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Everything posted by NorthernYahoo

  1. See my edit previously. You counted your stuff wrong, forgetting if the Weeklies are done and the matches are won. Without the participation bonus, which is essentially something you get just for showing up and not disconnecting, it would be manageable.
  2. Actually, since we know that guild, I'll just tell you you're wrong. I checked my sources. *EDIT Yes, that would seem to be accurate. Plus you're forgetting that you get more points with completing the weeklies and if you win said matches.
  3. Oh, at what time will having a conversation about this acceptable to you? One week? Two weeks? A month? Just by looking at the achievements the imbalance is evident. The requirements for generating pvp points is simply too low compared to other activities. Plus, they can be done by people of any level, which is not the case for a lot of the PVE achievements.
  4. Multipliers yes, but the points still accumulate. On the planet with PVP, one of the PVP guilds has 10 million points. It's been two days.
  5. Naturally, we are not on a planet that multiplies PVP. I'm arguing that even the base reward is too high.
  6. Hello! First of all, I love the strongholds update! Now, I've become familiar with the conquest system. It seems plain obvious by the leaderboards that PVP is somewhat too efficient at generating points, at least on my server it seems (same with GSF, but less people play that). Allowing an unlimited number of points for matches played is misguided. The participants do not have to possess any competence at PVP (or gear) to be present during the matches. It can very easily be spammed, and that is the case right now. However, for guilds which are PVE intensive, generating points will require competence and/or gear, as well as requiring much more time to complete the objectives. There are different solutions to this problem. 1--> Remove any "participation" prizes for PVP. Since PVE'rs have to win the instance, PVP'ers should have the same requirement 2--> Reduce the points rewards for PVP. 3--> Create different leaderboards for different types of points, to allow guilds to retain their specialization. You could name them "warfare conquest", "operational conquest", "logistics (crafting) conquest". PLus it would increase the rewards! Right now, the model is unsustainable. PVP generates too many points, as was easily predictable with a quick glance at the objectives boards. There probably will be a lot of discussion about balancing conquest, a lot of people will probably disagree with me, but I wanted to start a conversation! Besides, right now the boards are filled with decorations questions, thought I'd change the tune!
  7. Oh thanks for the tips i'll check some of the things you mentionned. Also, I agree with your suggestions.
  8. …(to increase this game’s revenues, which is always a good thing) I have been a player for a long time and I absolutely love the game! However, I strongly believe in the necessity of improving guild management in the game. I have been involved in my guild’s management for a while now and have witnessed the woes of those in charge for some time. Here are two solutions which ought to simplify managing a guild. 1) More administrative tools and information for the guild master and managers: One of the things I would like added would be a “last time on” date that would indicate how long it has been since a member has been online (even if it is on an Alt, more on this in the next paragraph). Information on skills and specs could also be a good idea (without using the 20 character-long member note, which is blatantly insufficient). Finally, some idea of a member’s gear level could also be added. 2) Better support for alts: There is a hard cap at 500 characters in all guilds. For reason unbeknownst to me, some people like to create 10 alts. If 10 players do this, we’ve lost roughly 100 spots for other players. Since the game is heavily centered on class story to garner interest, having multiple alts is quite natural. Having single players not take up so much of the guilds’ space would allow for simpler guild management. Now, it is true that we could reduce the number of alts allowed, however it is much more practical to have everyone grouped in the same guild to figure out quickly who is present or absent in-game, and allow the use of guild chats to reach everyone! The same argument can be made to support indicating if a player is online in his legacy on the imperial side. Using an out-of-game solution such as logging on voice chat or website wastes members’ time, by being away from the game. Members who are unenthusiastic about having to spend time outside the game for their guild are actually right, to some degree. Having to go on a website or voice chat for simple tasks such as manifesting one’s existence or presence can bore people and contribute to drive them out of the game. Also, it takes a toll on managers and guild masters’ time and energy (not to mention fun!). I strongly believe that guilds increase player subscriptions, increase player retention and increase player spending. Investing in upgrading the mechanics of guild management might seem unappealing from a marketing point of view, but is sure to translate, in the long run, to an increased influx of money to the game!
  9. I think in the short run it will be lots of headaches and tweaking down the road. Plus, they should at least keep HM for level 55. By then, you're supposed to have gained an understanding of how the game is played. (keyword being supposed to)
  10. That sounds positively dreadful. I mean waiting to move from planet to planet to FORCE you to socialize? Is this a game or a job? And again, with forcing pvp on people with raids on people who are just forced to stay there. *sigh* Stop trying to make pvp happen. It's not going to happen.
  11. You didn't answer my question!
  12. Because no matter what is done, nothing will sate people like you. What you're after is something to feed your narcissism, and we can all figure that is a bottomless pit.
  13. I disagree, I find the event is not fun and badly designed. It amplifies the pvp flag design flaw, is in a very confined area, the quests are simplistic and lazy and the infection system is making a lot of people mad. I'm glad you enjoy it though!
  14. NorthernYahoo

    /stucking it

    Question (bear in mind, i'm on a pve server): When one of the following conditions is met: 1) An enemy suddenly and instantly flags near me, while having waited to be in a favorable posture to initiate PVP. 2) The enemy clearly has PVP gear in a questing area and i don't, making the fight impossible to win anyhoo 3) An enemy outnumbers me more than 2 to 1 I use /stuck because in my view they don't deserve the kill. That being said, most of my pvp combats are fair (and I lose a LOT of them ) Does this constitute abuse of game mechanics in the eyes of the moderation team?
  15. I say that too. But by changing the flagging system, groups could be formed more easily. That IS a problem in this game, people are often complaining about not finding anyone to do missions with. By drastically reducing unflag time, that problem could be resolved entirely. AND it could avoid enemies deliberately trying to camp you out to troll you for 5 minutes.
  16. Nobody cares about killing a lvl 25 player. that's one. Second, the problem isn't the fact that it might happen, the problem is the intent behind it. Some people don,t want to pvp, and they are dragged into it by players who want to troll. This should be punished because it is an abuse of the game mechanics, and ultimately WILL affect the enjoyment of the game by players whoa re doing everything right and minding their own business
  17. All your replies provide interesting additions to the debate, but no one has adressed the question of flagged players standing in front of enemies or objectives (and the latter are shared in the new event) to get clicked and auto attacked. I've seen it happen too many times. As for the unwillingness of anyone in the staff to address the delinquency of force flagging unwilling players, I think it might have something to do with the complexity of managing complaints on the topic. So far, there is a complete absence of in-game moderation, and I don,t think it's in their plans to add any overhead costs to the game. But i'm speculating!
  18. I'm sure they'll come back... For the LOW LOW FEE of 1200 cartel coins!!!!!!!!!
  19. No, this is NOT another rant about getting flagged, I’m always flagged anyways and loving it! However, I've seen a lot of people complain about the pvp force-flagging issue (an enemy player deliberately getting in the way of aoe attacks or blocking the way to an objective, making the player accidentally click them). In the context of the new event, where space is extremely limited and it is very hard to avoid the player, the problem is even greater! And if the players are equipped in pvp gear, you have NO chance of winning in a fight against them. So, my intervention is two-pronged. First, if another player is deliberately trying to get you flagged despite the fact that you are on a pve server and have no interest in pvp; can you report them for abusing the game mechanics? I'd like an answer to that question because it could turn off some of the players who do this. Secondly, a way to correct the problem might be redesigning the flagging system (that’s the hard, expensive, time intensive solution) and the expertise system for pve servers. The flagging system is not good. Since I'm flagged, I have a lot of trouble finding a group that will accommodate me if our pvp statuses are discordant. 5 minutes to get unflagged is prohibitive for both parties involved (and don't forget, i log on to play, not sit around for a game mechanic), and for those who get flagged but don't want to stay that way. Another thing I have always disliked about the system is the fact that anyone can just unflag at will and attack me, but that's not the topic of this post. The expertise system also creates a problem on pve servers in that it creates way too much of a gap between pvp and non-pvp geared people. I love a good pvp fight (and I've lost more than half of them!) If pvp-geared players are attacking and force-flagging unprepared, ungeared players, now that’s just cruel! And since I’m on a pve server, wearing pvp armor all the time is ridiculous while questing. If a pvp-geared imp drops on me, i simply /stuck it, because there is no real fight to be had there. The bonus of expertise should be of the order of 10-15% on a pve server (or be inexistent outside of warzones). But again, I digress. So, those were my two cents!
  20. I disagree. I have never had any trouble paying for anything in this game. It is a money sink and truthfully, it is not essential for your character, it's an additional modification. If you want it, you have to pay. Period. Just like in real life. Outfitting one set can easily be done in a day. Now if you want to augment 28 pieces of gear at the same time, yeah it'll sting. But I have never had to do that on any of my characters. Just augment it one piece at a time while doing flashpoints and ops to get better gear.
  21. My favorite moment? His lines during battle! My least favorite moment: the fact that the devs deliberately omitted same gender romance with him and other companions in order to boost sales of the game to bigots. That kinda stung for me, a loyal Bioware customer, coming from a previously unbigoted company.
  22. Exactly, anyone who is serious about stats/parsing and such will use prototype stims. For those of us who simply want an increase, why not let us have the less effective yet reusable ones on all the characters in our legacy?
  23. BTW I am only talking about PVE reusables, I don't care about PVP. Rarity and the GTN cost of those reusables is supposed to do that. If everyone could use those stims, they would become incredibly rare and expensive. You could also think about requiring more rare mats to create reusables, such as vials of isotope-5 or more exotic element equalizers. Because right now the market for those reusables DOESN'T EXIST. And right now, aside from the biochem requirement, those reusables do create a permanent boost and do create the imbalance, if you rolled with the appropriate foresight. Unfortunately, I created my main character before I knew everything about the game, i.e. I was new to the game. Besides, if you check during ops and such, everyone already has their stims. It's more a question of convenience at this point than balance, as I have said previously. And since everyone already has access to better stims than reusables, and everyone already uses stims, the balance point is completely moot.
  24. I know i'm not the first one to write this but: I got biochem on the sixth of my alts and discovered you can make reusable stims and medpacs. I thought that was a very good idea. I thought i'd make some 450 ones and send them to my main. I realised (before i did, thankfully) that you need biochem to use them. I've seen my fair share of completely ludicrous things in this game, but this one wins, by far. The whole POINT of having alts is to experience different facets of the game and benefit from each other's activities, including in crafting. Now I understand that removing the biochem requirement would cause a collapse in the value of the skill and the reusables, but i don't get why the fruits of your labor couldn't be shared within your legacy. Unless you get that skill on your main, it's extremely annoying and time consuming to constantly produce stims and medpacs to outfit your entire legacy. What's more, you can't get rid of redundant skills to get more crafting ones because you can only get one per character! Reusables should bind to legacy because it is conceptually logical, and would incentivize engaging in the legacy system for crafting purposes. And if someone even thinks about complaining about the possible effects of such a change on the game economy, think about this: since I am already at 450 in biochem and have developed the associated skills, I don't need to (and will not) resort to the game economy to get my stims and medpacs, I'll do them myself. I would simply prevent me from wasting game time, my time, on something as trivial as making a few players feel economically secure.
  25. No, what they need to do is continue to reduce the cost of training your abilities at lvls 20-40. It's one hell of a turn off to any new player to be constantly poor to pay to be able to use your own abilities.
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