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Everything posted by SitHamster

  1. When Darth Baras have anger issues, it's just that he skipped the breakfast because of some Imperial affairs.
  2. For now i've only seen changes on the Sith Warrior, as i had to re-do my built
  3. Darth Baras have Gamorrean female groupies all across the galaxy
  4. I've sent this: http://nsm08.casimages.com/img/2013/12/05/1312050116359258111792617.jpg Called it "Bounty & The Beast"
  5. Yep, can't see the logic of not having beard options for the male Miraluka for instance
  6. Unless i'm mistaking, i remember that i used to play X-Wing alliance on keyboard only and still felt more manoeuvrability than that GSF
  7. Could you make the skills trees show in anyway what were the previously developped skills when u reset the points after a class change? i don't memorize my trees by heart, and it forces me to spend mor time than i'd want to on reading every skill description thx
  8. thanks to this thread, i'm excited about seeing one day some tonfas lightsabers as useable weapons, Maris Brood style ^^
  9. nice but...it works best if you don't step onto it but stay in front watching...thus causing "trafic jam" of people reading ^^
  10. SCorpio sucks as a tank, i feel, especially against packs. Only used it until Kaliyo get back
  11. C'est vrai que c'est franchement débile: chaque classe a au moins un pet ** dont les seules persos dispo semblent etre chez le marchand clés de securité. POURQUOI? bord.. Pourquoi ne pas mettre une ou deux persos exclusives a chaque pet de cette facon et laisser le CHOIX de personnaliser un pet alien/droide? **il me semble même que l'inqui se voit injustement privé de persos pour DEUX pet: Ashara et Xalek
  12. I hope they'll expand the class quests of the 8 ones we have. Or, if it's too much work, make 4 stories; each one being written for a pair of class. Sith classes Jedi classes Smuggler/Soldier and Agent/Bounty Hunter for ex.
  13. The first Interdictor-like ship was created when Baras made his first travel in space
  14. That Oricon helmet... looks like it came from a Disney's female villain lol
  15. How about: "There is another Sky...Sky... walker" *dies*
  16. La pire planète c'est Corellia: toutes lesfoutues zones se ressemblent! Les devs devaient etre trop crevés apres avoir pondu les sublimes Belsavis, Alderande, Hoth et Tyhton, et ils ont mis le mode ctrl c ctrl v ^^
  17. The best thing they could do would be to adapt the main parts of the Thrawn trilogy
  18. Sidious destroyed 3 Jedi Masters in a move or two, and kicked the *** of Maul and Opress who where more Sith Warriors. So Sidious wins, 1st and only round
  19. Sadly, it would make a major breach in the continuity of the EU but i'd love the Dathomir Sisters of the Night
  20. Baras's mask only purpose is to prevent him from eating
  21. i'd like to see you being creative on a few new powers using the lightsaber with the Force.i just feel dumb with a saber i never use, always busy i am between heal casts and lightning bolts. y not something like a defensive sort where your weapon Force-gravitates around you to intercept damages? (Kreia was able to control three blades against the Exiled)
  22. but aren't most of the highest dps powers long to load? all these stuns are here to balance that
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