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Everything posted by lklinga

  1. If the goal was to dilute population and create virtual ghost towns it sure did work.
  2. Yeah it is great but you still see people whine about it. Conclusion. Bioware stop listening to forums and do your thing
  3. Unbelievable you actually have to do something and kill somethings in order to complete a quest. The Horror.
  4. Bio Drone reporting in playing on 50 MB/s Fiber on a iMac [not exactly optimal gaming rig] Noticed the lag on Fleet a bit But maybe having 3 lag spikes per gaming session of 2 hours doing flash Points as of yesterday. Progenitor usually Very Heavy to Full in the EU. Honestly yes I have noticed it but NO it is not game breaking at all.
  5. You mean stop using windows most definitely agree with that.
  6. It is actually a lot higher that number of windows users includes all the corporate licences at home you could see 20% in some markets easily But really not fussing about it BootCamp works fine. kudos to Blizzard though for having a Mac Support for almost every game they do.
  7. It did not and I am glad. Shooting random people in the face and committing genocide against some native tribe is not exactly positive in the real world.
  8. And it had what 100k subscribers which is 6 times less then tor now has and 60 times less then WoW or 3 times less then EvE. Ring a bell .. I had a collectors edition it was BAD GAME with Great crafting system. That is all.
  9. More like 3 to be honest IF at all . You probably missed the part with EVE player base going nuts over dress up doll vampire game being developed with the money from eve after they messed up with the incarna update. Plus add to it the CCP restructuring I am not sure they will even release it.
  10. I applaud you sir though shame you could not resist the urge to tell them that since now derp derps here will crash the market not really hardly anyone is reading forums anyway. But yeah If you can not figure it out your self then you have to complain.
  11. SImple Lot of people at start complaining they overreact servers go empty after 5 months people complain they merge them.
  12. I run it perfectly fine on a iMac high settings still there not imploded.
  13. I don't think you can compare this since the 9.99 is automatic preferred status and 30 days of sub included in the box. So they are like Collectors vs Normal edition. sort of. Different products even.
  14. You mean the same pool of "experts" that were bashing this game from the start no matter if it was correct o not. And same pool of experts that expected GW2 to be super successful only to turn of players after a 2 months ? Ahaaa. Lets not be too pessimistic or optimistic and wait 3 months before judging successes or failures.
  15. Sir or Madam. I live in country that is by most standards below US or any Western Europe countries. If you have issues in your life living in the rich countries to come up with $ 15 a month you should reconsider your priorities and work on your career. Not trying to be snobbish or anything but that is a fact. F2P is to lure people in or for very causal players that play so rarely sub is not worth the time they spend in game. The once a week for 2 3 hours kind of player] to put it in numbers. If you have existential problems like described above maybe you should be browsing education online classes or job offers not wasting it in game. Sincerely Player from Eastern Europe.
  16. And there is 1.6 on the PTS already. Again small but right after 1.5 It is wither the twice a year Eve Model or this or once in a year paid box upgrade. I don't know which is superior but honestly if the total over time is same I do not care
  17. I still laugh at people like the OP every day. I mean nothing against your naive and idealistic ideas on ho business works but please get a real job and succeed in it and you will see how business works. Is for shareholders not for community. Hello capt Obvious. And what do you think is the reason they made a game in the first place? Ironically to play it safe so MOST of the community is happy leads to bad game decisions because the shareholders say no no no we can not have looting corpses of players or any death penalty. This is not only TOR problem but MMO problem lately. Designed by committee and based on feedback from people that will just leave in 6 months anyhow.
  18. Actually overall I like the design of the worlds. One thing that pisses me off is though on Tatooine rep side you have to take a cab to cross empty desert for rest of the map ?? As for ambient sounds I don't know you have them turned off there are animal sounds background hum on Nar shadaa. NPC having conversations and so on. I like when you climb a mountain there are environmental penalties in high altidues snow starts you slow down and don't regenerate health nice touch there. The waterfall thing is true though. Day night cycle and weather with sound associated would really help a lot. Dust storms on Desert planets with movement penalties blizzard rain snow depending on which planet you land would be great. But the most annoying thing is that lazy cloned characters I mean come on I understand you will recycle models but when get attacked by quintuplets it is just lazy dev. Overall it is OK but there is a lot of room for improvement.
  19. Well smugglers are so hot every lady wants ride in their ship
  20. It is so nice to see all the new folks. Heroics are grouping all the time lot of business Love it. Good time on the Progenitor. I have been in queue maybe 3 times longest lasted 45 seconds it is not a big deal.
  21. While perfectly true it does not have the potential income attached to it. PR pfft no matter EA does they are one if not the most hated company in gaming industry for years. Gestures like this would not change the mind of the people that hate them already so why bother. To be honest I expect them as true corporation to do: D: Force people to either pay some cartel coin life time fee $4.99 to enable the 16 slots or force them to pick characters. Edit: I would really like the 16 slots to subscribers that would be great I could do all advanced classes on one server
  22. And now people are asking to increase server numbers because of f2p again. Just another proof that no matter what you do, you are going to make some people angry. Solution would be: A: Unlock the slots for a one time fee B: For free to move the characters to different server If you have these 2 choices in my opinion this is fair.
  23. I fully support UI localization and subtitles for all the content but with original English voice over.
  24. And here is the entitlement. Not good enough ? I am on a very busy server for example and I do not have any of the issues you describe. So they estimated how many people are going to be influenced and what are the risks and potential revenue impacts. IF those are smaller then cost of the new sever hardware then they did not upgrade or add new servers. It is really simple business logic. But because of you having problems they are going to change course and spend several hundred thousands on new iron hmmmm.... See my point they know the average per account revenue per anum and if you have in this thread so many people that be complaining that all those accounts will add to be more or equal to the costs they will do it. You can not possibly estimate how many people will join up for f2p with any reliability that is needed for infrastructure upgrade anyone who tells you that is lying.
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