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Everything posted by trashy_spartan

  1. I looked it up and it's a passive skill called "single blade mastery" or something like that. I don't know when you can train it. It gives the following bonus : Shii-cho : 3% on force damage. Shien : 3% on melee damage. Soresu : 3% defense + 15% more threat on certain abilities. and a general bonus of 20% weapon damage.
  2. Actually, the 3% bonus defense comes from the soresu form. You can see it by switching soresu on and off.
  3. Pt tank has 9% base defense. Immortal jugg has 8% base defense and retaliation gives you 5% defense against all damage with an 100% uptime easily attainable ( 6s cd with 10s buff duration).
  4. You forgot the underlurker . It may be useful in sword squadron too. I've been testing this relic as a pvp tank in regs for a while now and it seems to work quite nicely but only if you are in the middle of the fray . If you are node-guarding or in an arena, a SA or FR relic is better.
  5. Hi! First, you did a great work with parsely. I've noticed that there are no results for pt/vg tanks in the operations leaderboards for any bosses. I've uploaded a couple of parses and none appears.
  6. Several things could explain that. As a defense guardian, riposte grants you 5% defense and master strike up to 6% defense against all damage. Also, blade storm gives you an absorb shield. And i'm pretty sure that saber reflect won't reflect explosive dart and retractable blade. Btw, explosive dart critting at 1553 seems very low. Which relics do you have?
  7. I don't want to be mean but if 8 players cannot do what 4 did, the boss is not the problem but the players are (L2P issue). 4-man run before 4.0 : http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=820870&page=2 and after 4.0 : http://www.swtor.com/fr/community/showthread.php?t=855665 As said before, PUG quality has worsen since the end of 3.3 and the insta 60 toons didn't make things better. I've run across numbers of lvl 65 players that didn't even know the basics of their role/class and yet pug ops/HM FP.
  8. Bonus bosses in 50/55 HM had a 100% drop rate for decos and final bosses had random drop for decos/speeders. Then in 60 HM, bonus bosses had a very low drop rate for decos/walkers and final bosses could drop a walker. Now, it seems that every bonus boss has the lvl 60 drop rate because all the 50/55 bonus bosses I've done didn't drop the decos.
  9. I had an interesting SM PUG ToS run. I join a guild group with my jugg tank. We enter the op and the raid leader asks for guards on the healers. This is usually not a good sign, at least for me. We clean the trash packs and arrive at Malaphar. The RL starts explaining the HM mechanics. I say those mechanics are irrelevant because we are in SM but he doesn't seem convinced. The other tank pulls, a dps quickly rips aggro but Malaphar is taunted back so no biggie. We down it and move on to the walkers boss. There, the RL explains the HM mechanics again but I say there is no grav missiles in SM. I get to tank unit 2. The other tank pulls, a dps rips aggro and dies. Then the tank on unit 1 dies, I taunt unit 1 and start tanking both. I don't know what happened but healers die and we stuck. We get back to the boss. I guard the dps who ripped aggro. The tank pulls, dies after 20s so I taunt unit 1. He gets rezzed, taunts unit 1 back and dies again. So I'm single taunting unit 1 on CD while dpsing unit 2. I see that one of the healers is getting at melee range of unit 2 and stands still in rapid fire and gets melted. However, we down the boss. We proceed to the underlurker. The RL asks for one of the tanks to switch to dps but my dps gear is on my guardian so we do it with 2 tanks. The tank pulls, a dps rips aggro but I'm used to it now. Thanks to the underlurker being way easier than in 3.x, the adds die quickly, the cross is not a problem anymore. But, we somehow hit the enrage timer. It seems I am the only one popping a DCD because everyone else dies. I rotate my DCD, finish off the boss and the remaining adds. Nothing to say on the commanders beside that until today, I didn't know that they have an enrage timer. Well, that's something good to know. So we arrive at Revan. As usual I will say, the tank pulls, a dps rips aggro but no biggie until the second floor. The other tank puts the cleave on the group, stays in the aberrations and dies. So I tank Revan properly and we get to the third floor. So I'm dpsing revan's shield while the other are watching, doing nothing so I tell them to dps him. The other tank who has rezzed comes and starts taunting revan, cleaving the raid but I taunt back each time. Then we destroy the core without problem. At the end, they wanted me to join their guild because my jugg doesn't have one but I said that I've already a rep one.
  10. It reminds me a HM tython run I had a couple of days ago with my sage healer. The tank had like 41k HP in blue 178 gear from Yavin with no relics and no augments whatsoever. She did a pretty fine job holding aggro on trash mobs and on bosses and properly using her DCDs. I just had to throw a heal from time to time. Meanwhile, the dps were awful. They stood a lot in stupid, never used a DCD and didn't use a proper rotation. So, I spent most of my time healing them. Funny thing, before pulling the first boss, one of them said to stay out of the red aoes. He died in them, multiple times. And they were in fully augmented elite comms gear.
  11. I used to queue as a tank a lot before bioware nerfed the HM FP to the ground. Thanks to them, tanks are now useless and it's boring to tank them. So I switched to healer and healing a 1T/2Dps is boring as hell. I spend more time dpsing than healing. The only time I have something to heal is during a 3Dps run. That's what happens when you nerfed HM FP so much that they are not HM FP anymore. It feels like I'm doing leveling SM FP. A bit a pain in the *** but doable. I shall try it next time . _____________________________________________________________________________________ Back to GF stories. I queue with my sage as dps/healer, get a pop for HM Tython as a dps with a VG tank, a sent and a sawbones. I know the tank, even he is not the greatest tank, he knows the drill. We pull the first boss. I notice that the sawbones is dpsing (not a problem, I do the same), taking cover (odd but okayish) then the tank goes down pretty quickly. The sawbones and the sent die in the aoes. The tank says he received no heals and I ask if the healer actually knows healing. He answers he is quite good. Also, he really is a healer because I saw him cast a kolto wave. So we pull a second time. I watch the healer and he is not healing. He keeps dpsing and same thing happens again. So I initiate a vote kick and he gets kicked immediately. I've never seen someone getting kicked so quickly. So I respecc to seer, we get a dps replacement and finish the FP smoothly.
  12. A dps has to tank unit 2 otherwise healers gonna have a bad time. Well, some guys did a 8 mara DF/DP run back in the days so it might be possible to do a rava/ToS without tanks but I don't play dps very often. Now, if you think you need a tank in HM FP, the anwser is no. They can be done with 3dps/1H, 2dps/1H and the best players are two-manning them.
  13. FYI, I've solo tanked rava and ToS, with a dps off tanking so yeah, dps can off-tank in ops.
  14. You sure have never tanked HM BH otherwise you would know that those mini-boss have aggro switch and that taunt are ineffective during the aggro switch.
  15. You're not undergeared. http://www.swtor.com/fr/community/showthread.php?t=817603
  16. Well, a friend of a mine usually queue as a tank and I as a healer, even though he's a dps and I main tank and this for several reasons. I know I can heal him through every FP boss fight with my sage, smuggler and mando. Quite often, he outdps the two others dps combined. For example, he downs Arkous while the two others dps are focusing Darok or he can take an add before the others on the first boss of Manaan. And I'm also fed up when I queue as a tank to have a healer that don't know healing. Yesterday, I queue as a tank and the healer is a lvl 60 sage. Well, he didn't know what vindicate was and what force management was . Basically, we're two-manning the FP and the dps are getting carried and this happens quite often. So with this setup, we can run the FP and finish it without serious problem. If the two dps are good, the FP will be very quick to do.
  17. If you want to solo the 500k one with a tank toon + a healer comp, you need to : - put your comp at 25m or further - interrupt its attacks - rotate your CD I've done it with my VG, shadow and jug, all in 186/192 fully augmented (some with set bonus) and the comp in 192 from yavin. If you can pull 1.7k dps as a tank, they die quickly.
  18. I've found your (main?) problem. You need to maintain your rotation while spamming shoulder cannon. What you did in your parse is spamming shoulder and stopping your rotation thus losing APM and DPS.
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