in it makes it even worse. Bad/new players ruining the game with their deseases which results even more bad matches than before
  16. 6 second cc, force bound debuff, obfuscate, then again 6 sec. cc, force bound then again obfuscate - match is over. HAHA, nice meme game you can just remove all dps classes except jedi knight/sith warrior
  17. Another l2p sorc crying thread. If you have issues on surviving at lightning sorc or doing damage on it then it is l2p issues. Decent lightning sorcs can both do big damage and survive. Operative can be killed in 2 stuns without breaker, with no vanish if oper is chased by at least 2 skilled players he is dead. And its hps can't go more than 3k hps which is low since dps mercs and sorcs can heal up to 4-5 k. Even dot sin can heal 4k hps with his self heal ability. JUGGS die fast if not guarded and if they are bad at kiting and lossing (which are 80% of all juggs). Only force bound makes them overpowered which should be removed. Mercs dps isn't high. Even free casting arsenal can do 7-8k dps while free casting lightning can do 9-10k dps. ALL sounds like l2p issue because lightning sorc is among strongest specs in pvp now
  18. Guys stop looking for answer. It was already said that there are some players using bots who farm mats 24/7 and then selling them on gtn for credits which they later sell for real money. These guys have accounts with many characters which log in and log out almost 24/7 and if you whisper them you won't get any answer. They just log in, sit for few seconds then log out. Thats being repeated dozens of times per day
  19. I sent it to swtorpvpreports (something like that). Thats an email exactly for such issues
  20. This was reported by me and many others its just looks like devs don't care...is it really that hard for them to trace the troll or bot user and block his accounts forever? That guy declines pops for healers for like 1 week already...like meh too hard i guess to trace him..
  21. Welp...these declines continue...recently someone wrote this https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/633791736539512833/748899390143594587/unknown.png in chat of one of the ranked streamers....so it's obviousely trolling. https://imgur.com/9heptCH this will continue to happen all season or we will FINALLY SEE THIS TROLL banned??????
  22. Tbh there are many ways devs can stop force bound domination. 1. Make so that force bound debuff works only if affected targets hit the guy who used it. With this juggs can use fb only to save themselves instead of ruining out all enemy dps and stuns for 9 seconds even if dps jugg isn't focused 2. restrict fb set bonus only for tanks so that marauders/sentinels and dps juggs/guardians could not save their team mates as they are tanks 3. Nerf marauder and dps jugg dps so that using force bound would actually make their dps pretty low due to lack of dps set bonus. Currently even if jugg dps or marauder are using fb set bonus they still do nearly 8k dps per second on arenas because other dps specs (operatives, sorcs, mercs etc) were nerfed after the last class balance changes while dps juggs were buffed and marauders weren't touched
  23. Agreed. +1. From my experience everyone who is below 306 gear was just a troll, bot or a thrower
  24. they banned many players in ranked before but they didn't bring down leaderboards then. Banned players just had their ratings reseted to 1 or just dissapeared from LB.
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